ascension support sessions online

Ascension Support Sessions Online

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ascension support sessions online

Your best and most trustworthy guide is always the One within you, but we know that when you are in the midst of what can feel like an energetic or physical crisis, it can be difficult to maintain clear contact with your inner guidance. Therefore, if you need Ascension help and support, we are now offering these sessions on an ongoing basis.

The sessions are available online via a Skype to Skype video call or a Skype to landline or mobile device call (depending on which country you live) and the cost is $75 for a one hour session or $39 for a half-hour session.

During the session you will be energetically assisted by the Archangels and I will pass onto you any guidance I receive from them or from your Higher Self/I AM Presence. I will also share with you any personal experiences I have had throughout my own Spiritual journey that may be relevant or similar to your experiences.

Please follow this link to contact me:

Love, Light and Infinite blessings!


Deborah Faith


Solstice Alignment and Important Daily Energy Work for Clearing Space

Blue Diamon's picture

This powerful Solstice alignment and the lunar energy of Full Moon today have brought up so much clearing for us. It has also made us more sensitive than ever before to discordant energy, so clearing your space is now imperative. Clearing your space forms part of your daily energy work as a Worker of the Light. By clearing your space daily you are lightening the load, so to speak, around you which has a positive effect on the Collective Consciousness.

Make your space a Sacred Space by consecrating it. By space we mean your living space, your home, your office etc.

“I consecrate this space with Light and All That Is Love”

Consecrating the energy in your space brings your energy into alignment with your Divine purpose, which is lighting up the World with Perfect Love! Did you know that? Yes, that is the ultimate Divine purpose of each and Soul embodied here!

Your purpose is to BE a Way-Shower. To light the way for those who have ‘lost’ their way, to help them light-IN up their lives with the Love that is embodied within You and IS YOU at the deepest level in every sense and way of BE-ing.

Alignments, like the one you are now experiencing, will serve to bring you more into energetic alignment within your Sacred Self – your Divine Presence.

Sometimes as these alignments occur, you may feel discomfort as more of your discordant energy is released. This is like a major detox time for your physical vessel, so take care of your precious selves and love and nurture yourselves like never before!

Use this wonderful affirmation:

Energetic updates and upgrades happening now in preparation for the Solstice alignment

Blue Diamon's picture

Presently you are in a huge energetic growth period and all that has occurred in the last 4 months has served to prepare you for the next Solstice alignment which takes place in South Africa on Tuesday, 21 June 2016, 00:34 SAST (GMT+1). This energy will set you on an ever greater course preparing you for the next set of Eclipses and Equinox energy in September. 

All energetic updates and upgrades are bringing you further into alignment with your Source energy and Soul Presence. Therefore with each upgrade you are becoming more powerful. Never before have you had this much power at your fingertips so to speak! So it is imperative that you begin to use your energy wisely by focusing your thoughts only on the positive, and discarding all else.

You have already reached the stage where you are aware of when your ego is leading you up the proverbial garden path. So you can now immediately pull your awareness /attention within and center yourself once more. When your attention is focused within and you remain centered in your body, you are merging your energy with the Divine and therefore you are at your most powerful. This is Now moment – the Now where all creation takes place! So realize now that your creative power lies withIN. When you’re ‘out there’ somewhere focusing on the ‘what if’s and if only’s’, you are depleting your creative abilities. Understand also that it is fear that weakens you and love that strengthens you.

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