Wake Up World

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Cardiovascular Disease Linked to Vitamin Deficiency & High Homocysteine Levels

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

There is a new buzz word regarding a possible predictor of a stroke, coronary heart disease or peripheral vascular disease, and that word is homocysteine; a non-protein α-amino acid derivative from the amino acid cysteine. Many epidemiological studies have shown that too much homocysteine in the blood (specifically the plasma portion) is related to a higher risk of cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis, the plaquing of the arteries.

So how does one collect so much homocysteine in the blood that it can result in such serious health risks?

The answer is simple: diet, lifestyle factors and chronic stress.

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The Awakening – A Clash Of Two Civilizations

The Awakening a Clash of Civilizations The Awakening   A Clash Of Two Civilizations

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Despite the furious efforts of the world’s controllers, humanity is waking up. Don’t let recent events and seeming contests of ideology throw you. We’re in the thick of it now.

There’s nothing level about this playing field, and the mass narrative is strong propaganda. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies. Disinformation serves several purposes, the most insidious of which is to introduce doubt to your heartfelt conviction regarding the reality of what is obviously before you. Keeping the ‘mass mind’ at bay is imperative to their program.

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The Astrology of Relationships – Understanding Mars and Venus in Your Birth Chart

By Simon Vorster

Humanity has spent an immense amount of time exploring the depths of the oceans and the vast universe. We have scanned every corner of the earth and our solar system. We have spent so much time exploring and understanding everything around us, and yet we know so little of ourselves. In fact our relationship to ourselves is one of the most challenged aspects of our current reality.

In my view, self-awareness lies at the root of our spiritual path. This is where our attention is most needed for us to evolve to the next step in our evolution.

The truth behind this awakening lies in our awareness of our journey back home; becoming mindful of our own natural inner vibration, accepting that unique vibration and then actualizing and individuating that vibration. We all have within us a true, undistorted, natural inner vibration – who we naturally are without any conditioning. As we slowly begin to move upward into the age of light, the frequency on our planet will rise and awakenings will intensify. The more we connect with our own true nature the more we are able to understand ourselves as transcendent beings.

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Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing

By Nanice Ellis

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Did you know that virtually every emotional wound is intertwined with issues of worthiness? In fact, feelings of unworthiness keep us from creating the lives we most desire. In order to heal our emotional wounds and consciously create, we must conquer our fears of unworthiness, but in order to do this, we must first understand why we are programmed to feel unworthy.

Like most “subconscious programs” the Worthiness Program is often passed down, unknowingly from our caretakers, but even, on the rare chance, that you did not inherit this program, by the time you are in first grade, the program officially begins.

On day one of first grade, we are taught that there is right and wrong, deserving and non-deserving, and passing and failing, all adding up to either worthy or not worthy. Year after year, with every test and evaluation, we must prove our worth. But not just worthy to move on to the next lesson, the next grade or to graduation, we are asked to prove that we are worthy of approval, acknowledgment, appreciation and even love.

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Breaking Through Personal Limits with Conscious Self-Actualisation Groups

By Caroline Diana Bobart

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There is a mysterious element of order and wisdom that underpins the consciousness and energy of a group that gathers in sacred space.

Often those who are part of such a group will refer to this unseen order and wisdom as “the hand of God”. Another equally valid way to look at it is as a powerful all-knowing force that is unleashed when ‘two or more are gathered’. This universal truth speaks directly to the force that rises as you step away from ego into sacred agreement with others, so the best outcomes possible can come into being.

Of course, when you enter into a group agreement, depending on the nature and purpose of the group, there can be varying degrees of consciousness on the part of the person (if any) leading that group. Of all the types of groups that exist – political, cultural, ethnic, humanitarian, charitable, volunteer, business – this observation relates most closely to conscious ‘self-actualisation’ groups.

