Already reports and comments are coming in that suggest that people believe that the 2012 Scenario has said that Disclosure will happen on August 5, 2012.
No, that’s not something we said.
What we’ve said here is that there’s evidence (not conclusive evidence, but suggestive evidence) that the divine deadline before which the galactics have to honor the freewill choices of Earth’s governments will pass on August 4, 2012.
If this evidence is a true predictor, it doesn’t bind the galactics to disclosing on August 5.
No one here, and perhaps not even the galactics themselves, know when Disclosure will happen. You’ve seen that a shooting in Denver can potentially put back the plans for Disclosure by removing President Obama from Washington.
Yes, the galactics have divine authority to prevent another false-flag operation on the scale of 9/11, but they don’t have authorization, to the best of my knowledge, to prevent a small-scale event like a shooting, even though it may have large consequences.
But that will change after August 4 – if what we believe is correct turns out to be so.
There’s no one on this blogsite who wishes to be the cause of your disappointment or discouragement through irresponsibly floating rumors that have no basis in fact, for the sake of things like a “scoop” or an “exclusive.”
But by the same token, we also know that you’d like to know of events that are large in significance and probable. We’re balancing the need to be responsible to you with your desire to know.
And yes, we rely on sources that many others don’t and that some others regard as not credible. Everyone needs to follow what resonates with them and what their discernment recommends. While we try to offer the evidence of the sources we rely on, we make no pretensions to “having an inside track” or knowing any more than we do.
Thank You Steve, for your time and patience to clear this up for us. But one thing I do know DISCLOSURE will happen. I cannot wait to see my beautiful Galactic Family. I am seeing them in my skies and I am so excited.
Love & Light
No channeler should be
No channeler should be trusted to allow a iron-clad disclosure date to be posted...with out at least putting the following...THE FOLLOWING CHANNELER HAS BEEN CREDIBLE...WICH MEANS THERES A GOOD CHANCE THIS MESSAGE IS TRUE...BUT THIS IS NO GUARANTEE
(Although if most credible
(Although if most credible channelers say the same thing...(i'd bet my lfe)...its gonna happen)...NOTE: YOUR DAILY CHANNELERS ON THIS SITE ARE EXTREMELY CREDIBLE...I'D BET MY LIFE ON IT
Thank You Steve, for your time and patience to clear this up for us. But one thing I do know DISCLOSURE will happen. I cannot wait to see my beautiful Galactic Family. I am seeing them in my skies and I am so excited.
Love & Light
It will be incredibly helpful
It will be incredibly helpful if some entity will be in charge of coordinating various conflicting messages from the galactic world in some coherent format so that crediblity and authencitiy of information can be restored. We are at the point of: please, no more false promises and delays due to unforeseen factors. Eveything is fluid, however, information of this magnitude must be dealt with utmost care and due diligence.
I guess either the galactic masters really do not communicate very well with each other, or much of channelers' info cannot be taken as face value.
Does that mean you will finally get to pick who goes on the ride around the galaxy like you did before? You seem to be walking back more stuff than Mitt Romney...LOL ! Just sayin..
your articles
If what you have been indicating is now what you haven't been saying, then you need to be more attentive to how you say it. Many, many, many of us out here apparently all think and interrpret you comments the same way. And now we're being told we're mis-representing what we read. Unfortunately "backpedaling" seems to be becoming a common occurance on many of the websites we would like to believe in. Sites like your's always respond by indicating real light workers never question....but the numbers of us who do, are growing whenever we hear denial of what was indicated one day and said two days later. We all want the same thing.......real change and to live on a more loving, peaceful planet
Does anyone know for sure the august 4th date is real or not
are you kidding us?
I did not misread what I read yesterday and it did read that if the Cabal does not disclose on Sat, that it didnt matter, time up they will land at the statdium wether the cabal like it or not! Now less then 24 hours later you come out with this? Are you channelers for real or what? Please stop playing games if you dont know then you dontbknow, I cant believe that these higher beings cant make up there mind as you would have everyone believe or that they cant keep there word even with billions of human lives riding on it and that a few drops in the bucket are more important then the billions, please just keep it real!
the breaking news report
The radio report of Breaking news said that there had been a meeting just prior to the Olympic opening, that talks had opened between the galactics and lightworkers and high people in government, business etc. That the queen was asking for certain conditions that revolved around her request to be exonerated for a couple of issues. That leaders were given a time limit as to disclosing the alien presence on earth at the Olympics with all the news agencies present. It was said that if the elites and leaders did not do the disclosure by the 4th that the galactics now had permission to disclose to the people. Serrina then went on to say, she expected that an announcement by leaders would happen by the 4th. However she said this date could change. She also said the galactics had discussed several different senarios for disclosure if the leaders did not follow through, one of which was to announce at the Olympics (read that one senario discussed), but other possibilities existed.
Within about 5 hours after the radio report, other sites had started reporting and from what I can tell there were several announcements that were not accurrate in reference to the radio broadcast. I listened to the whole 3 hours that night and after reading some of the lightworkers and walkins comming forward with this reference to the Breaking News story who had manipulated what was reported on the actual broadcast, I even went back and listened again.
Also search for Micah The Guardian in her channel on the morning prior to the show. July 27th, who actuallly gives info that eludes to the new permission of galactics to become involved with speeding things up and why it is needed.
Well Surprise, Surprise that
Well Surprise, Surprise that didn't take long less then 24 hours and as predicted all the excuses start coming out, Please dont give dates if you cant stick with them as you get peoples hopes up and finally lose their respect as well.
If your not 101% then its best you dont say anything.
