Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 7, 2020

Gratitude is the tool that allows you to shift into a reciprocal love relationship with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The replay is up! If you missed my appearance on Beyond The Ordinary on Thursday, no worries, you can catch it on replay. John and I had a wonderful conversation about miracles, the energies of 2020, and so much more. Plus Gabriel led a lovely channeled meditation. You can catch it here:  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! xo

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 5, 2020

A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul. The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.

The dark night of the soul can occur not just for humans but for countries and collectives, as well. While very challenging, such times serve the purpose of being a springboard for profound change and accelerated forward movement. It creates the opportunity for course correction and the discovery of the new. It is at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

So honour your feelings and centre deep into what you know to be divinely true and right, Dear Ones. Allow your heart and your inner wisdom to beckon you forward by being the change, being the love, being the pioneers, being the anchors of peace you are on the planet to be. It is the collective efforts of those who redirect time and again into who they really are that will create the wave you seek into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 4, 2020

Dear Ones, much is playing out in your collective. This is a time for gentleness. Gentleness for yourselves, gentleness for others. We wrap you up in our love and support and encourage you forward. In times of uncertainty all you must do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 3, 2020

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that there is always, always a conscious and balanced place within your energetics you can centre into. And the most glorious thing happens when you anchor into your own divine essence.  You become a portal of peace – an empowered person of energetic support rather than a catcher of energy. Do you see? Holding the space is being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 2, 2020

Dear Ones, there is great power in holding the space. It may feel like you aren’t doing anything but please don’t dismiss it as not having value because it has a stabilizing effect that is awesome to behold. So we urge you to centre yourself so you can remember what you know. Connect to your innate wisdom. Find your balance. Trust. Anchor the energy of peace and potential, and know that sometimes the most simple acts are the most profound. This is a major aspect of your contribution to the whole and it helps more than you know. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 1, 2020

Discernment is one of the most important skills you will develop on your spiritual journey, and it is a major energetic theme of 2020.

Dear Ones, there is a part of you that always, always, knows the truth. If you are presented with information, feel into your body. Does it feel empowering or disempowering? Is it honouring your free will and your innate wisdom? Is it designed to separate or unify? Is its energy expansive or contracting? Is it designed to feed fear or love?

In order to tell if something matches you or not, it is essential that you take the time to know yourselves. Connecting with your true divine essence is the key to being able to know your truth and whether something honours that truth or not. Your self awareness is what allows you to feel whether something is supportive or discordant with your energy system.

We encourage you to consider the truth of any information you are presented with but we urge you to remember you are the empowered expert of your own life expression. Connect with your authenticity, your beingness, and allow that energy to lead the way. From that space of alignment you will always recognize what best honours you and your purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 31, 2020

When you do not accept who you really are in your beingness, you are continuing to aggravate any unhealed aspects you have that came from not being accepted. Settling into your beingness and knowing it is more than enough heals the hurts you experienced when others tried to make you wrong for being who you really are. This is the healing piece that is currently looking to be addressed in order to set you up for the next exciting phase of your incarnation, because it is the luminosity of your beingness that lights your way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 30, 2020

Some of you who are well on your enlightenment journey may feel isolated or misunderstood. This is perfectly normal but we wish for you to understand that the greatest transformations require you to go through them alone.

You do not see a caterpillar enter the cocoon with its friends, but you certainly see butterflies fly around joyfully with each other once they emerge. It will be the same with you, Dear Ones. Your energetic peers will come. All you must do is be true to your own personal evolutionary process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 29, 2020

There are many different phases of spiritual development happening on your planet. For those who have been on their spiritual journey for a long period of time, the main focus is shifting from doing to being. This group is learning how to allow their beingness to lead the way and how to get comfortable with the idea that their beingness is more than enough.

For those who have more recently awakened, prioritizing and exploring the doing phase of spirituality is key. These are the people who are exploring all different areas of healing and their connection with a greater whole.

And there are others still who haven’t yet awakened but are beginning to get very uncomfortable and are starting to open to the possibility of something more.

Some people will move through the various stages and phases with remarkable speed, while others will take a slower road. Each individual journey moves at the perfect pace to honour that person’s soul agenda.

All of these phases are equally important and sacred. One is not better than another, it simply is where the person is on their journey.  You will all ultimately find your own perfect path that supports the discovery and acceptance of your own divine essence and experience the joy of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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