Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

Osho - Life and Death and Love

Doreen Smith's picture


September 14, 2013 | By 

Osho, Osho Times

Flickr - Daisy -

Death is already happening. Death is an absolutely necessary process for life to be. It is not the enemy, it is the friend.

Death is already happening. Whether you face it or not, whether you look at it or not, it is already there. It is just like breathing. When a child is born, he inhales. He breathes in for the first time. That is the beginning of life. And when one day he becomes old, dies, he will exhale.

Death always happens with exhalation and birth with inhalation. But exhalation and inhalation are happening continuously. With each inhalation you are born; with each exhalation you die.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 14 September 2013

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 September 14, 2013 Ann Albers


Message From The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

It is the nature of the universe to expand. Change is inevitable and although you will all go through very natural periods of dormancy, there will also be phases of your life when it is time to release the old in order to make room for the new.

This can be as simple as getting rid of old clothes to get ones that please you more. It can be releasing a home you no longer enjoy in favor of one that provides more financial flexibility and freedom. It can mean giving up an old way of thinking to allow greater happiness. Whenever you are wanting to create something new it is natural that you will find you must release something either inside or outside of yourself to make room for this.

Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - September 14, 2013

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Remember to be your own best friend and look within for the Source of all love. Be true to yourself and all else will follow.

Learning to be a whole Being of Light will be the focus of my retreat. Please join me in Bridging Heaven and Earth Retreat in Mt. Shasta 10/11-14. and

The Creator Writings - Releasing Fear

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The Creator Writings



Fear is a great motivator; it can get you away from ‘monsters’, carry you to a safe place and keep you hidden. But, what happens when you want to release fear? It is not a matter of replacing it with something like your friend ego, but truly believing you do not need it anymore. ~ Creator



Selacia ~ Prepare For 9/21 Equinox Gateway ~

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SelaciaPrepare for 9/21 Equinox Gateway
by Selacia

(Note from Selacia:  Equinox officially occurs on 9/22 – the gateway is being celebrated 9/21 with a global meditation I’m offering to help people connect with higher frequencies and move through the gateway in the most beneficial way. Adding to the intensity and beneficial potential of the weekend is the 9/19 full moon, amplifying effects of inner work and meditation. To connect with our 9/21 Equinox global meditation:

The upcoming Equinox is one of the key energy gateways left in 2013. Other gateways include November’s solar eclipse at the new moon.  As you experience each of these gateways, you have an opportunity to greatly accelerate your spiritual growth and to find a new balance in your life.

Understanding Energy Gateways

What is an energy gateway? It’s a powerful window of time when you can perceive more about yourself and your world.

It’s a time when you can connect more tangibly with spirit and benevolent unseen forces – receiving helpful insights about your life direction.

Raw Honesty May Deepen the Bliss Into Actualization and Full Embodiment

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shaman-heart-lemurianI’ve consistently been receiving information that something is missing from a lot of what I’m experiencing from others out there. This is a constant message that comes through and is what I have been discussing with close colleague, and touching upon in conversations and classes. I’ve also been sharing snippets in my posts and likely will continue to expand and reiterate this topic, as it feels so important to me to share.

The theme is around really living the ideas, not just talking about it, being able to throw out intellectually grand metaphysical explanations and “key” words, or inadvertently pretending to live it.

What I share may not be mainstream thought in the spiritual realm, but I have to share what I am feeling and experiencing. And given that I have my own 25 + years of experience in this realm, I do recognize the traps and the processes, since I have gone through them myself.

Changes which are visible now ~ Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma

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~ 14.09.2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans here on earth this is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking. After a short break on behalf of my channel I have another new message for you.

Much has happened in previous days and caused by that recent break and I shall try to accumulate here several matters for you since there are many positive ones and we take some great delight that we were able to progress enormously.


Not solely you but we also have been allowed to make further progress. Please keep in mind – and here I am joining myself to this week’s message of my brother Archangel Michael that we also are learning much from this particular process of ascension – this learning is not one-sided subjected to you solely, my beloved humans. It also concerns us so that we too may progress accordingly.

Let us deal with those events having passed by in previous days. As you may have experienced yourselves via the media there was such much ado in order to make a prominent case of all about Syria. However, as you may have ascertained in the meantime – all about Syria will take some completely different course in a way which has never been presumed by many people.

Gaia Portal Update~ Expanded Grand Portal Activity Engages Cosmic Energetic Connections for all Hue-Beings

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14 Sep

gaia_energy1Expanded grand portal activity engages Cosmic energetic connections for all Hue-Beings at this moment. Such connections are necessary at this time to precursor the “full disclosure” chapters.

All Hue-Beings experience heightened sensitivities at all levels, including 3D body extremities such as hands/fingers, feet/toes, mouth/tongue/teeth, and crown chakra.

Recommended for Hue-Beings at this time are Self-patience, rest (physical), and stillness, as Higher-D DNA alterations proceed. Resulting eventually in the Cosmic-ready DNA energetic grid required for Cosmic Hue-Being Ascension process.

The Moon Hippie Mystic ~The Rose

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the rose

The Rose is the Alchemist who changes everything to Gold.  It is the Highest form of Divine Love and once it touches you your Light will shine Ever brighter.  We all have challenges in Life for if we didn’t we wouldn’t learn and grow so what would be the point of BEing Alive in the first place?  The key is how we move through the challenges and obstacles that come our way and what it leaves us with on the other side.  The obvious choice is to just roll with it and have a little Fun along the way if possible, and it’s always possible.


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