World News & Politics

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Mainstream Media Finally Admits Mass Banker ‘Suicides’ Were Likely a Vast Criminal Conspiracy

by Jay Syrmopoulos , The Free Thought Project

New York, NY – In 2015 there was a popular “conspiracy theory” floating around the internet after a rash of mysterious “suicides” by high profile banking professions. What once looked like wild speculation is now beginning to resemble a vast criminal conspiracy connected to the Libor, interest-rigging scandal.

Over forty international bankers allegedly killed themselves over a two-year period in the wake of a major international scandal that implicated financial firms across the globe. However, three of these seemingly unrelated suicides seem to share common threads related to their connections to Deutsche Bank. These three banker suicides, in New York, London, and Siena, Italy, took place within 17 months of each other in 2013/14 in what investigators labeled as a series of unrelated suicides.

“In each case, the victim had a connection to a burgeoning global banking scandal, leaving more questions than answers as to the circumstances surrounding their deaths,” according to the New York Post. “But all three men worked for, or did business with, Deutsche Bank.”

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Brazil Has Now Banned All Imports of U.S.-Grown Genetically-Modified Crops

by Christina Sarich, Underground Reporter

Brazil — The list of countries refusing Monsanto’s genetically-modified crops continues to grow. Highlighting the world divide on the issue, Brazil recently refused all U.S.-grown GM crops. While we are continually force-fed genetically modified foods — since they are in approximately 80 percent of all packaged, conventional foods in grocery stores in America — other countries are refusing to import them, grow them, or sell them within their borders.

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WikiLeaks Set To Ruin Hillary Clinton’s Bid To Be U.S. President

by Jeff Sanchez, True Activist

WikiLeaks co-founder Julien Assange is threatening to release a horde of information that could derail Clinton’s campaign for good.

Following the leak of State Department cables back in 2010, it seems WikiLeaks is back on Hillary Clinton’s case in a big way once again as the whistleblowing website plans to release documents about the presumptive Democratic nominee that are so incriminating, it could virtually take her out of the race to become the next U.S. President.

While WikiLeaks has been on Hillary’s business quite a lot these last few months – especially with the U.S. Presidential Race heating up, this one that the website is about to unleash is supposedly so big that once it comes out, it’ll all be over for Clinton and, if what WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is saying is true, it could even lead to the controversial Democrat facing a truckload of charges left and right.

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China Announces That It Will Cover Nearly A Quarter Of The Country In Forest By 2020

by number23, AnonHQ

China will cover nearly a quarter of the country in forest by 2020, according to an announcement made via a United Nations report. The goal is part of a larger plan to build an “ecological civilization” that will serve as a model for future projects around the world.

The report, entitled “Green is gold: The strategy and actions of China’s ecological civilization,was launched at the United Nations Environmental Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. The report, which analyzes the environmental dimension of China’s 13th five-year plan, also lists cutting water consumption by 23 percent, reduce energy consumption by 15 percent and carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 18 percent among its goals.

The outdated view that man can conquer nature and ignore the bearing capacity of resources and the environment should be completely abandoned,said Zhu Guangyao, executive vice president of the Chinese Ecological Civilization Research and Promotion Association.Conscientious efforts should be made to live in harmony with nature, allowing for a new approach to modernization characterized by such co-existence.”

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Former CIA Agent to Americans: Time to Talk About What's Really Causing Terrorism

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, a former CIA counterterrorism agent has shared her insight into what causes such tragic, intentional carnage. Amaryllis Fox spoke for the first time publicly with Al Jazeera Plus (AJ+) about terrorism, misguided narratives on why it happens, and the underlying motivators driving it — ultimately urging  Americans and those in power to adopt a different approach in comabating the ongoing violence.

If I learned one lesson from my time with the CIA, it is this: everybody believes they are the good guy,” says Fox, who is currently “in the process of getting her CIA cover rolled back,AJ+ reports. She is now a peace activist and runs Mulu,an e-commerce company supporting at-risk communities around the world.

