Dratzo! We return! Much is involved in the final aspects of the great sundering that is to bring down the dark power structure. At present, you are witnessing the final days of the power struggle which is reaching its definitive denouement. The cabalists are using their ability to foment chaos in an attempt to escape the noose we have thrown around them, but their convoluted schemes will not be successful this time. We have made allowances for their finagling ways and are anticipating anything they can come up with. Over the eons, war has been the cabal's instrument of choice for manipulating you and wriggling out of inconvenient situations, and it is using this tried-and-true device today in the Middle East and in South Asia. While deadly efficient, this 'tool' will not result in their escape as our control over Earth events is too strong to be thwarted by such low-level shenanigans. Do not be concerned by what the cabalists are planning. Their anything-goes attempts to go out with a bang will backfire on them, providing the means to liberate this vital region of the world. The coming transformation is utterly under the aegis of divine fate!
Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press, Below Miles makes a Statement about Earth Allies and there trustworthiness, Real Earth Allies in which The Galactic Free Press Represents are Trustworthy if not they would not be Earth Allies. So, we are not sure who he is referring to here. All Our Love The Earth Allies in Service to the Whole Truth and Love On Planet Earth=Heart.
The evolution of our ascension/shift to a new reality and full consciousness is progressing in stages. The enormity of the task requires scores of earth allies to work behind the scenes. We must understand that this is not a rescue mission: the Galactic Federation is here, not to liberate, but to assist and mentor us. The innumerable delays clearly indicate how deeply entrenched and corrupt our 3D system is. To implement change on a scale of this magnitude takes time. The logistics are staggering!
Dratzo! We are here! We come with good news for all! The process of returning you to your sovereignty is starting to reach the point of fruition. We are employing a technology that is resulting in the collapse of the dark ones and their empire, and we fully expect to be able to remove them from their positions of dwindling power. The growing Libor crisis is a sign that the present economic systems can no longer function as they are now generally acknowledged to be rotten to the core. A new system that can be trusted needs to be implemented, and quickly. This conclusion is now favored by most of your economists. Even the staid organs of the press are calling for an across-the-board arrest of the scoundrels who knowingly brought on this financial debacle. The present system has openly shown its hand, and as the crisis grows into a global mess, it can swiftly lead to the dark's undoing. This unraveling will allow us to move forward, clear the cabalists out of the way with recently obtained special court orders, and so complete the move to an entirely new economic system.
~Be ready for some immense changes and for announcements~
Dratzo! We come with much to tell you! Currently, our associates are preparing for the events we have been describing to you. The dark cabal is reeling from some major accusations that are reaching the mainstream media in a number of European nations. These accounts of wrongdoing include the daily fraud involved in setting the interest rates for most of your world. And yet these revelations are only the beginning of what is to follow. Your world is engulfed in a tide of ever-mounting debt that is the result of these self-serving activities, and it is for this and many other reasons that the dark ones have reached the end of their protracted rule upon your world. They have long withheld from you a wide range of advanced technologies and related appliances, and our Earth allies have insisted that one of the first acts of the new governance is to bring these discoveries into the limelight. These technologies can vault your societies forward to a point where first contact makes more sense. Added to our own technology, your now-suppressed devices can reveal to you how best to serve your planet and your fellow humanity.
David Gibbons is interviewing Sheldan on The Life and Works of Nikola Tesla. This is the first in a series of interviews on one of Sheldan's favorite people~~Nikola Tesla.
The first introductory program broadcasts this coming Sunday, July 8 at 3:00 pm (PDT~California time). Join us~~David's interviews are always unique and interesting.
Dratzo! The time for changes is upon us all. Heaven has moved upon the Earth and decreed that a time for liberation and for freedom has arrived. Thus we are honor-bound to come forth upon the Earth and face in all diligence those who, in haste and sheer arrogance, have forgotten that they are merely temporary masters of this most magnificent realm. Our coming is to make these points absolutely clear to them and to pave the way for a new epoch for surface Earth's humanity. Nearly 13 millennia ago, you began to fall into the uneasy world of limited consciousness. This is a realm where it became relatively easy for your new masters and their trained minions to control and manipulate you. This time is now swiftly coming to a divine close. Actions have already begun which are to force those who have for so long ruled this land with impunity to let go of the reins. Our liaison teams and their many sacred companions are working hard to complete programs which will revitalize your world-a world where you are to be set free, and where, in sacred purpose, you can complete your journey to full consciousness.