Collectively Conscious

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10 Reasons The Universe Is God’s Video Game


Did you know there’s a chance we could be living inside a video game right now? With titles like Sid Meier’s Civilization, The Sims and Grand Theft Auto we already have some amazing life-simulation games, and if computers keep advancing, the simulations will inevitably get better and more realistic, which is why some philosophers and prominent scientists believe that it’s possible we’re living in one already.

The theory that we’re living in a simulation was made popular by The Matrix in 1999, but it got a bit of academic credibility with the Simulation Argument, which was written by Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom in 2003. One of his main arguments is that it’s inevitable that historical simulations will happen because human progress is always moving forward. Therefore, at some point computers will be powerful enough to simulate a universe.

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Soon Censored? Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer With Magnets


In South Korea, scientists used a magnetic field to get cancer cells to actually self-destruct. The body removes old, defective, and infected cells through the process of programmed cell death (PCD), or apoptosis.

In apoptosis, the rejected cell responds to certain signals sent by the body by fragmenting. Immune cells then consume these fragments. The magnets help trigger apoptosis. When apoptosis fails, however, rejected cells divide uncontrollably, developing tumors.


Professor Jinwoo Cheon of Yonsei University in Seoul and a team of scientists conducted experiments on bowel cancer cells using magnetic fields to induce apoptosis.

They attached iron nanoparticles to antibodies, which bind to “receptor” molecules on tumor cells.

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8 Signs You May Be Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

1. You’re more in touch with your spiritual foundations through transformative meditation:

You realize, as Jung noted, that “the experience of the Self is always a defeat for the Ego.” And through the seven primary chakras you are becoming one with the cosmos, receptive to stimuli to which, in the time before, you were insensate.

You’ve felt the powerful kundalini energy rising up from your roots, passing through the sacred waters of the sacral, basking in the fire of the solar plexus, breathing in the vital breath of the heart, absorbing the ethereal voice of the throat, pouring through the dissolution of the Third Eye, and spilling up and out like a mighty fountainhead into the greater cosmos.

2. You are beginning to want more freedom and less stuff

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Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ

Source: | Original Post Date: January 28, 2013 –

Harvard University Insists Fluoride Only Lowers IQ Levels Outside the USAA

recently-published Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride areas.

In a 32-page report that can be downloaded free of charge from Environmental Health Perspectives, the researchers said:

“A recent report from the U.S. National Research Council (NRC 2006) concluded that adverse effects of high fluoride concentrations in drinking water may...

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We Grow Enough Food For 10 Billion People And Still Can’t End Hunger

Source: | Original Post Date: May 8, 2012 –


A new a study* from McGill University and the University of Minnesota published in the journal Nature compared organic and conventional yields from 66 studies and over 300 trials. Researchers found that on average, conventional systems out-yielded organic farms by 25%—mostly for grains, and depending on conditions.

Embracing the current conventional wisdom, the authors argue for a combination of conventional and organic farming to meet “the twin challenge of feeding a growing population, with rising demand for meat and high-calorie diets, while simultaneously minimizing its global environmental impacts.”

Unfortunately, neither the study nor the conventional wisdom addresses the real cause of hunger.

Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. For the past two decades the rate of global food production has increased...

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10 Health Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be Real

Source: | Original Post Date: March 24, 2014 –

Do you believe in any “health conspiracy theories”?  Do you believe that there are “natural cures” for diseases that the medical establishment is not telling you about?  Do you believe that vaccines, cell phones or the fluoride in the water can have a harmful impact on the health of your family?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone.  According to one recent survey, approximately half of all Americans believe in at least one “medical conspiracy theory”.  Thanks to the Internet, more people than ever are questioning the established dogma of the medical community.  As a result, more people are starting to make their own health decisions, and this has resulted in quite a backlash from the medical establishment.  They are spending a lot of time, effort and money to combat these “health conspiracy theories”, but as you will see below, quite a few of them have turned out to be real.

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Understanding The Fibonacci Sequence And Golden Ratio

Source: | Original Post Date: November 4, 2003 –


golden-ratio-fibonacci-sequenceThe Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature. It is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144… each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. It is an infinite sequence which goes on forever as it develops.

The Golden Ratio/Divine Ratio or Golden Mean -

The quotient of any Fibonacci number and it’s predecessor approaches Phi, represented as ϕ (1.618), the Golden ratio. The Golden Ratio is best understood geometrically by the golden rectangle...

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The Effect Of Cannabis On Pregnant Women & Newborns


It’s almost too taboo to discuss: pregnant women & marijuana. It’s a dirty little secret for women, particularly during the harrowing first trimester, who turn to cannabis for relief from nausea and stress.

Pregnant women in Jamaica use marijuana regularly to relieve nausea, as well as to relieve stress and depression, often in the form of a tea or tonic.

In the late 1960s, grad student Melanie Dreher was chosen by her professors to perform an ethnographic study on marijuana use in Jamaica to observe and document its usage and its consequences among pregnant women.

Dreher studied 24 Jamaican infants exposed to marijuana prenatally and 20 infants that were not exposed...

...The results showed no negative impact on the children, on the contrary they seemed to excel.

Plenty of people did not like that answer, particularly her funders, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They did not continue to flip the bill for the study and did not readily release its results.

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Iceland’s Hörður Torfason – How To Beat The Banksters

Source: | Original Post Date: December 14, 2012 –


The tiny Nordic European island country of Iceland is presently experiencing one of the greatest economic comebacks of all time. After the privatization of the banking sector completed in 2000, the economy was thrown into a tailspin when over a five-year period, private bankers borrowed 120 billion dollars (10 times the size of Iceland’s economy). A huge economic bubble was created, causing house prices to double, and making a small percentage of Iceland’s population rich enough to buy up overseas investments, mansions, yachts, and private jets, while leaving an absolutely unpayable debt for all Icelanders. Iceland was facing national bankruptcy.

In response to the failed banking system, in October 2008, Iceland’s revolution against this financial tyranny began, rather casually in the street, in front of the Icelandic general assembly.

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The 85 Richest People On Earth Control As Much Wealth As The Poorest 3.5 Billion

Source: | Original Post Date: January 20, 2014 –


According to studies from Oxfam International, The 85 richest people on the planet have approximately the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the entire population. It is speculated that the wealth of the wealthiest individuals in the world is greater than the public knows, but according to even these studies, the wealthiest people in the world are still quite wealthy, while the citizens of the world are left to starve and work for crumbs.

The alleged 85 wealthiest individuals on Earth, a very small fraction of  the “1%” , own about 46% of all wealth on Earth, according to a report...


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