Energetic updates and upgrades happening now in preparation for the Solstice alignment

Blue Diamon's picture

Presently you are in a huge energetic growth period and all that has occurred in the last 4 months has served to prepare you for the next Solstice alignment which takes place in South Africa on Tuesday, 21 June 2016, 00:34 SAST (GMT+1). This energy will set you on an ever greater course preparing you for the next set of Eclipses and Equinox energy in September. 

All energetic updates and upgrades are bringing you further into alignment with your Source energy and Soul Presence. Therefore with each upgrade you are becoming more powerful. Never before have you had this much power at your fingertips so to speak! So it is imperative that you begin to use your energy wisely by focusing your thoughts only on the positive, and discarding all else.

You have already reached the stage where you are aware of when your ego is leading you up the proverbial garden path. So you can now immediately pull your awareness /attention within and center yourself once more. When your attention is focused within and you remain centered in your body, you are merging your energy with the Divine and therefore you are at your most powerful. This is Now moment – the Now where all creation takes place! So realize now that your creative power lies withIN. When you’re ‘out there’ somewhere focusing on the ‘what if’s and if only’s’, you are depleting your creative abilities. Understand also that it is fear that weakens you and love that strengthens you.

Therefore stay INside this energetic alignment and space with your Source energy. This is where you are best served. Where you will find complete presence in the Divine moment. This is where you will find complete peace and harmony and this is where you will find contentment. This is where you will feel the unconditional love and support that has and always will be there for you Beloved. This is where you are best served, nowhere else. Nothing else matters, and I mean that quite literally. Nothing else makes any sense. It is just non-sense. Meaning, it makes no sense. Most of what is upsetting you energy-wise, is not even yours. It is part of someone else’s journey and therefore part of their holographic experience, not yours.  So don’t engage in it. Stand back and observe and offer them your love and compassion.

Focus therefore on YOU and the Intention you're currently holding. This is most important.

Always you are being guided, so stay grounded and centered within so that you may hear your inner guidance and be strengthened energetically by both the Heavens above and Earth below.

On a more personal level….

I am moving again. This time to an organic farm 11 kilometers inland. The farm is off-the-grid and apart from a few solar panels to provide LED lighting and gas heating for hot water and cooking, I will be relying on two ancient batteries and an inverter, all of which is capable of powering a laptop computer and a refrigerator. So thankfully I will still be able to continue the service work I do with Michael. I am being told to expect miracles in the power department...

I know that this move has been guided and is going to bring about an immense change within me. The timing is perfect also because I’ll be there a full 3 weeks before the Solstice!

I’m so looking forward to lighting a fire every afternoon and gazing into the flames. I have a feeling that the Fire elemental energy will take great pleasure in entertaining me. The last time I lit a fire I was mesmerized by the blue orbs of light moving about the room. I guess being an Air-sign myself must do something to spark that Fire energy within Michael!

I promise to keep in touch. It is my intention to check emails at least once a day. I do hope to be meeting more of you, my precious readers and grounded Angels, on a personal level through the ongoing service work I do with Michael. As you know we’re now offering Ascension Support sessions online via Skype, so if you would like to book a session, please send me an email to Debbie@archangelsanddevas.com. Because May is my birthday month and I turn 55, the cost is presently set at $55 for the hour session. After the 25th May the cost will be $75. During these sessions you will also be receiving an energy healing from the Archangels! We’re also thinking of starting a monthly group support session for general Q & A, so I’ll keep you posted on that development.

Love, love, forever more love, and a thousand blessings! Stay grounded and forever IN your Heart. We love you!


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Deborah Faith

Channel for Archangel Michael, Reiki Master of the USUI System of Natural Healing, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist

 Please share with Love ~ Thank You!