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Some Pointers (and Pitfalls) for Talking With Nature

Some Pointers and Pitfalls for Talking With Nature Some Pointers (and Pitfalls) for Talking With Nature

Essentially, Nature lives and expresses in and from the moment. We people, very, very rarely express in and from the moment. Nature has no choice about this, it cannot leave the conscious moment. We have a lot of choices; we call it free will! Free will… that’s a misnomer if ever I heard one! If you have free will, try being consciously in the moment for one minute. Okay… you failed. Almost certainly, you were thinking! To be consciously in the moment, you must be without thought. Why? You can think your way out of the moment, but you cannot think your way into it. Thoughts take you into the past, or the future, but thought cannot take you into the moment. Nature does not live and express in the past or future; it lives consciously in the eternal moment.

Suddenly, talking with Nature is far more than it appears to be.

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Can You Navigate Love With Healthy Boundaries?

Can You Navigate Love With Healthy Boundaries Main Can You Navigate Love With Healthy Boundaries?

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Every relationship in my life lately has been an experiment of the idea of unconditional love and freedom. But this week, I finally really got a critical piece of the puzzle. Here’s my epiphany…

It’s totally possible to offer unconditional love plus absolute freedom with no conditions, but access is completely conditional. (LIGHTBULB!)

Brene Brown says the most compassionate people on the planet are the ones with the highest boundaries. Now I get it! For so long, I made the mistake of thinking that unconditional love and freedom meant expecting nothing in return. Wide open heart. Zero conditions. Forgiving people over and over again when they hurt you or betray you. Giving people permission to break your heart. And that’s part of it. You can’t walk around guarding your heart all the time. When the gates of your heart are closed, you may be less likely to get hurt. But you’ll also be incapable of giving and receiving love.

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Path Between Worlds – Into the Fifth Density

Path Between Worlds Into the Fifth Density  Path Between Worlds   Into the Fifth Density

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Yesterday I was at a favourite gorge here in Avalon (UK). The weather was spectacular: a still and crisp autumn day; the trees resplendent in greens, golds and oranges; clouds were flowing into the horizon, across blue sky, like an endless river. When I looked at the rocks, I couldn’t see them anymore; I couldn’t see the trees any longer as purely 3D. The air was no longer air, just passing into physical lungs. As I looked around me, I’d become as one with the consciousness, with the light; and as I looked into the setting sky, it’s like I was flowing into it. I was flowing into the 5D. This, I know as the Path Between Worlds.

Come join the journey…

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Cradle to Cradle Design – How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World

Cradle to Cradle Design How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World 3 1024x670 Cradle to Cradle Design   How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World

By Katrin Geist

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Ever heard of the Cradle to Cradle principle? Or of “everything is food”?

Imagine littering as something beneficial, where what you throw out actually fertilizes soil or breaks down completely. Where throwing away things helps instead of damages. Where everything is truly recycled, or better, upcycled and reused. Where buildings double as water cleaning habitats that create their own power to run.

Impossible? Not! Two men joined to achieve just that, inspiring companies, corporations and governments to give their brilliant ideas a try.

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Government Colludes with Media Coalition to Criminalize Citizen’s Journalism

While sharp looking liars in suits transmit the state sponsored news readily packaged for public consumption, the American people are waking up to the televised lies and deception of the mainstream media.

Recent attacks on the Constitution and thus on the people, have shaken many more minds out of the hypnotic trance perpetuated by the mainstream propaganda machine which falls apart when analyzed with facts omitted from their scripts.

An attack on freedom of speech and freedom of the press has never been as vicious as it’s seen today. Senator Feinstein is taking the lead in an attempt to ban citizen’s journalism by redefining the United States Constitution.

In the recent judicial hearing Senator Feinstein made an attempt to give a new definition to freedom of speech and freedom of press, claiming that if a person is not an employee of a state approved media entity, he or she isn’t qualified to be journalist. While attempting to define a reporter, Senator Feinstein brought an comparison of a 17 year old high school dropout starting a blog vs. “real” reporters with “bonafide credentials” and professional qualifications.


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