Wake Up World

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Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

By Lissa Rankin, MD
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There’s a school of thought in spiritual circles that ascribes to the idea that everything that happens in our lives — the blissful things, the growth edge things, the horrid things — all happens with purpose. This spiritual teaching suggests that everything reflected in our lives is the result of our conscious or unconscious desires, and that when things aren’t going our way, it’s because the blueprint of the subconscious actually desires the very thing we think we don’t want. In other words, we may believe that we want to meet the love of our life, or we may hope to have the cancer cured, but if someone were to muscle test us or read the subconscious mind intuitively, we would discover that at the level of the subconscious, we’re actually terrified of falling in love because of a past heartbreak, or the cancer is meeting some core need for rest, connection, or freedom from a toxic job, for example.

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Hunza: A Paradise Of High Literacy, Longevity and Gender Equality in a Remote Corner Of Pakistan

By Palash Ghosh
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The Hunza Valley, a region in the Gilgit–Baltistan territory of northernmost Pakistan, is renowned not only for its spectacular natural scenery of majestic mountains and glittering lakes but also for the beauty of its people, who enjoy a long life expectancy. The rough mountain terrain, clean air and water, an abundance of healthy organic foods like dried apricots and almonds, and relative isolation are believed to have blessed the locals with excellent health and long lives. Indeed, Hunza Valley was reportedly the inspiration for the paradise of “Shangri La” in the book “Lost Horizons” by James Hilton.

But Hunza and its environs are renowned for something else that is quite extraordinary: At least three-quarters of people in the Valley – and virtually all the youths of both genders — can read and write (in a country where about 55 percent of the population is literate, and millions of girls are essentially blocked from attending school). Almost every child in Hunza attends school up to at least the high school level, while many pursue higher studies at colleges in Pakistan and abroad.

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Flowers Used in Chinese Herbal Medicine

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Herbal therapies are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). While there are 5,767 substances defined in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Substances, a typical practitioner may routinely use between 200 and 600.

Most often, the herbs (a combination of one to 13 different plants) are added to water and boiled. The liquid is then separate from the herbs and drunk as a water decoction.

The herbs may also be consumed in powdered form, spray-dried concentrates, pill form, or even “honey pills,” which are “prepared by combining powdered herbs with concentrated decoctions and honey to produce a small herbal pill.”1

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Using a Non-Stick Pan? You May Want to Read This

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Pans with a non-stick coating are convenient but new research suggests that the chemical used for the coating is extremely toxic and exposure on any level could prove dangerous to brain health, the reproductive system, and immune system.

The Dangers of Non-Stick Coating

DuPont, the chemical engineering giant, is responsible for the perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) used to make Teflon coating. Federal regulators linked the chemical to birth defects and cancer, and these regulators also accused DuPont of hiding these hazard reports for decades. This caused an uproar and forced DuPont to phase out production of the chemical in 2006. Regardless, PFOA has already infiltrated millions of homes; resulting in detectable amounts of the compound in the blood of nearly every American. It’s even been found in polar bears in the Arctic.

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Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System

By Lance Schuttler
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

“Reform is not enough anymore. Because that’s simply improving a broken model. What we need, and the word’s been used many times in the course of the past few days, is not evolution, but a revolution in education. This has to be transformed into something else.” – Sir Ken Robinson

Mr. Robinson spoke these words in his popular 20-minute TedTalk entitled, “Bring On The Learning Revolution”, which is embedded below. This is one of the best lectures on a topic that so desperately needs addressed in our world and I recommend it to anyone.

The current educational system, which stresses compartmentalization and standardized testing, is limiting the inherent abilities we all possess. It’s as if the educational system is simply set up in a way that directs us only to memorize and regurgitate rather than question, express, connect, and create. We are taught to fall in line and adhere to “The Matrix” rather than being our unique, authentic selves.

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The Trap of Debt Economics

By Alan Adaschik
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Money is a medium of exchange and the study of its use is called economics. In days gone by bartering was the order of the day. If you had corn and wanted wheat, and I had wheat and wanted corn, we would decide how much of one commodity was equivalent to the other and make an exchange on this basis. However, bartering is an awkward process because of the unwieldy items and commodities involved. Obviously, exchanges of goods would be facilitated if people used something less cumbersome as a medium of exchange such as gold or silver. If I grow wheat, by exchanging my wheat for gold it will allow me to obtain other things more conveniently when I want them. Thus metals like gold and silver became our first widely used mediums of exchange.

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Why Taking On Another Person’s Problem Is Bad For THEIR Health

By Lynn Newman
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Confession time: I used to think it was my job to take on other people’s problems — especially in my closest relationships.

Quite honestly? I did it to feel better about myself. But every single time I tried to fix or help, I ended up pushing those I loved away rather than creating the closeness I craved.

They were like: “Hey, I’m a big boy/girl! I know how to take care of this myself!”

And then I was like: “You know what? You DO have you own inner resources to take care of you. WHY was I making this about myself?”

As a creative, empathetic, feeling and intuitive being, I can “feel” the people around me, especially those I care about and love the most. It’s hard for me not to get involved.

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Survival of the Kindest: Evidence Humankind is Evolving to Become More Compassionate

By Paul Lenda
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In recent history it has been thought that human beings are hardwired to be instinctively selfish. This perception of reality made for way for the Western “every man for himself” concept and idea that we are individualistic at the core of our nature. However, many studies conducted over the past several years are demonstrating that this idea is not accurately portraying the underlying nature of human beings.

There is mounting evidence that the human race is evolving towards becoming more compassionate and collaborative since our survival counts on these things. In fact, the reasons given by a growing group of psychologists as to why we humans are as successful at surviving and thriving as we are, is because of our nurturing, altruistic, and compassionate traits. With the understanding of the concept of oneness and the interconnected nature of all aspects in Reality, it is realized that this revolutionary perception on evolution makes sense. By being kind to another, we benefit not only that other individual by elevating their positive emotions, but also benefit ourselves by elevating our own.

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Money – The Lifeblood of the Fear Exchange Network

By Zen Gardner
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Aren’t you getting a kick out of this financial meltdown? What a sham! What self induced insanity, and all as if they didn’t know this was what they were in for. It’s the inevitable result of intoxicated psycho-pathetic leeches living off the manipulated matrix of the whirled system, thinking they can crank themselves into eternal material bliss with hardly a glitch.

Nothing could be more moronic, on this scale or any other measuring system. Yet they keep trying.

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18 Signs That You’re Here to Transform Human Consciousness

By Lissa Rankin, MD
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift,” this mysterious transformation of human consciousness that is supposedly underway. Ever since the end of the Mayan calendar in December of 2102, New Age types tend to twitter away about the evolution of the species, the revolution of love, and other hopeful but fuzzy seeming changes in what it means to be human. I want to take a minute to help us all ground this floaty notion a bit.

See if any of this sounds familiar:

Do you have a vision of some aspect of a more beautiful world, and you know it’s your sacred purpose to help bring it into being?

Do you sense that something is out of alignment in the world, and you want to be a part of the solution?

Have you experienced a life-altering event that changed everything for you, and now you want to use that experience to help others?


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