Wake Up World

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The Measure of Greatness

The Measure of Greatness  300x234 The Measure of Greatness

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

What does it mean to be truly great? Is greatness in all of us, or just the ‘chosen few’? What does greatness have to do – if anything – with fame, fortune and popularity?

Greatness is something that’s has always intrigued me. And even though there’s a heavy dose of surrendering acceptance in the nature of my soul, when I open an internal space, something pretty often arises all by itself – a striving to learn, explore, evolve and grow. It’s a passion and commitment to evolutionary change. There’s no struggle in this, but there’s absolute determination and will. It feels totally spiritual to me.

Does this bear any relation to greatness? Is it in you, and if so, what might you do to unleash it?…

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Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked 300x210 Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they look, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Yes, there are spiritual forces at play, often the same kind they claim to be delivering others from. Sad thing is they prey on the willing, those who have had an awakening at any level who want to take their new found freedom further, and better themselves and the suffering world around them.

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Research: Bisphenol A (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined

 Bisphenol A (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A new study reveals just how profoundly misled we are about Bisphenol A and its analogs: they are at least 100x more toxic than we previously imagined.

An alarming new study establishes that the commonly used chemical bisphenol A used in tens of thousands of consumer products, and its lesser known but increasingly prevalent analogs, bisphenol S and F, are several orders of magnitude more disruptive to the endocrine systems of the developing male human fetus than previous toxicological risk assessments were capable of determining.


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Wisdom and Compassion Need to Become Action

By Andreas Toupadakis PhD

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Instead of searching to find terrorists, why don’t we search for justice? Instead of searching to find new weapons technology, why don’t we search to find the starving millions and feed them?

Wisdom + Compassion = Action

Nothing happens until our words turn into actions. The difficulty that our generation has is that when it comes to direct action, we stall. There is no solution to terrorism but one, no matter how much money the citizens of the world will invest to stop it. It will simply increase. Why? It is because terrorism is the result of the increasing gap between the rich and the poor. Humans with great offices and power in this world will tell you that the cause of terrorism is something else. Do not believe them. They are trying to protect their power, which has been accumulated at the expense of the starving millions of the world.

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New Solar Technology Transforms Smartphones and Windows into Eco-Friendly Energy Sources

transparent solar 300x199 New Solar Technology Transforms Smartphones and Windows into Eco Friendly Energy Sources

Luminescent solar concentrators are nothing new in the realm of solar energy. Focusing the sun’s rays onto a compact area, the effect is similar to using a magnifying glass for generating heat and fire. The technology doesn’t come without problems, however. Solar concentrators tend to be unattractive monstrosities that pose a threat to local bird wildlife. Efforts have been made to merge the concentrators with standard windows, but the end result compromised the transparency and color of the glass. In response, the quest for a completely clear material began.

Affordable and non-intrusive

According to Richard Lunt of MSU’s College of Engineering, his team has developed a truly transparent luminescent solar concentrator that “can be used on buildings, cell phones and any other device that has a clear surface.” The key word here is transparent.

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How to Use Meditation to Help You Out of a Depressive State

By Robert L. Rupp

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We live in interesting times. On the exterior, we live in a vastly advanced society with impressive social structure and the ability to innovate. On the exterior, we have hundreds of differing medicines and procedures to help us deal with a myriad of physical ailments that could affect us. As they say, beauty is only skin deep.

Depression is a formidable opponent for millions. If left unchecked, depression can also lead to stress, illness, feelings of hopelessness, and feeling like there is no way out. Brain chemistry is also effected by depression.

From a neurological standpoint, most people effected by depression show reduced alpha activity in the frontal lobes. Alpha brainwaves are one of the most common brainwave patterns among those who meditate. This presents an opportunity for the advancements of our modern society to explain how you can use meditation to help bring you out of a depressive state.

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Soulful Happiness

Soulful Happiness Main 300x212 Soulful Happiness

By Cynthia Olsen

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One might ask, “How can I be happier in my life? How can I unite my body, mind and soul to create a happy life?”

Doctors have long acknowledged the influence our thought patterns have on the body, but usually only among themselves. Freshman medical texts sometimes admit that as much as 50% of disease is psychosomatic; in other words, “of the mind”.

The Biology of Belief

I have read the story of Dr. Norman Cousins, author of “Anatomy of an Illness”. He was diagnosed in 1964 with Ankylosing Spondylitis (crippling collagen disease). His doctor gave him a one in 500 chance of recovery. After a series of hospital procedures, Cousins checked himself out of the hospital and moved into a hotel...

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One New Year’s Resolution That Can Transform Your Life – Forever!

When you are connected to the source of who you really are, you know it, because life flows with ease and grace. You can create what you desire, and you are joyful, peaceful and abundant. Everything in your life is a direct result of being connected or not connected. When you set your intention on getting connected first and foremost, you will also align with the realization of other resolutions that you may desire.

The less connected you are, the harder it is for the universe to answer your hopes, dreams and prayers – not because you are less deserving. You are always deserving, but rather because you are not plugged in and the energy cannot flow – therefore what you desire cannot manifest in your life. Manifestation is the flow from thought to thing. The more connected you are, the easier thoughts can flow into things. In other words, the easier and quicker the universe can deliver your dream.

You have innate control of this connection – you are the captain of your ship and you can consciously make choices, on a moment to moment basis, that either connect or disconnect you.

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Making the Transition from Fear to Courage

Making the Transition from Fear to Courage 300x225 Making the Transition from Fear to Courage

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Many souls around the world today are still living much of their lives and consciousness in the state of fear. It’s sad thing to see but it’s a reality that can been seen all around us. Many systems (various social, political, religious, and others) within society perpetuate the energy of fear, and such systems will continue as long as the consciousness of courage does not exist within us.

By having courage, we are able to stop experiencing the fear being perpetuated by those systems and take off the illusory shackles imposed by them.

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Sacred Celebration: Making the Most of the Holidays

 Making the Most of the Holidays

By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H.

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Most holidays in first world countries are about having fun, and most involve explosives. Maybe this is the extreme stimulation we need to feel excited. Our holidays largely lack spiritual context and meaning, save for expressing our love to one another and sharing good times. Religious holidays that literalize religious myths don’t fare much better in terms of helping us deal with reality.

We are missing the sacred in our celebrations, which would honor the things and experiences for which we are truly grateful, that truly fulfill us and give us life, as if we were truly grateful... which collectively we may really not be. Our Earth-honoring rituals have all but disappeared in the modern world and visits to the natural world for many are akin to going to Disneyland. How might we make a shift?


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