The Creator Writings

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Negative To Positive

In your modern world, so many of you have successfully used your communication tools as a distraction to keep from feeling.  If you feel sad, watch a funny video.  If you feel angry, play an aggressive video game.  If you are upset, talk to another person about anything other than what you are truly feeling.
Instead of hiding from or masking them, it is important for you to fully embrace your emotions in whatever form they come to you.  For every negative emotion you feel, once it is released, a more positive feeling will follow.  It is time to stop running from them!  Embrace the feelings then let them go…..and grow! ~ Creator

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The Intrepid Explorer

With each new shift and wave of energy, you are being given the chance to start over.  You are like the intrepid explorer with choices of how you approach each particular mountain.  Whether it be around, over or through….each offers its own set of challenges and rewards.  Do not be daunted, my dearest, be in joy and revel in the new experience! ~ Creator

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Reaching A Goal

There may be times where you put a great deal of effort into a person, place or thing.  You seem to be doing everything ‘right’ but, somehow, things are not coming together.  Do not lose heart!  You may be so focused on one way of doing things that you failed to notice The Universe pointing you to a solution that will work.  Today, you are invited to take a step back, look at the infinite picture!  There are many ways of reaching the same goal, you just need to keep an open mind! ~ Creator

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Your Power

Some of you spend a great deal of time searching for the future; asking when your soul mate/true love will come, divining your ‘future’ or any other number of questions regarding things that may or may not happen.  It is time to open your mind to the fact that you are solely responsible for the co-creation of your world!  In laying those questions at another person’s feet, you relinquish your power and, in essence, making excuses for why something is not happening in your life.  You, and you alone, must take the initiative and action to move forward.  No one else can do that for you.  It is time, dear one, to take back your power, work on your own healing and grow in a way that is best for you. ~ Creator

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Quiet The Chatter

There will be times when you ask a question of The Universe and it feels as if you are being ignored.  You ask and ask and still nothing arrives.  Rest assured, this is not the case.  The Universe is speaking to you all day, every day!  Today, you are invited to truly quiet yourself, turn down the volume on your everyday chatter and truly listen with and to your heart.  The answer is there. ~ Creator


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