Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

Living as Light Transforms Your Relationships ~ Message from Archangel Michael

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Message from Archangel Michael

 by Meredith Murphy

Telepathic Transmission – 5 May 2013, as part of the New Harmonics Soar Fest

Hello Beloved Ones,

As you tune to the New Harmonics of Consciousness your relationships will be transformed.

More and more you will find yourself being able to access a nonchalant attitude toward others. This will bring more humour into your lives and more fun.

One of the most incredible gifts of stepping into the New Reality is the lightness of interactions happening at higher vibrations. We notice how much you enjoy when we are playful with you.

Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q & A : I Was So Sure I Had It, What Happened?

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Dear Jennifer:  I have been looking for a job for over two years and it’s been hard, partly because of an unfair, negative situation at my previous job in which I was unjustly fired. I loved my previous job and have worked very hard to clear all of the energy that I know I used to create that situation. So I was overjoyed when I had several interviews for a job and was then turned down by the employer, just when I was sure I had the job. I thought I had cleared all of this so what happened? What did I do wrong?


Jennifer’s Answer:  I know you are very upset about this and wonder if you have done something wrong, haven’t been successful in changing the energy around your life, and are a little scared that this is going to be your future.  Know that you have done a lot of things right. I want to start by saying that the level of healing you achieve is not going to be measured by a job offer and sometimes we learn more by what we do not get than by what we get.

Think for a moment about what you said you did not want in a job, or a certain type of employer or work situation. Is it possible that this job would have mirrored something you didn’t want? I know you feel that you need a job and you want one now, but when you clear energy you narrow the field of potential so that exactly what you want is what is available to you and you do not have to go through difficult experiences before you choose something else. With this level of clearing, you get to make those choices before you begin.

Blossom GoodChild~ Message from The Galactic Federation of Light

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Well hello there my little E.T chums! I am imagining that you can pick up from my energy that I am feeling so much stronger in these last few days and so much more me! Phew! I was thinking you could maybe talk to us about shifts, as sometimes no matter how hard one tries, one is not able to ‘shift’ … and can feel trapped in a ‘non happy … what’s the point of it all’ place … and then, wake up one morning and it is so obvious that a shift has taken place. Ones persona and attitude are so much brighter, yet nothing changed overnight … yet clearly something did.

We welcome you into ‘our space’.

I wish!

Yet it is possible. ‘Our space’ is merely a state of mind … a ‘space of mind’ where in very little can distract our Beings from our intentions of giving Love.

You say ‘very little’ … I would have thought there would be ‘nothing’ that could distract you?

We would say that at times the human behaviour can still shock us to the core.

I am with you on that one. You see, for us down here … there is so much that continues to shock and suppress and depress … and I personally have not yet sussed out how to remain in the vibration of Love that I KNOW I AM … that WE ALL ARE. Is it easier for you because of where you are?

Visionkeeper ~ Purposeful Living ~ 19 September 2013

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Music to read by below:

It is so important for us to be light no matter what the circumstances. We never know when our light will be needed by someone out searching in the fog of deception. We must never turn our lights out but instead be ready to share whenever and wherever we are called upon. It is tempting once we have awakened and we no longer see through the fog, to just want to lay back and indulge ourselves in the power of truthfulness. This would be the self-serving act of ego still lingering within. As long as it stays within us we cannot burn as brightly as we wish to. Light is diminished greatly by ego, like pulling down the shades on the windows in our hearts. We want the shades rolled up and the windows opened wide so our light and love can stream out into the universe.

The manuscript of survival ~ part 356~ cleansing and restructuring

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Aisha North

As you have mayhaps noticed, the intensity of this stormfront may have left you breathless in more ways than one. We hasten to add that this is in no way a signal of anything negative, far from it. Rather, it is indeed signs of a cleansing and restructuring that will give you many a cause for celebration in the time ahead. We know that during these storms, celebration may seem to be the furthest thing from your mind, as the effects of these lashing winds of high voltage energy is not to trifled with. But again, this is only a signal of the thorough upgrading and indeed reconstitution this whole planet of yours is receiving at the moment, and a such, celebration will indeed be a thing on the agenda not far from now.

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces & Autumn Equinox Energies

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Harvest MoonTomorrow morning, September 19th, the moon (a Harvest Moon) will be at it’s fullest and in the sign of Pisces (my native Sun sign). :)

Full Moons are times of illumination, revelation, and provide insightful opportunity for integrative healing. It is also a time to receive from the cosmic elixir of life and great for doing anything that supports your openness to that receiving. You may find yourself wanting to be still and going within to experience the fullness of your emotions and what they have to share. You may discover that movement, music, and dance help to feel into your body and move the energy through. Spending time in nature, creating, making art of any kind, going deeper into healing practices or into more intimate relationships with yourself and others will perhaps call to you at this time – all of this providing inspiration, insights, and epiphanies to revealing answers and dreams.


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We are here embracing you with our love and gratitude. We acknowledge the intensity of energies that you are experiencing. We acknowledge the courage you offer in the face of the incredible changes occurring within your personal life as well as the global unfolding.

We gently remind you once again that you are here on purpose, you are here to anchor these changes, and you are here to transform misqualified energies. We are inviting you to acknowledge yourself as an energy being as well as a physical being. You know how to take care of the physical body and we are inviting you begin to take care of your energy body.

You are powerful multidimensional beings of consciousness having a very human experience. You are energy beings of light dwelling in the dense physical form.

As you read our words and experience the energy transmission we are offering, may you step more fully into the realization of your extraordinary potential as a transformer of emotional energy. We continue to encourage you to use your physical body as the powerful chalice of transformation that it is. When you are in willing partnership with your divine awareness and intention, all dense emotional vibrations and experiences can be transmuted, uplifted and healed.


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The Creator Writings September 18, 2013


Making excuses for your behavior is like putting a Band-Aid on an open fracture. It may look okay but really does not do much to solve the issue. Only when you are willing to take responsibility for and change the behavior will you be able to heal the wound. ~ Creator

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Your Guidance

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Trust your Guidance 

Work on trusting that your prayers are heard and answered and that you are being lead towards the answers that you seek. You receive guidance in many ways and so be open to how it is presented to you, just know that it will come and you will recognize it and know it is the hands of spirit guiding you on your way.


Learning to trust that gut feeling and what it means to you becomes an invaluable resource that really is just for you. Be sure to heal any emotions, thoughts or feelings when you are working this aspect of self so that is clear of any 'outside' influences and comes from deep within. This is you and your connection to your all that is. Take excellent care of it and as it does of you and let it help you every day.



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