jan 31 2014

Earthquake Report for 01/31/2014

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20 earthquakes


    3.0 3km SW of Boley, Oklahoma 2014-01-31 09:59:12 UTC-08:00 1.9 km

    2.5 68km SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska 2014-01-31 09:18:21 UTC-08:00 100.0 km

    5.1 148km SSE of Esso, Russia 2014-01-31 08:39:06 UTC-08:00 158.6 km

    3.0 9km E of Helena, Oklahoma 2014-01-31 07:52:58 UTC-08:00 5.0 km

    2.6 43km NNW of Anchor Point, Alaska 2014-01-31 06:14:18 UTC-08:00 80.5 km

    4.6 29km NNW of Lixourion, Greece 2014-01-31 04:45:42 UTC-08:00 15.3 km

    2.6 42km ESE of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska 2014-01-31 04:38:59 UTC-08:00 92.2 km

    2.5 11km SSW of New Madrid, Missouri 2014-01-31 04:12:01 UTC-08:00 9.5 km

    2.9 89km N of Arecibo, Puerto Rico 2014-01-31 03:50:35 UTC-08:00 23.0 km

    4.5 104km ESE of Taron, Papua New Guinea 2014-01-31 03:46:56 UTC-08:00 97.3 km

    4.6 63km SSW of Fereydunshahr, Iran 2014-01-31 03:40:45 UTC-08:00 10.0 km

    2.5 57km ESE of Amatignak Island, Alaska 2014-01-31 03:23:01 UTC-08:00 45.7 km

Moon Upstages the Erupting Sun (PHOTOS)

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By: Laura Dattaro, 01/31/2014

A solar flare erupted from the sun yesterday morning just as the moon passed between the sun and a NASA satellite, resulting in some amazing pictures and video of an eclipse only visible from space. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has been orbiting the Earth and keeping eyes on the sun since its launch in February 2010. Yesterday morning starting at 8:31 a.m. Eastern, the moon passed between the Earth and SDO for about an hour and a half, the longest such transit ever recorded, providing ample time for SDO to snap pictures of the black circle of the moon eclipsing the fiery sun. These transits occur two to three times each year, according to NASA.

In the photos, the moon appears nearly as large as the sun, due to the moon being so much closer to SDO than our star, which is nearly 93 million miles away from Earth. (The farthest the moon ever gets from Earth is about 400,000 miles.) The moon’s edge is so sharp in the photos because it has no atmosphere to distort the sun’s light.


Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Friday January 31, 2014

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By: Trinityesoterics.com, 01/31/2014

A very common question we get asked is, “How do I know I’m in the flow?” The greatest indicator that you are in the flow is a sensation of greater ease. If you are trying to force anything, are feeling frustrated, blocked, resistant, or feeling that things are requiring monumental effort, it is a sure sign that you are not in flow. The flow is staying out of your own way and choosing the path of ease and supported movement. And while the flow may have times of tangible movement and other periods of lull, you will always get signs from the universe that you are exactly where you need to be. Watch for them. The coincidences, the angel or number signs, finding information or items that are exactly what you needed with little to no effort, the knowingness of being in the right place at the right time – all are wonderful indicators that you are in the flow. More than anything else, though, your intention to stay surrendered and move with the loving support of the universe, along with the feeling of greater ease, are sure signs that you are in the wondrous and divine flow of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Creator Writings ~ The Answer

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By: Jennifer Farley, 01/31/2014


If you have asked and are waiting for an answer from The Universe and you do not feel it is coming….. breathe and open your mind.  Sometimes, when your attention is directed solely on one thing, you will forget to look at the Infinite perspective.  Release the need for the answer to come in a way you expect it.  Look around, look within and without you; it will come in ways that you least expect. ~ Creator



Heavenletter #4816 ~ Bright Shining Light You Are

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By: Heavenletters.org,  01/31/2014

God said:


I do not ask you to be greater than you are. I ask you to be as great as you are, as great as I know you to be. You, beloveds, may be the last to know your Greatness. Because you have difficulties does not mean that you are not great. You may be grading yourself by invalid standards. Being great isn’t the same as going by what the world says, and you have adopted the world’s point of view. There are moments when you may consider yourself not even worthwhile.


There is a tendency in the world to see yourself with plusses and minuses, and minuses detract from the glory that you are. You may see yourself as the periphery of your life i.e. the apparent results of your exterior life. Because you may live in a hovel does not make you less. You are not the building you live in. Where you live is not you. The circumstances of your life are not you. There is much more to you than your wealth or your poverty. If you could see, if you really could, you would see yourself as Bright Light Shining regardless of whatever the world might say.


The Oracle Report for Friday, January 31, 2014

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By: Oraclereport.com, 01/31/2014


New Moon Phase – Moon: Aquarius – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Mighty Venus stations direct today, ending her detour to discern the truth about relationships and reform our feelings about what is truly valuable.  Longtime readers know that the day a planet crocusstations retro-grade or direct can pose challenges, as people are responding to the slingshot-effect of the energetic shift.  As a planet stations retrograde it pulls back farther and farther until it is released to move forward again.  Situations, circumstances, events, and feelings can be dramatic.  Things can quickly come to a head or to an end, but the refreshment that results can be sublime.

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