Ascension Support and Help

Energy Update on passing though the 8.8 Lions Gate

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Energy Update ~ Going through the 8.8. Lions Gateway portal

Some of you may have read that the Lionine Guardians of the Gateway, one representing the Past and the other the Future, will only let those pass through their Gateway who have mastered being in the NOW, the Present, and have let go of their old ways of being and the regrets of their past, and similarly let go of any anxieties or fears concerning the future. However my Guides had this to say today:

“Allow us to give you a clearer interpretation if you will. You cannot escape being human so that you embrace a state of perfection 100% of the time. There will be times when you will falter. We ask only that when it happens that you do not fall into self-blame.

The culmination of the heightened energies of the Lions Gate will be felt tomorrow on the 8.8. and we see you are doubting whether you were able to ‘make the grade’ to successfully move through the Gate this time. Allow us to put your mind at rest.

The Solar Eclipse Energies ~ A Message From Michael

Blue Diamon's picture

I  had a [very real] dream 3 or 4 nights ago where I was being transported along a road and up ahead there was a bend in the road that turned sharply to the left. I clearly heard Michael tell me, “Fasten your seat belt!”  Later on I asked him what the dream meant and I received that the energy of the Solar Eclipse is about delving more into the ‘past’ to clear out all that is not love, and not serving Love in this Now. It’s like a great churning that is happening….. So here is the message I received:

Churning churning churning! All that is not love is rising to the surface. It’s like churning cream to make butter. Eventually the cream separates and you get whey and butter. It’s a time of separating the chaff from the wheat. That is what’s happening now.
Once all that is not love is left behind, we are left embodying more of our sovereign nature, our greatness. And so embrace the churning. It’s uncomfortable I know, but worth it in the end. This time is teaching us to stay focused in our sacred hearts where we are in unison and communion with our higher selves and where we can feel the love and support that is there for us. Listening to the voice of ego will only cause more suffering.

I ask, how do I stay here in this world when I already feel as if I do not belong here, I feel like an alien (haha!). The people here do not think like me, nor do they behave like me. They do not understand me, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to live among them. Best I think if I lived alone….but I know, no man is an island!

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Blue Diamon's picture

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Taking care of your energy is one of the daily responsibilities of energy workers ie Light Workers. Everyone is empathetic and some more so than others. Your sense of empathy is linked to your willingness at an unconscious level to take on the burdens of others. Some people are unaware of how much they are dong for others, even to their own detriment. If you are feeling very tired or very heavy ask yourself, “Who does this belong to? Is this my energy?” And most likely the answer will be No. Then all you have to do is call in the Light of your Higher Self and Source energy to fill your energy field and High Heart, and then transmit the Light to whomever this energy belongs to. You may want to say something like, “I bless whomever this energy belongs to and send them unconditional love and blessings in return.”

If you suddenly feel pain in your body, do not be shy to ask your body who it belongs to. The body is very willing to oblige you with an answer right away. Most likely again the answer will be that it is not yours. Again, send the Light of Love into the area that is experiencing pain and ask that the energy be released back to the person it belongs to.

I asked the question of Archangel Michael whether it was acceptable to be sending this energy back to the person it came from, and his answer was that we are only responsible for our own energy. He also said that it is in our power to send the person the negative energy came from our unconditional love and blessing and to ask the Archangels to clear and transmute the energy for them into unconditional love and light.

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