Collectively Conscious

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Ignorance Is Not Free

Source: | Original Post Date: October 7, 2013 –

Some have called ignorance bliss. But if you actually look into it, there is an incredible cost and consequence to ignorance; and there is no free ride for anyone. There is also a huge range of things both physical, emotional, and metaphysical we can be ignorant of, each with their corresponding consequences.

On a Physical Level

On a physical level, living a life of being ignorant of where our food comes from, its nutritional value, what is in vaccines, buying endless goods as if they come out of thin air, of the existence of chemtrails etc., means that not only do we cause suffering to animals, the planet, fellow human beings, and future generations, but we are subjected to poisoning, carcinogens, and chemicals even in our food, water, and air that causes us sickness, suffering, and premature death.

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A Neuroscientist Explains How Meditation Changes Your Brain

Source: | Original Post Date: February 28, 2014 –


Do you struggle, like me, with monkey-mind? Is your brain also a little unsettled, restless, capricious, whimsical, fanciful, inconstant, confused, indecisive, or uncontrollable? That’s the definition of “monkey mind” I’ve been given!

If you need more motivation to take up this transformative practice, neuroscience research has shown that meditation and mindfulness training can cause neuroplastic changes to the gray matter of your brain. A group of Harvard neuroscientists interested in mindfulness meditation have reported that brain structures change after only eight weeks of meditation practice.

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Elon Musk Builds Alternative “Un-School” Without Grades For His Children

Inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk explained in a recent interview that he built an alternative school for his children and went on to describe the process of “unschooling” that his children are involved with. Musk is the CEO and CTO of SpaceX, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors and chairman of SolarCity. He is also the founder of SpaceX and a co-founder of PayPal.

Musk has revealed in the past that his own experience in public school was horrible, riddled with both bullying and lessons that were neither valuable nor interesting. Instead of forcing his children to endure a similar experience Musk has built them a school without grades and that takes a radically different “unschooling” type approach to learning.

“I didn’t see the regular schools doing the things I thought should be done,” Musk said.

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Teen Treats Crohn’s Disease With Cannabis And Gets His Life Back

Source: | Original Post Date: May 22, 2015 –

Recently, 15-year-old Coltyn Turner testified before the Colorado state legislature and rode a bike again for the first time in years. Previously so ill he was confined to a wheelchair caused by the debilitating effects of Crohn’s Disease, over the past year the Colorado Springs teen has used cannabis oil on his path to healing.

“I’d rather be illegally alive than legally dead,” he says.

Coltyn’s mother Wendy describes her family as Colorado refugees. Forced to uproot from Illinois to treat Coltyn with cannabis, the Turners have found a way to put their son’s health first. While they appreciate the welcome in the state that allows Coltyn to utilize cannabis as a medicine, being forced to move has not been easy – especially on the teenager.

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20 Mystical Scenes To Behold In The Mountains Of China

Source: | Original Post Date: November 3, 2015 –

The land of China has long been known for the mystical mountain ranges and spiritually cultivating landscapes. These 20 photographs present some of the most beautiful scenes that China has to offer. After viewing these incredible locations it will be hard not to add a visit to China to your bucket-list.

Yuanyang Rice Terraces, Yunnan


Zhangye Danxia Landform In Gansu


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The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed By Science

Source: | Original Post Date: November 19, 2014 –

Coconut oil has made the journey from villain to victor in the health food world.

What used to be deemed an evil saturated fat, dangerous for anyone worried about heart disease and high blood pressure, has become a healing nourishing substance soaring in popularity.

How did such a drastic change come about? What made people change their minds about the numerous benefits of coconut oil?

This story is tied in with the saturated fat myth that to this day runs rampant spreading misconceptions.

Coconut Oil And The Saturated Fat Myth

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1,100 Police Depts Just Admitted That Marijuana Is Least Of Nation’s Drug Worries

Source: | Original Post Date: November 5, 2015 –

The U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration wrapped up its 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment Summary last month, and the results should infuriate you.

More than 1,100 local, state, and tribal law enforcement departments responded to the 2015 National Drug Threat Survey and the numbers don’t lie. Cops do not perceive marijuana to be a threat.

For the last eight years, the threat perceived by law enforcement from marijuana users has diminished. Only around six percent of those who took the survey still buy in to the reefer madness.

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Newly-Developed Concrete Absorbs CO2, Insulates, And Is Also A Vertical Garden


Researchers in Barcelona, Spain have found an innovative solution to the long-established emissions problem.

In Barcelona, Spain, researchers at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) have found an innovative solution to the long-established emissions problem. Science Daily reports that they discovered how to build megastructures with a biological concrete that not only lowers CO2 and regulates heat, but is pleasing to look at.

It is not only a medium for growth and a construction material, but a means to regulate temperatures indoors while removing CO2 from the atmosphere.  The surface of the concrete grows mosses, lichens, fungi and other biological organisms.

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25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

A new scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy. 

There are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity (check out over 600 on our cancer research database), but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy. Turmeric, for instance, we have featured a number of times for this “smart kill” property of targeting just the heart of cancerous tumors. More recently, ginger has been found in pre-clinical research to contain a compound up to 10,000 times more effective than the chemotherapy drug Taxol at killing breast cancer stem cells. Even common food like blueberry have special cancer killing properties, as discussed in a previous article: Research: Radiotherapy Causes Cancer, Blueberry Kills It.

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Releasing Yourself From Toxic Relationships And Situations

Life is a continuance of cycles and if you listen and feel closely, there is a natural flow to all that exists. Intuition resides in all living beings and it is up to you to trust the infinite power that is within you… the power that you are.

You have the freedom and power to choose the life you imagine. The life of your dreams. This starts with a deep knowing of who you truly are, and coming to love and accept yourself fully and totally no matter what. This is the prerequisite for living a life that is 100% authentic to you, where you are 100% You. There is no one else alive that will live life exactly the way you will choose to, because you are a unique energy signature vibrating out your own personal frequency.


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