Knowing Whispers

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It is not a matter of who is right, but who is more aware. Right is a judgement of the mind, while being aware is knowing within consciousness.

Truth is not arrived at by choosing the right idea, or by making the right decision. Truth is knowing what is real within us.

We come to know what is right for us because we know what is within us -- our true nature within consciousness.

Robert and CJ

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Born Within

To be alive is to feel. To feel all of life is to be aware.

Consciousness is a small portion of awareness and both are the ingredients of our beingness.

We are not always conscious of what we are aware of and definitely we cannot be aware of everything within our consciousness.

Identity must transform into beingness and the knower must be born within.

Truth is our state of conscious awareness within our beingness. It is always relative to our knowing and understanding of the Self.

Robert and CJ
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The Key

Before we can be real with others we must be real with our self first. We must put away the games and illusions and touch the real core of awareness within us. Then and only then can we have real and lasting relationships built on trust and honor.

The truth compels us to act from honor and allows us to share openly and humbly. We do not hide behind a well-constructed front built on illusion and ego, because we realize that transparency through awareness is the only way to total and complete healing.

Our strength is based on this newly discovered truth within us and we find courage within its clarity to stand tall within our being. Our vulnerability becomes a badge of honor within our heart and we are used by it as a key to unlock the hearts of others.

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Nothing at All

Most people think they know, but they don’t really – “know”.

Identification with mind, ideas and thoughts create a ‘pseudo’ knowing of people, places and things. This ‘surface’ knowing never touches the ‘essence’ of knowing.

Essence is the ‘source’ of reality and truth. It is the knowing ‘within us’, unlike the struggle of the mind to understand and discover reality and truth.

Seldom do we touch reality in ourselves, or another, and because of that, we know nothing at all.

Robert and CJ

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Inspiration is the gift of the soul and our awareness.  It breathes life into form and makes the dead appear to be reborn.

We are alive when we are aware. We feel with totality, love, wisdom and truth.

The heavens within open up when we are aware and the warmth of existence embraces us. All our destinations cease at that moment and we are complete.

Truth has kissed us on the mouth to make us complete.

Robert and CJ

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One Eyed Bandit

The law is for the wealthy and for those who can buy justice.

The scales of justice are tilted in their favor, for the preservation of wealth and the wealthy -- not the rights of the individuals the laws were designed to protect.

Those who can afford the best defense have the best chance of winning, even when they are guilty.

Justice is often a one-eyed bandit that sees only what it wants to see and what is in its best interest.

Robert and CJ

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How to Hear with Your Heart

Below is a link to a video on "How to Hear with your Heart". It was recorded on the Internet as an exchange between me and my host, Steve Toth of Conscious Evolution Media. The video is a TV program of about fifty two minutes. I hope you enjoy it.

Robert and CJ

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Presence II

Presence does not need to identify with anything -- it is its own life.

It is beyond male, or female, but includes both.

It is the one constant throughout eternity and it embraces all existence.

It takes on any form, but is never imprisoned by them.

It is divine awareness illuminating its creations -- the light of consciousness shining through the darkness of form.

Robert and CJ

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Conscious of Consciousness

To be aware is to be conscious of consciousness.  Belief is not required, because awareness is “knowing” the truth within our being.

The believer thinks ideas are real.  He hopes to attain the images of the mind, relative to spiritual understanding -- like capturing smoke with the hands, or holding water tightly in a fist.

Reality only exists for those conscious of consciousness who have embraced their inner journey personally.

Ideas and thoughts make up our world, but consciousness makes up existence -- it is the only revealer of truth.

Robert and CJ

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If our spiritual experience does not resonate deep within our being, it is not truth. If what we hear does not echo in the chambers of our consciousness, it is not truth.

Mind, imagination, and emotion distort the purity and reality of many by making them think they are on a spiritual path of consciousness. They follow what they think, but do not know what they feel.

Awakening is our discovery within of the truth and nature of our consciousness. No one can bring us to this realization, but us. In consciousness, we are both teacher and the one taught.

Our awakening is ours.  Our consciousness is ours.  No one can give awakening to us. It is our personal discovery of the nature of our being and our relationship to all existence.

Robert and CJ

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