Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

How Do I Know If It’s My Soul or My Ego Talking?

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GFP Commentary: The soul is always with you and communicates via feeling. Surrender to love every moment.


Waking Times, By: Rhiame, 01/16/2014

Flickr - Question Mark - Marco Bellucci

In personocratia, we talk about making the transfer of power from ego to soul in order to create the shift of consciousness that we hope for. But how do I know if it is my soul or my ego talking? Since it is a recurrent question, I thought it was time to write about it, and share with you some simple tools to help develop your discernment.

Differentiating ego from soul is often tricky. First, because very few people had direct contact with their soul, therefore we don’t know much about how it feels. Secondly, a great deal of confusion is intentionally perpetuated by religion, spirituality and science to make sure people do not connect with their soul. Indeed, if they do, they would free themselves from domination, and that would mark the end of the world of illusion in which we presently live.

Maximizing Nutrition and Elimination of Heavy Metals Comes From Blending, Not Juicing

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Prevent Disease, By: Dr. Marianna Pochelli, 01/17/2014

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Soluble dietary fibers promote metabolic benefits on body weight and glucose control. The benefits associated with an increased dietary intake of fermentable fibres are in part due to the way in which our bacteria use them to control levels of intestinal glucose. Foods with modest concentrations of dietary fiber have also demonstrated excellent binding capacity with with heavy metal ions which support evidence that blending fruits and vegetables will clearly exceed the capacity of any juice to assist in the elimination of these metals from the body.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Higher Self of Sex 1 channeled by Lia Shapiro

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The body is only a physical manifestation of all that you are. If this is so, then you must understand that at the root core of yourself lies the mystery of sex. We think your word sex is actually an interesting word to call what you must know is the link up of your body to realms which lie outside of yourself. There are many at this time that do not realize the divine aspect of sex, and how it connects you to a part of yourself that lies beyond what you believe to be simply physical.

Pleiadian Wisdom on 7 Steps to Access the Higher Self of Sex:

Read more here http://pleiadians.net/awakening/the-higher-self-of-sex-1.html

Drinking One Glass of Beet Juice Can Decrease Blood Pressure by Dr. Cynthia Thaik

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Drinking One Glass of Beet Juice Can Decrease Blood Pressure

Beets provide many health benefits to the body. Beet juice is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Study after study has explored beet juice’s virtues, but a new study now proves its effectiveness in decreasing blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects more than 30% of Americans today, and sadly this statistic is projected to increase in the years to come. High blood pressure is often referred to as the silent killer because several people can have high blood pressure without ever knowing it or experiencing any symptoms.

Read more here http://www.curejoy.com/content/drinking-one-glass-of-beet-juice-can-decrease-blood-pressure/

Beat Colds and Flu Naturally by Emma Olliff

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Beat Colds and Flu Naturally

Winter is well and truly upon us in here Northern Hemisphere. People are sniffing, coughing, spluttering and sneezing everywhere you go.  A cold every now and then (say two or three times a year) is normal – in fact, they’re good for our immune systems (including children). However, some people may be heard complaining about having a colds all winter – one after the other, or being unable to shake their child’s cough.  Cue sleepless nights, fatigue the next day, aches and pains and poor appetite and whatever else comes with a cold/flu depending on the virus. Yes, it’s a fact: 66 to 75% of colds are caused by 200 different viruses which is why there is no effective antiviral for the common cold. For the flu, a jab may be on offer, but the leading doctors only recommend those for people at high risk, given the potential for side effects and development of resistance.

So, what can you do when it’s cold and damp and you have to go to work, the kids have to go to school and the bugs surround you? You can put these tips to use - some simple, good food and nutrition tips to help strengthen your natural defences this winter:

Read more here http://www.curejoy.com/content/beat-colds-and-flu-naturally/

Triphala : A Digestive Miracle by Danielle Cuccio

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Triphala : A Digestive Miracle

Triphala : A Digestive Miracle

Triphala, widely used by natural Ayurvedic healers in India for thousands of years, contains 3 different fruits: Harada, Amla and Bihara.  The word “Triphala”literally means “three fruits”.  The combination of these three fruits cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract in a natural and gentle way.  Basically our “bathroom experience” becomes a better one :)  That is the best way I can put it!!

Why should we cleanse?

It’s always a good idea to cleanse! Get rid of toxins that build up in our bodies so that our bodies can function most efficiently and have that bright glowing skin we all crave and want!  More energy and feel less bloated!

How to Make Sex and Love Gel - The Connection Between Sexuality and Spirituality By Sataya Capet

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Believe it or not, there is a strong connection between spirituality and sexuality. Both bring ecstasy and are not mutually exclusive. One of the most important aspects of your spiritual evolution is the path of sexual energy when used in the right way. This would be with love and caring, not your latest conquest from the bar last night.

Several of my clients have asked "how can I raise my vibration? How can I reach the highest levels of awareness?" The good news is, sex is one of those paths. Ask anyone who has awakened their Kundalini fire. Many spiritual practitioners have managed to raise the Kundalini, and it can be raised by meditation over many years of discipline. However, all one needs is the right partner, the right energy, the right mind set and raising the Kundalini a higher state of consciousness can be realized.

Spiritual Awakening - Achieving Balance Between Sexuality With Spirituality (Can It Work)? By Art Saborio

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The topic of sex is one that draws to it a lot of negative stigma. No matter the genre, everyone has their own understanding and opinion of sex. This is no difference when talking about sexuality in a spiritual life.

From the most conservative religions to the most flexible, sex is often society driven. After years of growing up with this programming built into our brains, sex can either be a bad thing, something to be cautious of or something to abstain from. There are others, but these are the most common.

What is Spiritual Sex and Sexuality? By Art Saborio

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Spiritual sexuality is connecting to someone on a level beyond the physical. Throughout our lives we are conditioned to understand sex only as physical. It is the physical part that translates into pleasure. We see this in movies and written literature. We are conditioned to believe that sex is either for pleasure or for creating life.

What if I were to tell you there was another kind of level of sexual connection? What if I told you that when you connect at a spiritual level, you transcend into a new a level of being? This is a level of contentment within yourself and with the world around you. What if I told you that if you could learn to find contentment at this level, you would attract an abundance of positive energy and love?

The Spiritual Eye: How to Decalcify & Activate Your Pineal Gland

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By: Christina Sarich, 01/16/2014

Comets Kick Up Dust in Helix Nebula

This article will presume you have a basic knowledge of the pineal gland, an important endocrine gland that is said to be the seat of enlightenment. If you need to back up a little and inform yourself more about what the pineal gland is, you can start here before reading further. Activating your pineal gland, or spiritual ‘eye’ and detoxing it are two different things. In essence, the detoxification allows you to remove the crystallized deposits, which keep the gland as a caged bird, or a princess jailed in her own ivory tower. Once the pineal gland is decalcified, you can start to practice things which will help to ‘turn it on’ and amp up natural production of your body’s own psychedelic drug DMT.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com


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