The Creator Writings

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Your Boundaries

Your boundaries are yours.  You have created them to give yourself a sense of peace and stability…to create order where chaos once existed.  It is imperative to keep this in mind when others ask you to change them.  Yes, there can be a bit of give, but how much is completely up to you!  Stay true to you, The Universe is supporting you every step of the way! ~ Creator

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Some of the things that happen to you may be joyful.  Some may be sad.  The most important thing to remember is that you are loved regardless of what is going on in any specific moment of your existence!  “Good” people can make bad choices, “bad” people can do good things but, keep in mind, these are experiences.  It is up to you to decide what you would like to do with them.  Hold onto them, let them change you or let go, the ultimate choice has always been yours. ~ Creator

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What Do You Choose?

The beauty of your existence is not determined by who you ‘hang out with’, what you drive, how much money you make, or what kind of employment you have chosen.  You can be the most important person in the world and still be ethically/morally bankrupt.

Your true beauty lies in every moment, every breath of kindness and compassion, who you are as a person and what you decide to do with it.  The Universe is asking you to be the best you can be; be there for yourself and others, continue to grow and learn in love, allow the beauty of life to shine through your eyes and be reflected back to you.  This is your opportunity to create wonderful memories, what will you choose today? ~ Creator

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The Negatives…

Here is a bit of a radical thought for you; feel your emotions!  Some of you may think that because you are spiritual any emotion other than peace, happiness, joy or love is unacceptable.  Dear ones, please remember…you are here to experience all emotions!  Yes, it is OK to get angry, upset, sad, frustrated, unhappy or to freak out. (Smiling) The only time it will becomes an issue is when you choose to hold onto and feed them.  Refusing to release them may also harm your physical body.

Moving through ‘dark spaces’ will show you how much better the positive emotions feel.  The Universe knows that it may take some time and work to let them go but, in the end, the relief you feel will be immense.  Go ahead, let the negatives flow.  However, keep in mind, those emotions are your responsibility!  Projections or hurting other in the process is discouraged and may produce an undesirable outcome.  Move yourself to a safe space and let it roll.  Once they are gone, you will have more room for Unconditional Love than you ever thought possible. ~ Creator

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Coming To Fruition

It is time again!  Seat belts, harnesses, lashing yourself to the mast of your ship or whatever other means you have of securing yourself.  The ups and downs of this past week have been challenging…to say the very least.  But, there has also been an uptick in your gifts and abilities.  The Universe is doing its best to maintain balance for you, you must also do your part.  As you are navigating this wild ride, it is important to keep this in mind; the emotional/physical lows are bringing up things that need to be cleared.  The highs are to remind you of what it will feel like when this part of the shift is done.  Do no block them, dear one!  Use it as an opportunity for growth.  The best version of you is about to come to fruition! ~ Creator

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Work In Progress

Inner work is a work in progress and it always has been.  Yes, you can put it on pause, you can help others in lieu of helping yourself or you can ignore it altogether.  But, keep this in mind…these processes were put in place for a reason.  The continued work you do help you keep pace with the growing Universe, so you can become the being you were meant to be.  If you stop working on your ‘inners’ you will stop growing. ~ Creator

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Through The Eyes…

One of the most important things you can do during this massive shift is to be kind.  An experience like this has never happened on your Earth-plane and each of you is going through your own unique set of challenges and reacting a different way.  Rather than judging, look at them through the eyes of compassion.  This does not mean you need to abandon the boundaries you have so lovingly established…it does mean that others just ‘need a break’ sometimes.  Allow them the time and space to process as you would for yourself.  Each and every one of you is worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator

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The Uphill Climb

As you have noticed, the spiritual incline during this particular phase of the shift is getting steeper.  Things may be becoming more challenging because there is more deep clearing on the agenda.  Even those with an even temper are becoming more erratic as things come to the surface to be released.  When triggers are happening, being patient may be the last thing on your mind, however, that is exactly what The Universe is asking of you.  Take a step back and breathe…is an action or reaction worth the time?  Is it smarter to walk away than to stay involved?  As you continue to move forward at what seems an arduous pace, always remember you are guided and supported.  Rest assured, the end result will be worth the effort. ~ Creator

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Your Focus

Ponder this today; while you are waiting for other things to materialize, your life is in process.  There are people you meet every day, places to see and things to do.  However, you may put them on hold because you are waiting for one very specific moment to occur.  The laser beam focus you put forth does not make this thing materialize any faster, it does not make the wait shorter, it may very well cut you off from opportunities The Universe is lovingly sending your way.  Dearest one, remember the existence around you, enjoy your life, revel in your humanness!  That way, the wait will not seem quite so long. ~ Creator

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Where Great Things Begin…

Now that you have had a few moments to settle into this shift, what do you want to accomplish with the new energy?  Keep in mind that it does not have to be grand, it can be something small.  It does not have to change the world, but it could very well change another’s life.  It most certainly does not have to make a huge statement, oftentimes a whisper is enough. Whatever you choose, choose with your heart and soul because, after all, that is where all great things begin. ~ Creator


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