Aligned Holistics

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The Only Intention You Need For The Upcoming Year

Ahhh, New Years. The time of year when people take stock of where they are, set an intention/resolution, and swear that this time things will be different. Sound familiar? 

"This will be the year when I:

a) Get in shape/healthy/laid

b) Give up smoking/alcohol/gluten

c) Find the perfect job/partner/cheesecake recipe"

And while all those are desirable changes, they don’t really matter.

Hear me out. I’m all for making changes, growing, and creating a life you love. But chances are that what you’re truly seeking won’t come from a number on a scale or in your bank account. And that’s because the goal of every goal is happiness.

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The Practical Tool I Used To Cultivate Self-Compassion

Truth be told, I’ve known I need to write about self-compassion for some time. Not just for my readers, but for myself. The reason I put it off? I suck at it. And I wasn’t quite ready to give up the part of me that believed that being gentle with myself would lead to stagnation. My high expectations of myself and others have propelled me forward, yet they’ve also been what kept me stuck. So now, as the Holidays begin and I sort through the proverbial piles of projects I’ve taken on, I’ve decided to say “fuck it!” and learn this lesson once and for all. After all, as Pema Chodron notes, “nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

So, let’s start by defining “Self-compassion:”

Simply put, it’s being gentle on yourself. It’s treating yourself as you would a friend when she comes to you with a struggle, failure, or self-critical belief. It’s the ability to lean into your feelings of discomfort rather than ignoring them. This means no longer asking for permission to feel your emotions. Instead, it’s learning to self-validate, stating “this is a difficult time for me and it’s okay that I’m struggling. What can I do to give myself the comfort I need and deserve?”

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Living Authentically: Why It Matters & How to Do It

Over the last few years I’ve been really interested in the term “Authenticity.” Partly because it is thrown around so much and sounds pretty pretentious. And partly because I spent so much of my life consciously and unconsciously trying to define myself in a singular, unified way.  I thought living authentically meant figuring out the one label that best described me and then tailoring all my choices and actions into that one type.

It’s kind of like the stereotypical high school archetypes: the jocks, the nerds, the drama geeks, etc. When we associate with a distinct identity or group, we feel certain and safe. We know what to say and how to act. The problem is that human beings aren’t that simple. We’re complex, ever-changing, and inconsistent. As we develop more mature ways of thinking about ourselves, we feel conflicted: We acknowledge growth, yet still want a unified and consistent identify that we can hang our hat on at any given moment. It doesn't matter if we label ourselves in a positive or negative light, a single identity creates stagnation.

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7 Tips To Deal With Change, Stress, & Starting Over

1. Stop resisting it. When we’re screaming “no” (internally or externally), we unwittingly make things harder. Change sucks, but resisting it makes it suck more. You can’t move forward until you accept the reality of your current situation.

2. Accept impermanence. Habits are habits until they aren’t. No matter how still your image of yourself, another person, or a situation may be, it continues to change. In fact, regardless of how you perceive something at this moment, the thing itself is changing. Stress comes from trying to force things to be consistent and static instead of accepting that they aren’t. Simply put, stress comes from how you deal, not what you’re dealing with.

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Why Not Making Mistakes Is The Biggest Mistake

We all make mistakes when pursuing goals or creating new habits.  Whether it’s adding in more exercise, controlling our road rage, or not eating a handful of Reese’s Pieces before a meal (yes, that last one just happened), we all have slips when we’re trying to make changes.

I’m not going to go into some overplayed spiel on how we are too hard on ourselves or how we need to work on self-forgiveness. All that’s true, but you already know it and I don’t see the point in writing it.

I think fuckups are the best thing that ever happened. In fact, it’s better to set a goal and fumble along the way than to achieve it perfectly. Why? Because:

  1. No goal worth achieving should be that easy to do. If you can do it perfectly, it’s not the right goal. Willpower alone isn’t enough to get the good stuff. Take a risk and think big.
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5 Tips To Help You Relax Now

Fact: There is nothing less relaxing than when someone tells you to “Relax!” They may have the best of intentions, but their less-than-helpful advice sounds more like a stress-inducing command. When we’re anxious, overwhelmed, or stressed, the last thing we need is more pressure to change our state. Here are 5 counter-intuitive strategies to help you cope:

1. Stop trying to relax.

Just notice the tension without trying to change it. How does it feel in your body? Where do you feel it? Take a deep breath and allow yourself to just be. Validate yourself by saying “It’s perfectly fine to feel the way I feel.”

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Is The Fear of Success Holding You Back?

For those of you who subscribe to the Blog, you may have received an email asking you about the fear that keeps you stuck. The fear that holds you back from living the life of your dreams. I’ve received thousands of responses from people of all ages from around the world (Thank you!) While the specific stories may differ, the same 3 fears pop up time each time:

  1. The fear of being alone.
  2. The fear of failure.
  3. The fear of success.

Today, I’d like to explore the fear of success. As the flip-side of the fear of failure, it often leads to self-sabotage, self-depreciation, and ironically, failure. Let me explain:

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Stop Labeling Yourself. Do This Instead.

Limiting LabelsI love label makers. Give me a “Brother P-Touch” and I’ll gladly organize your home. Labeling things makes me feel in control, allowing me to find order in chaos. It lets me know what to expect when I open a file, a drawer, or the unknown. And while most people don’t share my enthusiasm for home organization, they label things nonetheless for the exact same reason.

Labeling ourselves and others helps us to feel safe, to feel protected, and feel like we know what to expect when we “open that drawer.” And while I’m sure a blog post about judging others would be helpful, I’d rather put the focus on you. How do you label yourself? Maybe you think you’re “the nerd”, “the quitter”, or as I often called myself, “the black sheep.” Whatever you think you are, you’re probably wrong. And that’s a good thing.

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How to Figure Out What You Truly Want

My birthday balloon and I going for a walk.My birthday balloon and I going for a walk.

When you're an adult, having a birthday can suck.

I have no problem with getting older. In fact, the older I get, the happier I am.

I don’t like them because I can’t honestly answer the question, “What do you want for your birthday?”

The socially appropriate answer for my age is some version of “I don’t need anything, but thank you for the sentiment!” Had you asked me that when I was a kid, I wouldn’t have hesitated to describe the top 3 things I wanted with enough detail to make you regret asking in the first place. So what changed?

Am I more mature? Yes.
Am I less frivolous? Sure.
Am I less deserving? No!

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4 Skills To Cultivate Your Potential

It’s often said that a great deal of growth occurs after trauma:

  • The woman who is diagnosed with an illness and decides to create a life she loves
  • The man who survives an accident and develops a sense of his priorities
  • The brother who loses his sibling and cultivates stronger bonds with friends & family

Whatever it might be, trauma can often be a springboard to realize our purpose, fertilize our growth, and actualize our potential. This phenomenon is known as post-traumatic growth and commonly includes:

  • More focus on one’s goals & dreams
  • A renewed sense of meaning & purpose
  • A better understanding of oneself
  • A change in priorities and the ability to choose actions that align with them
  • Deeper connections & relationships


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