Fox worked as a counterterrorism and intelligence official for the clandestine services during the 2000s. In her first public statement on her time there, she discussed the limitations on the American public’s perception of the war on terror:

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Video Shows How Google Manipulates Searches to Help Hillary Win Election

by Matt Agorist , The Free Thought Project

The idea that corporate media, government, and large technology companies collaborate to create a false sense of reality in an effort to drive a specific elite chosen narrative has been the stuff of conspiracy legend for years. However, thanks to the Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the Freedom of Information Act, and WikiLeaks, the inner workings of how empire operates have been clearly put on display for the world to see.

In March, the Free Thought Project reported on the explosive emails revealing how the U.S. State Department and Google worked in concert to topple the government of elected Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in an attempt at forwarding U.S. geopolitical strategy.

Prior to that report, we revealed Clinton’s cozy relationship with Google and YouTube after an email chain exposed the internet giant bowing down to Clinton’s demand for censorship.

Now, in another bombshell revelation, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has backed up Clinton and Google’s relationship, claiming they are working together to promote the Democratic presidential candidate.

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Govt Bans Growing Food, Forces Family to Destroy Front Yard Garden — Now They’re Fighting Back

by Matt Agorist , The Free Thought Project

Miami, FL — Tom Carroll and Hermine Ricketts recently had a run-in with the law and were threatened with daily fines for their illegal activity. Carroll and Ricketts weren’t robbing banks, or trafficking humans, or running some other criminal enterprise — they were growing their own food.

That’s right. For 17 years, the couple grew their own food in their front yard until one day, the state came knocking. They were threatened with a fine of $50 every single day they let the garden grow in their yard.

Not wanting to be extorted or kidnapped and thrown in a cage, the couple immediately complied and dug up their garden. However, now they are fighting back in the form of a lawsuit.

The couple is represented by champions of freedom and liberty at the Institute for Justice who  to protecting the right of every American to own and use his or her property freely.

Why on earth would a city enact such a law, you might ask? Well, no one was harmed by the couple’s garden, it was entirely organic, and in nearly two decades, not one of their neighbors ever complained. The only injured party in this ridiculous act was the state.

According to the tyrannical legislation, all homeowners are subject to the same absurd constraints. Their yards must be covered in grass — that is the law.

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Breaking: Norway Becomes First Nation In The World To Ban Deforestation

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Did you know? Every year, an estimated 55 billion tons of fossil energy, minerals, metals, and bio mass is extracted from the Earth. As a result, humans are using up 50% more natural resources than the planet can comfortably provide. Scientists even speculate that within 100 years, the world’s rain forests could completely vanish.

This spells trouble for future generations, which is why Norway recently banned the practice of deforestation – the first in the world to do so.

According to HuffPost, the country committed to zero deforestation on May 24th. The groundbreaking move means that the nation pledges to ban any product in its supply chain that contributes to the deforestation of rainforests through the government’s public procurement.

Nils Hermann Ranum of Rainforest Foundation Norway, said in a statement:

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‘Camping’ on Your Own Land is Now Illegal — Govt Waging War on Off-Grid Living - Counter Current News

by Jay Syrmopoulos, The Free Thought Project

Costilla County, CO — Across the U.S., local zoning officials are making it increasingly difficult for people to go off the grid, in some instances threatening people with jail time for collecting rainwater or not hooking into local utilities.

As zoning laws have increasingly targeted the off-grid lifestyle, many have moved to the Southwestern U.S. as an escape from overzealous zoning officials.

In Costilla County, Colorado, there has been a major influx of off-grid residents to the San Luis Valley. The combination of lax zoning regulations, cheap property, and an already thriving community of self-reliant off-grid homesteaders has led to many new residents.

The off-grid lifestyle, enjoyed by an estimated 800 people, is now being threatened as county officials have recently made moves to essentially regulate and license the lifestyle into oblivion.


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