Heaven Letters

Heavenletter #4822 ~ Every Human Being Is a Child of God

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By: Heavenletters.org, 02/06/2014

God said:


How lovely is a day with you in it! Have I not said this before? Perhaps this is a new idea for you. You may have even thought that you were a blemish upon Earth. I must tell you that you are perfect upon Earth. You are exactly what is perfect in the here and now, just as you are, regardless of what your picture may look like.


If you think otherwise, layers of disguise have disguised you, from yourself and from others.


Earth life has been a little bit like Halloween where people get into the spirit of it and wear costumes. You, however, may well have come to believe that the costumes you wear are the truth of you. Costumes are costumes. You are not your costumes. You are a real-live human being made in My image. In costume, your image may well be distorted, yet the Truth of you is undisturbed. If only you would see beyond the surface and see your bright shining Self.


Heavenletter #4821 ~ What a Marvelous Journey!

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By: Heavensletter.org, 02/05/2014

God said:


With all My heart, I want you to know how loved you are, how bless-ed you are, how you are My One Beloved. Often I call you My Child, My Child of Love. You are My Child, and you are under My love, not merely My domination. And this is where Free Will comes into play.


It is not wholly that you are left to your own devices. Guardian angels, Who are beautiful rays of My energy, watch over you, stubborn you, who think you are on one journey when you are really on another. Surely, your journey is more than making a living, more than finding your fortune on Earth, more than building a house, more than what is called success. To live for the material world alone bores a hole in your heart, and you feel emptiness. All the gold of the world is not enough. All the accumulation of even knowledge is not enough.


Heavenletter #4820 ~ What Is Love Anyway?

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By: Heavenletters.org, 02/04/2014

God said:


Sometimes, if you were aware and totally honest, instead of saying, “I love you,” to someone near and dear to you,  you would say: “I cling to you.”  You would say: “I am attached, and I can’t seem to let go.” If you were totally aware and honest, you might say: “I use you. You fill up some emptiness in me. I don’t know how to let go of you. I need you. I ask more of you than I have any right to.”


This is not everyone, yet this is many in the world. And this kind of extraction is often called love.


Many equate attachment with love. Gimme gimme gimme what I ask for.


And even when you are the giver, you may be holding on to being a giver, and the one you give to gives you the opportunity.


Heavenletter #4819 ~ The Link to Oneness

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By: Heaveletters.org, 02/03/2014

God said:


For you to take hold of the power and glory of God, know that the power and glory are yours as well as Mine, therefore, Ours. We are talking about your creating miracles, what you see as miracles. You put miracles in a separate category from daily life.


Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. You have the Free Will to recognize Who you are and act accordingly. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. You  have this gift. Everyone has this gift, the gift of letting go and finding that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within you.


Heavenletter #4818 ~ All You Want to Be This Moment

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By: Heavenletters.org, 02/02/2014

God said:


If you could, in an instant you would be all that you wanted to be. You would love and reach the Highest Heaven. You would have wisdom galore. You would always do what you knew to be right. Everyone’s face would light up when you enter a room and sad when you leave. You would be enduring. Your love would be long-lasting, even recognizably Eternal. You would wake up each morning and leap out of bed, so eager would you be to rally the day. You would eat little and love much. You would astound yourself.


You would bow down to gratefully accept all the gifts you have been given. You would appreciate everything and see the good of it. You would have excellent posture. You would hold your head high, and, in your heart, you would bow down to all who surround you. You would catch the sun and sit on the moon. You would touch the depth of the ocean, and you would rise higher than imagination. How you would rise. You would give Me away with every breath. You would succor the Earth and every representation of My Holiness on Earth.


Heavenletter #4817 ~ A Juncture of Time

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By: Heavenletters.org,  02/01/2014

God said:


You have three things in life:


You have Me. You have life. You have soul. And, a fourth: You have ideas.


You have always had Me. I always existed, and from My existence came you.


I could word these thoughts differently: You are I. You are life. You are soul.


These are absolute. There is no taking these away.

All your life on Earth and all that you make of it are ideas. The ideas may be proven or unproven. Still, they are only ideas.


Heavenletter #4816 ~ Bright Shining Light You Are

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By: Heavenletters.org,  01/31/2014

God said:


I do not ask you to be greater than you are. I ask you to be as great as you are, as great as I know you to be. You, beloveds, may be the last to know your Greatness. Because you have difficulties does not mean that you are not great. You may be grading yourself by invalid standards. Being great isn’t the same as going by what the world says, and you have adopted the world’s point of view. There are moments when you may consider yourself not even worthwhile.


There is a tendency in the world to see yourself with plusses and minuses, and minuses detract from the glory that you are. You may see yourself as the periphery of your life i.e. the apparent results of your exterior life. Because you may live in a hovel does not make you less. You are not the building you live in. Where you live is not you. The circumstances of your life are not you. There is much more to you than your wealth or your poverty. If you could see, if you really could, you would see yourself as Bright Light Shining regardless of whatever the world might say.


Heavenletter #4815 ~ Drop Fear. Gain Confidence.

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/30/2014

God said:


If you want to see the light, look where the light is. This is the same as saying to keep your attention where you want it to be – in the light -- and let go of attention of the dark.


Fear is on the dark side. Let fear go. This does not mean to be foolhardy. This means to be sensible. With fear, you tremble. Don’t go by your fears, for, if you do, you will be timid, and you will not act. You will sit with fear. I am not suggesting that you be a reckless daredevil. No, I am suggesting that you dare to have courage. It takes a certain courage to look at the light and drop the dark.


At least know that you have choice. You do not have to be paralyzed. Whatever you do, you want to do it with courage. It’s possible that courage is a synonym of confidence. Go with God. Go with confidence.


Heavenletter #4814 ~ God Is Not Your Sugar-Daddy

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/29/2014

God said:


That I love you doesn’t mean I cater to your every wish. Everything unfolds as it unfolds. Further than you can see, everything unfolds just right, and just right for you. Beloveds, you have been near-sighted.


It is told that I require Ten Commandments from you, and, yet, you, you give Me and yourself many more commandments than ten.


I am not stubborn. I see the mechanics of the Universe and how life on Earth plays out. You, however, may be adamant on how life should play out according to your reckoning. You are sure you know better. You resent that there is death and that your loved ones die and you can hardly forgive Me for saying that one day you too will die. From the window where I look out, there is no death whatsoever. The body, yes. Yet the body is not you. It is the wrapping you come in.


Heavenletter #4813 ~ What Would Cause You Great Happiness?

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By: Heavenletters.org, 01/28/2014

God said:


You are the announcer of what kind of time you are going through. It is you who says you are suffering, and it is you who says you are having a wonderful time. You are the determiner of what you make of what your life is. In this way, you may be the pre-determiner of your life. You announce it beforehand. Watch what you say, beloveds. Why do you say it? Why say anything that announces you have bad luck, or such and such was sure to happen, and often come out with less than you started with.


What do you say, and what do you think? It is as if you are a doctor, and you write a prescription for yourself. Are you a defeatist? If you are, desist. Don’t use the excuse that you are merely being realistic. The down side is not the only realism on the block.



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