Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 16, 2019

Dear Ones, there is much energetic power in a single word. If you are feeling challenged you can activate what it is you are wishing to experience by simply finding the word that expresses what you would prefer.

For example, let us suppose you are having trouble physically doing something such as opening a jar. If you try and struggle, simply say the word “strong” and try again. You will find you have activated the energetic boost you require.

A single word is the most powerful expression of its unique energy. And you have so many to choose from! A new word will automatically shift the energy of your situation and point you in a new direction with a different outcome.

Adjusting your energy does not need to be a complicated process. You are the captain of your own ship and can redirect any time you like through the empowered choice of a new intention which can be perfectly expressed by a single word. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 15, 2019

There is an interesting phenomenon that is happening on earth. Traditionally people who were on their healing/enlightenment journeys would do their healing work remotely when it came to pastlives and the retrieval of soul fragments, often through the use of meditation, dream states, or hypnosis. While this was certainly adequate, this has been changing over the past few years, which is another mile marker of how far you have evolved.

Now many enlightening human beings are physically visiting the places where the wound happened and where the healing can occur. This has shifted it from being a healing opportunity for the human being, into being both a healing for the person and for the land. The healing that comes from visiting those particular sites moves the person into a greater state of wholeness and also anchors that state of transmutation and wholeness into the land itself. It becomes twofold healing.

You may be led to visit places you had never considered before. You may find yourself in such a place having an emotional reaction, which is always an indication that this sort of process is occurring. It is remarkable service to both yourselves, and the planet, that you are now journeying on the earth on your healing quests. This is another aspect of the shift that is showing you the progress that has been made and your emerging mastery in the realm of physicality. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 14, 2019

Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. On this day that focuses on love, we celebrate your heart connections with you.

What if you don’t have a beloved in your life? You can still celebrate that connection because your soul always knows exactly how to connect with the energy of your next great love. Simply stop, still yourself, and feel their presence energetically. Honour their existence, and feel the love that already exists between the two of you!

The same it is for the loved ones you already know who may not be in close physical proximity to you on this day. Simply close your eyes, connect with them, and feel their loving embrace. Wrap them up in your love!

Dear Ones, the energy of love transcends time, space, and physicality. It is a glorious energy that can be acknowledged and shared in many different dimensions and ways, all of which are equally valid and beautiful.

While you are at it, why not open up and feel the immense love we have for you?  This day is a day to honour and embrace the many different ways love can be felt and expressed, which, in turn, creates ripples of love across the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 13, 2019

There are many great gifts that come from what you consider to be intense energies. They offer the opportunity to move the old up and out. They provide clarity on what you are doing well, what you could improve, and what you are ready to tackle based on this latest level of attainment. They transform you and are proof positive you are ready for the next step.

But more than anything, they help you deepen the skills of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, along with intuitive self care, acceptance, and love, and those are the essential skills required to thrive in the new energies.

They also require you to remember and apply what you know, and to keep redirecting back into your heart and your beingness. In essence, they assist you in the embodiment of your highest expression of self in all ways and that is exactly what you have been journeying towards all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 11, 2019

A very common limiting belief is that love is hard to find. Please know your soul always knows exactly how to connect with your beloved. Send out a clarion call to your soul companion with your heart. Send them a telepathic message letting them know where to find you. Feel their presence. Announce to the universe, “I call my next great love to me now. I am ready.”

Your declarations have great power, Dear Ones. Feeling the presence of your beloved, even if it is only energetically to start, is a great practice for it allows you to feel the relationship as existing already rather then being off in some unknown future. Using these simple techniques can pave the way to your next relationship for it shifts the energy around love for you and combines intention with action, which the universe will always respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 10, 2019

If you have a limiting belief that you keep repeating like a mantra, we recommend you find the energetic antidote to replace it with.

For example, if you have a belief that it is not safe to trust anyone, you could imagine it being energetically released from you with whatever imagery works for you, and replace it with a new statement.

So perhaps you have a belief that only fools trust other people. A wonderful and far more empowering belief would be, “I trust wisely and with discernment.” So see the old one crumbling away or dissipating and see the new one written out and settling into your energy field. When you find the new statement that gives you healing you will feel a subtle but distinct shift in your heart  centre.

You can do this with anything you feel is holding you back or any area where you feel stuck. You could replace “Nothing is coming together for me” with “Things are manifesting for me with grace and ease.” You could replace “No one understands me” with “I am seen, honoured, and appreciated in my truth.” “Life is hard” with “I shift my life into being a wonderful adventure”.

Do you see?  You are the author of your own life expression and there is tremendous power to your words and belief systems.  Write down your limiting self talk whenever you catch it so you can begin to rewrite it.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 8, 2019

We understand that your mind wants assurances. But the way to create into your grandest experiences and creations is to get comfortable with unfoldment and the great beyond.

Your mind will always seek to constrain and control through habit. That is the old, conditioned way. As pioneers you are on the planet to lead through expansion. This involves getting comfortable in co-creation – being comfortable with both what you can see, and what is beyond your realm of experience.

Unfoldment is the way to allow the greatest outcome to every single aspect of your life. Love is an unfoldment. Healing is an unfoldment. Growth is an unfoldment. Enlightenment is an unfoldment.

So what if we get tired, you ask?  What if all that forward movement is too difficult or taxing? Dear Ones, that is exactly why the flow has periods of both ebb and flow contained within it. It will move you at the perfect pace for your comfort and success.

So we urge you to be aware of any way you constrain or control, whether consciously or unconsciously. Release that old way of doing things whenever you become aware you have slipped into old habits and be wise enough to allow the unfoldment to serve you. You will be amazed at how much more has been possible for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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