Love & Light.
I too am beginning to wonder
I too am beginning to wonder if what I read here is creditable or what. I read that David Icke said the opening ceromonies were satanic and to send love and light to transmute it, then I read an article on the GFP that says the ceromonies were of the Light so I inquired about it stating what I read from David and someone from the GFP commented that David Icke is not supported by this site and two days later, there is an article from him posted on here. Needless to say I too am confused but that is not the first time this has happened. One source says disclosure, and another says we are misinterpeting the information we read here when I don't think it is we who is misinterpeting but the information is not solid from the GFP. Once again though I will go into my heart and discern what is right for me, but this is making the GFP a questionable site for information. Perhaps it is that the dark has gotten in here as well and is trying to confuse us. Good job I have to say but they can't turn our lights off, nor will they stop what we are being successful at--awakening all of humanity and their time is running out. Bless you all with love and light. You will be forgiven for rest assured, we are changing the world, with or without the GFP.
Kick the can
first it was in April, then May, then June, then July, now August?
I don't belive you. I've seen enough garbage articles here too. *Un-favoriting*
good day to you nice people... but. NO.
We shared this Article
We have shared this article as it shares a different Point of view. Here we Look for the Whole Picture. Micah has not been incorrect in what he has shared in the past couple of Months. Of Course we cannot Validate his dates he has given, as We dont Give dates. We deal with the Present moment of Now and we are days away from August 4th alot could happen before this. All Events will Unfold Synchronostically. All things are Possible and We are In Moments where certain events Must Manifest. Focusing on the Highest Outcome is Key. This is a time of Unity and coming together! Lets Support Each other in the Highest Outcome Occurring. We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
the circle is complete
So once again it is not living in the light to question information we are given one day and stepped away from the next. This is it! Here comes the day we've been waiting for! Oh, never in love, compassion, understanding, continue to work together toward our true bliss, and don't pass judgement........continue in the light. And then you mention Aug. 4th. This is a familiar long will we be ask to turn the other cheek, and blindly follow? That's what we've been doing for 1000's of years. We've come full circle...... once again.
Honest Reporting
I love this - it shows Steve is a true and genuine lightworker admitting that he cannot commit to dates. There are no absolutes with what is occuring and even those that are at the forefront do not always get the full picture. If you are awake you know this doesn't make the information fake - it's because what is occuring is real and events occur that don't always manifest immediately before our eyes. This is not some fantasy film where everything is being controlled by galactic beings and a creator waving a magic wand over planet earth. It illustrates just how little people understand what is going on to release this world in to love. Dates are duality's game. Don't hit the Press or Steve - they are doing a tredmendous job.
i agree with the honest
i agree with the honest reporting comment. but you overlook that dates were's in print, and many of us out here are excited about the times and what they mean to all of us. Human nature leads to grabing onto things that make it feel real. Even indirectly eluding to a time frame, as we see brings misunderstanding. Attempting to dis-own it after the fact is impossible. Words are projections put out to the universe and cannot be taken back with nebulous explanations. As an ever expanding lightworker force we owe it to one another to honor the truth, and not find ourselves in a position to adjust our words to avoid a reaction we brought on ourselves.
What is the definition of a
What is the definition of a genuine lightworker? There must be more to it than being non-commital and nebulous. Don't limit yourself to one webpage and it's comentary when there are others that are just as commited to the truth. This pathway takes a village and there is not just one person's imput that will get us there. Those days have passed.
What is the definition of a
What is the definition of a genuine lightworker? There must be more to it than being non-commital and nebulous. Don't limit yourself to one webpage and it's comentary when there are others that are just as commited to the truth. This pathway takes a village and there is not just one person's imput that will get us there. Those days have passed.
What is the definition of a
What is the definition of a genuine lightworker? There must be more to it than being non-commital and nebulous. Don't limit yourself to one webpage and it's comentary when there are others that are just as commited to the truth. This pathway takes a village and there is not just one person's imput that will get us there. Those days have passed.
Right? Wrong? What?
Apparently, a few people are feeling frustrated because they have expectations that are not being fulfilled (or seem not to be fullfilled). That frustration is understandable because that is a common outcome of expectation. Intention, on the other hand, creates that which is being intended.
We each have different life plans and see things in different ways, and yet, none are really "wrong." Few of us can see all the sides of possibility. Thus, what anyone says requires descernment and not blind acceptance. We are the ones that create our expectations and, thus, our dissapointment (anger, etc).
What I see happening is an effort to make someone right and someone wrong. That is a very flawed 3rd dimensional thought. In reality, people are offering information on many different levels with varying levels of consciousness. This is part of their life plan, and their sovereign right to express. You are not responsible for what others say and you don't need to rescue anyone from what you see as "incorrect" information, which, for the most part, is a judgment, not a fact. Each must make their own descernment according to their own life plan and life goals.
In this particular situation, I did not hear Steve Beckow say that disclosure was going to occur, but rather that there were discussions and it might occurr. I sense these comments to be made in good faith and appreciate the information. It is your right to see things otherwise, but please know that any expectations related to this (and any resulting dissapointment or frustration) was created by you and not by Steve.
These comments are somewhat harsh, I think, but they do come from my heart and with love.
The need to rush to the
The need to rush to the defense of someone elses words carries with it a bit of the 3d world as well. The pathway to living at a higher level is not alalways fairy dust and butterflies. Sometimes harsh words help to jolt us out of that 3d reality, and brings one back to their center. All lightworkers are working to bring ourselves and those around us to a higher level of existance, and yes, we are all speaking from our heart, with love and respect.