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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE?

glr_Andrea's picture


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Today I had to go through quite a lot of baloons... called motherships and landing ships and ufos formations... and also some quite well done fakes done with refecting light through the window... but here it is... our daily update of sightings, and hold on because there are some quite cool ones in here!





The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~26~12 Today the ships are abuzz with activity~

Lia's picture

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~26~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Today the ships are abuzz with activity~



Greetings Love Beings, today the ships are abuzz with activity. This is a good sign, as this means we are close to a final trigger event in which we have been speaking about. We feel this very likely will occur before we enter the Energies of April. These will bring us closer to our Destiny Together, As One Love. Our Destiny is One Planet of Humans=God In Manifestation, in Unified Joy, Equality, Happiness, True Freedom and Real Unconditional Love. Balanced Harmonic Living, in True Harmony with each other and The Planet.


Photo Of Our craft coming from the skies By Earth Allie Will Harader


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report- ARE WE REALLY HERE?

glr_Andrea's picture


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Gooooood Morning Planet Earth=Heart!

Anything new today?

How's the horizon? Look to the sky but most of all... look into your Heart, we're gonna meet halfway! 


Enjoy your ride in LOVE!




The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~24~12 We are In the Greatest Moment's in Earth's History and You have front row seats~

Lia's picture

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~24~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ We are In the Greatest Moment's in Earth's History and You have front row seats~



Photo by biancastingl.com


~Greetings Love Beings~ Today has been very interesting Energy. We are Moving very quickly towards our destiny. Those who do not know what is happening on the Planet are simply missing it. Those who are battling ego's and not trusting the Truth and Love through judgement are just missing it. Those of you who have Awakened Into Love are Now Joining the Unity Movement through Complete Participation in the Oneness Energy. Yeehaw~


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-24-2012...

glr_Andrea's picture


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-24-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Sometimes things change… in you. You can feel it, but cannot define it. That’s what happens when you Really Change. You become the change, no need to deine it. For you Are the Change. Unity conscoiusness is Changing… and it’s changing Fast. You feel it, the old lady that never thought about ufos feels it, the child that seems to know something he’s not telling knows it, the man that just lost his job knows it and also the one that fired him. All Know… for all Feel, for We’re All ONE. Our conscoiusness is One, and as more and more beings connect and get clear and focused on LOVE, the more everthing Changes. It cannot be stopped for it is hu’man’s Destiny. HAve you not asked to stop wars? Have you not prayed whatever god to assist you? Have you not looked at the stars asking for something different? HAve you not aked… FREEDOM? Yes, you ALL have. Now you’re only one tini step away from all your prayers. Accept it.

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE?

glr_Andrea's picture


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Here we are with our new daily UFOS report. I had to split it for it was becoming far too long as our Ships start being more and more filmed and photographed all over the Planet. Pardon me if I may miss some videos but we really work 7/24 to bring you all the latest and more updated news.

Should you find some interesting pics please contact us and send them, we’ll be glad to post them.


Enjoy your ride in LOVE!



3 Amazing Ufo Sightings Mexico


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~23~12 Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for Increased Intensity of Energies~

Lia's picture

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~23~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for Increased Intensity of Energies~



Fleet of Scout Craft with an Angel directing Traffic~ How many do you see here? Photo Taken By  Earth Allie Will Harader



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-23-2012...®evolution day today!

glr_Andrea's picture


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-23-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Here we are again beloved hu’manity… another day on the path… you ready yet? It’s  ®evolution day today! The one you’ve asked for. The one that’s going to Change Everything… ready to Change? Yep! We Are! Ready and in place. Love’s our shield and our messanger NOW… And that’s it. Can you See the New Blue Star Planet? Can you Feel Gailighastara? It’s everywhere… it’s talking to you, to your Heart… it’s the thing you cannot get out of your mind anymore… It’s The Thought… for it comes directly form Your Heart. It’s hu’man’s ®evolution… It’s YOU! Thank you… you’ve almost done it! We’re almost at the finish line ready to start! En’Joy! Love! Share! Be Happy! Be YOU! Dance!



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