The Creator Writings

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The Moment

My love, it is time to change.  Yes, I can hear/see your eye rolling, sighs and quiet exclamations of “Again?”  Please remember, you were born at your specific time to assist!  It does not have to be a huge earth shattering move. It can be soft and gentle, starting with one thought at a time.  Triggers will come and go and it us up to you to choose to react or not. Stay in the moment and know your vibration will always suit and fit the experience.  ~ Creator

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A Valid Fear?

Fears have their basis in one experience and you are the one that perpetuates them into an imagined reality. Getting caught up if the ‘what ifs’ create an endless loop of stagnation that hinders your growth. If you allow yourself to release this, step out of your comfort zone and reach into a new reality you will find most of your fears are not valid at all. ~ Creator

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The Compassionate Heart

Sometimes, the only thing you can do is listen.  If someone is willing to open up to you about pain in their lives, it is not necessary to know exactly what is going on…..they may not be ready/willing to speak of it directly and that is their choice.  The best thing to do is hold space for them without judgement and without ‘digging for dirt’ or details.  This, my child, is the birth of a compassionate heart. ~ Creator


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