The The Third Eye Chakra Inspires Intuition and Understanding…
ASSOCIATED ISSUES; fatigue, day dreaming, sleep disorders, assertiveness issues, an inability for listening to others, may experience hallucinations or display disorientation.
ASSOCIATED BODY PARTS; the pineal gland, pituitary gland, eyes, skull, brain, nervous system and senses.
The Third Eye Chakra is the center of our dreams, visions, and inner knowing.
The third eye chakra is the center which connects us to the unseen aspects of consciousness. Following your inner knowing and intuition will guide you along your chosen journey. When one truly opens up to the messages and synchronicity within each moment, we are given the opportunity to witness just how our thoughts shape reality.
It is here that we begin to understand that everything does indeed happen for a reason, and depending on the outlook, we can grow, or regress in these moments.