oct 15 2013

Earthquake Report for 10/15/2013

Silver's picture



62 earthquakes


    2.7 79km ESE of Whittier, Alaska 2013-10-15 16:25:12 UTC-04:00 5.5 km

    5.0 47km NE of Abapo, Bolivia 2013-10-15 16:13:19 UTC-04:00 33.4 km

    4.8 17km WSW of Nereju, Romania 2013-10-15 15:33:12 UTC-04:00 136.2 km

    5.2 44km NE of Luganville, Vanuatu 2013-10-15 14:49:44 UTC-04:00 135.0 km

    4.6 5km SSE of Panaytayon, Philippines 2013-10-15 13:32:41 UTC-04:00 75.5 km

    4.5 167km N of Dili, East Timor 2013-10-15 13:13:50 UTC-04:00 499.7 km

    2.7 52km ENE of Fallon, Nevada 2013-10-15 12:52:32 UTC-04:00 11.3 km

    2.9 51km WNW of Anchor Point, Alaska 2013-10-15 12:19:54 UTC-04:00 100.0 km

    4.0 Off the coast of Central America 2013-10-15 11:34:49 UTC-04:00 12.8 km

Heavenletter #4708 ~ Ring True, Ring True

Silver's picture

By: Heavenletters.org, 10/15/2013

God said:


I am telling everyone in the world to wake up. I am telling the world to wake up. This is a positive I am telling you. I am telling you to wake up to the Truth of yourself. Felonious thoughts and actions are not the Truth of you, not by a long shot.


I am telling you to acknowledge the Truth of yourself. The Truth of you is not a lie. This is not a cover-up. Heretofore, you have been covering up the Reality of you. You are not this fluff you pass yourself off as. Have you thought so? Have you been denying yourself your own true Self-Designation? Have you thought it was good for you to denigrate yourself? You don’t want to be vain or self-glorious, yet it is vain to down-play yourself. This is vanity supreme, to make yourself appear less than you are. If you portray yourself as less than I say you are, you are hiding.


Oracle Report for Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Silver's picture

By: Oraclereport.com, 10/15/2013

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, analyze, process, digest


Moon: Pisces


The energy of a golden opportunity is strong today.  In order to discern if something is actually too good to be true, we need to factor in logic, not just instinct.  Instincts are most definitely heightened right now with the Sun opposing Eris.  Eris has two sides - the shining goddess and the dark goddess, but today the shining goddess dominates.  If something truly unbelievable crosses your path, discuss it with a trusted friend before you act upon it.  Since Eris deals with duality, seek a second opinion to integrate logic and instinct.


Eris also "rules" banking and currencies, so it will be interesting to see what develops today with the dominant "golden" energy.  As we know, there are those that take advantage of such golden opportunities.


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