nov 15 2013

Earthquake Report for 11/15/2013

Silver's picture


32 earthquakes


    5.0 74km SW of Yonakuni, Japan 2013-11-15 14:39:18 UTC-05:00 26.1 km

    5.3 64km NNE of Naze, Japan 2013-11-15 13:57:54 UTC-05:00 53.3 km

    4.1 126km S of False Pass, Alaska 2013-11-15 13:55:05 UTC-05:00 49.0 km

    4.2 50km WNW of Semirom, Iran 2013-11-15 13:50:47 UTC-05:00 43.2 km

    4.4 27km SE of Bobon, Philippines 2013-11-15 12:44:07 UTC-05:00 77.0 km

    4.9 94km WSW of Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2013-11-15 10:43:09 UTC-05:00 61.6 km

    2.7 27km SE of Culebra, Puerto Rico 2013-11-15 09:14:33 UTC-05:00 10.0 km

    3.3 127km ENE of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska 2013-11-15 08:39:52 UTC-05:00 22.1 km

    2.6 91km S of Nikolski, Alaska 2013-11-15 07:58:26 UTC-05:00 42.6 km

Heavenletter #4739 ~ A Refrain from the Past

Silver's picture

By: 11/15/2013

God said:


When you are hot under the collar and you feel you have to let off steam, get a punching bag or run two miles. Do not vent your barrage of steam on another living being. At such times, you are too hot to handle.


Yes, yes, you may be perfectly right, but what does that have to do with anger? Everyone thinks he or she is right. The true cause of temper is temper, not what someone else says or doesn’t say.


It is difficult for you or anyone when another cannot seem to listen to what you are saying, yet no other is the cause of your anger. Whatever is going on stirs up something in the past, and you mix up the present with the past. Let the past recede. It isn’t going anywhere. Let it go. It is your ire and your confusing what happens now with what once happened in the past. You don’t have to relive the past. Reliving the past is putting yourself and others into an unfavorable role.


The Oracle Report for Friday, November 15, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 11/15/2013

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, analyze, prepare, digest, cleanse


Moon: Aries/Taurus


Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala


The Venus-Pluto conjunction hits hard today.  As we know, there are always two polarities with energy.  But even when the "negative" shows out, it ultimately serves to rectify or make things better.  However, we rarely understand this at the time.


If you can keep one notion in mind today, it will help navigate you through the energy.  The notion is: don't make a mistake.  Your heart knows if it is a mistake.


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