Wake Up World

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Short Lived – Why Constant Thinking Is Our Only Enemy

By Harry Krueger
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The enemy of my enemy (the mind) is my friend (pristine consciousness).

The design of all species is to function in concordance with life’s universal laws. Over eons of time a part of one of our most sensitive instruments (the memory-senses complex) took a mis-leading turn when it deceived its co-dependent partner (the pristine consciousness) into believing that the decisions being made by pristine consciousness are self-generated. This mis-understanding is easily corrected. It is the Intelligence (the mysterious expression of all that exists) – pristine consciousness affinity that will make us whole again.

The consciousness that we are presently experiencing is not our natural state. We live (for the most part) in our head (mind) where thoughts seem to be never ending. This is our foremost challenge to be resolved. The content of consciousness is mind and mind is the problem maker.

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Go With the Flow: Clean Energy From City Water Pipes Revolutionizes Hydroelectric Power

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A company in Portland, Oregon has harnessed a near perfect source of energy: the constant flow of running water found in city pipes. 

Not many of us are willing to give up our creature comforts — regardless of how ecologically oriented we may be. Sure, we’ll recycle, reduce energy consumption whenever possible and support sustainable agriculture, but when it comes down to powering our computer, gadgets and other necessities, we’ll choose conventionally produced electricity over nothing at all. Even with sustainable options, there’s usually a catch since nothing is perfect. And yet, a clean and green technology is available today that can dramatically transform the way we power our lives.

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8 Surprising Health Benefits of Olive Oil

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Olive oil has received well-deserved attention over the last 10-15 years. This is the main ingredient that plays an important role in the Mediterranean diet. For years, studies have shown people who consume this type of diet live longer and enjoy a better quality of life.

Olive oil is a fantastic ingredient that can be added to your salads and roasted vegetables. But olive oil is a lot more than just a health food. Aside from consuming olive oil to receive its benefits, you can use it in other ways and reap similar, if not greater, rewards. It can be used for soothing skin, managing hair, and as a natural sunscreen.

Here are 8 amazing benefits of olive oil, many of which may surprise you.

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Harmony of Being: Returning to Our True Nature

By Steve Taylor Ph.D
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease, well-being and harmony. We become free of pressure to keep busy and the need for stimulation, and rest at ease within ourselves and within the present moment.

I call these experiences ‘harmony of being.’ They usually occur when we’re quiet and relaxed and there’s stillness around us – for example, when we’re walking through the countryside, working quietly with our hands, listening to or playing music, or after meditation, yoga or sex. The chattering of our minds fades away and we feel a natural flow of connection between ourselves and our surroundings or other people.

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Rooftop Gardening – The World Is Finally Growing Up!

By Carmen Allgood
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In the last five years a super-phenomenon has been rising from the mists as urban sprawl decays around the globe. In the midst of a sea of concrete and tar, a mirage of living, breathing architecture is forming before our very eyes, taking shape and emerging as an Oasis.

No longer just a place to escape from the maddening crowds and stress of inner city life, the hit song “Up On The Roof” takes on a fresh new meaning as we — the citizens of our collective home — strive to tidy up the planet and green up our world. Our survival as a species just might depend on this action.

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The bigger picture reveals that Green Roofs, as they are called, reduce the amount of energy needed to cool and heat buildings during summer and winter months. Rooftop gardens are also a practical way to combat air pollution and global warming (in case it is true!) and deliver a more peaceful environment. Some spaces are being used for beautification and atmosphere, but more importantly, many hands are busy transforming these spaces into lush and vibrant vegetable gardens.

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Humanity is Waking Up to the Intelligence of Nature

By Paul Lenda
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There’s a heightening level of awareness within the human race with regards to nature and all that it contained within it. Everything from the discoveries of the rudiments of language in monkeys, metacognition in dolphins, self-awareness of elephants, the ability for animals to tell “right” from “wrong”, to the creation and extension of bills of rights for animals and plants by countries such as Switzerland and Ecuador as well as the acknowledgment of dolphins as being non-human persons.

There’s a growing awareness within humanity that nature and its inhabitants are not as primitive and simple as we once believed them to be. With this growing awareness comes growing understanding of the unity that humanity has with the environment within which it exists. This sense of unity with nature is not something new and indeed has been the primary position of awareness for many societies in existence before their industrialization.

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Biophotonics – The Science Behind Energy Healing

By Katrin Geist
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

I’m in a wonderful position: I may witness people’s wellbeing improve, sometimes dramatically, while practicing Reconnective Healing. Watching them come in with pain and leave without it, dance through the room trying out movements they couldn’t do in months, or get up saying: “I’m not depressed anymore!”, move on the massage table so much in response to frequencies of energy, light and information that I feel compelled to hold the table in place, speak what seems another language fluently without conscious knowledge of it, heal from a severe accident a lot faster than predicted – it makes you wonder what exactly happens to people experiencing this, and what the Reconnective Healing phenomenon is based on.

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The Clinton Body Count: Is a Serial Criminal About to Become First Female U.S. President?

By Makia Freeman
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Voting for Hillary in 2016? If you or anyone you know is thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton, you may want to recall the trail of lies, mysterious “suicides”, plane crashes, drug offenses and intelligence leaks surrounding the Clintons ever since they came to power in Arkansas.

With Hillary Clinton running for president, America is faced with the horrendous prospect next year of having to choose between continuing a Clinton Dynasty or a Bush Dynasty. Could it be any more obvious that the U.S. is not a Republic or a Democracy but rather an Oligarchy of the rich and powerful? A bloodline aristocracy may be a better term, since all of the 44 US Presidents have been part of European royal bloodlines, despite having different last names.

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What Happens When Spirituality Buys into Capitalism?

By Lorna Richard
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Our world is showing us our inability to see the truth. The self-help phenomenon has created a kind of spiritual degradation. The ‘New Age’ movement brings deep wounds when spiritual teachers are blind to the truth. With the blind leading the blind it will be difficult to restore the gift of sight and true spiritual mastery.

Introducing spiritualism into capitalism has corrupted the spiritual teacher and left the student in spiritual limbo when the student buys into the notion that money is somehow tied into being abundant in life. When money and the accumulation of possessions is seen as abundance this a real problem for bringing truth and making change in our world.

What happens in the psyche of an individual when a spiritual teacher tells them “if you really love yourself you would be abundant and the riches of the world would be yours”. When deep down we know there is something not quite right with the system?

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The Many Uses of the Mighty Moringa Tree

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing tree native to South Asia and now found throughout the tropics. Its leaves have been used as part of traditional medicine for centuries, and the Ayurvedic system of medicine associates it with the cure or prevention of about 300 diseases.1

Moringa, sometimes described as the “miracle tree,” “drumstick tree,” or “horseradish tree,” has small, rounded leaves that are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium… you name it, moringa’s got it. No wonder it’s been used medicinally (and as a food source) for at least 4,000 years.2


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