The Utopian Life

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10 Simple Yet Profound Truths to Align Your Life With

This is a guest article from Elyse Gorman: 

When you remember and live in alignment with these life lessons and Universal truths, life becomes easier and more beautiful.

1. Your purpose in life is to be you.

In every way possible. Eat the foods you like, dance to your favorite tunes, read your favorite books, make your jokes, laugh your laugh, smile your smile.

2. All the answers are within.

We have been taught to look outward for the answers to our problems. But the truth is, your soul knows what to do. Trust that you have everything you’ll ever need inside of you right in this moment.

3. Words are powerful.

The word love produces an energy which ripples out into the world, as do the words “I can’t do this, I’m hopeless, I’m not beautiful, I’m not good enough.” Watch your words – they can cement your current reality or spark big changes.

4. You are a prisoner of your beliefs.

Realize that you see the world through the lens of your dominant beliefs. And realize you can change your dominant beliefs, thereby changing the world you see.

5. You have a unique gift to bring to the world...

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5 Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Positive Change

It’s so simple. Everything we want is just a step beyond our comfort zone. So why are our feet so glued?

Because making decisions in the face of the unknown is paralyzing, even if our current situation is awful, we prefer the comfort of familiarity.

When the first plane hit the North Tower on September 11, Marissa Panigrosso who worked on the 98th floor of the South Tower didn’t hesitate, not even taking her purse, she made her way down all those stairs.

The impact from the North Tower knocked Marissa out of her chair, and the heat through her window was like a furnace. Yet many colleagues remained in their seat, and even returned to meetings.

Behavioral psychologists call it “negative panic.” When faced with an unfamiliar or harmful situation, the brain struggles to process the unknown; it goes into mental freeze.

So, just when you’re about to take that step toward your new dreams and goals, the uncharted territory brings on negative panic, your brain freezes, and your feet are glued.

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The Present of Presence

This is a guest article from Jason Garner:

In a class I took once on deepening the connection of romantic relationships, the teacher said, “In over 30 years of working with couples I have found only one thing that women want from their men: presents.”

“Great,” I thought. “A Gucci purse should do the trick.”

Except the teacher had said “presence,” not presents.

Another one of my teachers told me there is always truth in jest. That humorous story, while charming and cute, is also a realistic portrayal of much of my relationship history. I used material presents to compensate for my lack of physical, emotional, and spiritual presence in the relationship.

Why? Because Hallmark told me to, that’s why. More jest, and more truth.

As a man I have been bombarded since birth with images of what it means to be manly.

A knight in shining armor. So I rescued damsels in distress and then wondered why I felt disconnected.

An emotional rock. So I bottled up my feelings and felt misunderstood and unloved.

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The Power of Your Mind & Setting Intentions: 7 Essential Steps

If you’re an ambitious and driven person, chances are you’ve heard the word intention thrown about:

Set your intentions…Be mindful of your intentions…Create powerful intentions…

But the term can be vague and convoluted. Is it a belief? A prayer? Is it having faith?

In simple form, your intentions are your thoughts directed toward a desired outcome. To be more complex, it’s the realization that our consciousness has the ability to create our reality.

It’s often ridiculed and passed off as Abracadabra BS, but scientific research on how the mind affects reality is growing.

Most common is the placebo effect, from sugar pills having the same effect as prozac, to non-alcoholic beer causing drunkenness, and fake surgeries improving health—our beliefs defy logic.

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10 Things That Will Happen When You Start Pursuing Your Dreams

This is a guest article from Ash Cebulka: 

So you took the leap. You’re pursuing your passions and it’s a relatively new reality for you. Or perhaps you’re entertaining the idea, and your ball of nerves and upset stomach have held you back from jumping of the cliff and into uncertainty.

Let’s just get real and honest about a few things you can expect when you take the big risk to pursue your dreams.

1. You are going to be scared sh*tless, more than once.

Fear may be paralyzing at times, yet the desire and passion to do what you love has a stronger hold on you than fear ever could.

2. There are times you’re going to be uncertain.

And it may be really, really uncomfortable. It’s OK.

3. You’re going to get way out of your comfort zone.

This is a good thing, because you’re going to need to in order to grow and expand the way your purpose asks you to.

4. Doubt will inevitably creep in.

You’ll eventually learn to either laugh at it and yourself, or spend way too long entertaining it...

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40 Little Decisions That Will Deeply Enrich Your Life

It’s a blistering 30 degrees outside, Michael is walking down the street in shorts and a T-shirt. Many drive past, curiously looking at him. But one family turns the car around. With that little decision, everyone’s life is turned upside down.

It’s the inspiring story behind the movie The Blind Side. Not only is Michael Oher’s life transformed into an NFL star and Superbowl champ, but the entire Tuohy family is blessed beyond anything imaginable.

Our culture is captured by the epic, grandiose, and monumental. “Go hard or go home” is the mantra for success. We stand in awe of Goliath and pay no attention to young David.

Indeed we forget that little decisions have profound effects. As stones took down a giant, here are 40 little decisions we can make today to deeply enrich our lives:

1. To keep up with yourself, not with the Joneses.

2. Letting compassion speak louder than criticism.

3. Saying “Oh well!” more than “What if?”

4. Keeping an eye out for serendipity.

5. Listening to intuition, not just logic.

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10 Important Reasons To Make Time For Silence, Rest, & Solitude

It’s amazing how tuned out we become to the motor of the air-conditioner and refrigerator—the sudden silence is a startling reprieve. Likewise, we become numb to the buzz of our technology saturated world.

Smartphone users check their device every 6.5 minutes, which works out to around 150 times a day. Silence is replaced with a cacophony of communication, and solitude is replaced with social media.

Indeed they’re an endangered species: silence and solitude; yet great revelations and benefits are found in them. Here are ten:

1. Bypassing Burnout

Too often, our culture assigns self-worth with productivity. Whether it’s asking what your country can do for you, or what you can do for your country, the question remains—what can be done? It’s a one-way ticket to burnout.


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