The Waves of Life
Heavenletter #4280 Published on: August 13, 2012
Hang on. Rough seas become calm waters. Life takes you up and down, yet, I want to tell you that there is no dire in life except as you think so. I know what life seems like to you. I do not underestimate what you may go through. There is more than one way to go through life. I say to go through life, for, pretty much, when life doesn't go your way, you see life as a hazard. When you feel assaulted by life, you feel betwixt and between. You feel ravaged by the wildness of life. Let it be all right even that you feel suffering, even that you fear, even though you feel pulled from pillar to post. The life you live can change on a dime -- you already know that.
A storm can come. The sun comes out. Flowers grow. The ups and downs of life are nothing but waves, and waves have their rhythm, yet, always, waves are only waves, and waves are water washing away, and waves are what you make of them.
Whatever occurs in your life on Earth, it is finite. Life is infinite, yet what occurs in the world is age-old drama. The show goes on, or the show is cancelled. You are infinite, and Infinity is beautiful. You are part of Infinity.
Beloveds, shrug your shoulders and go on. I give you infinite life. You have Infinity. There is no end to life. Let there be an end to your suffering. Let not suffering be your choice. The whole world is before you. Whatever in your life caved in, as you perceive it, is not the making of you. You are not dependent upon it.
However sore your heart may be, no matter how defeated you may feel, no matter how world success has eluded you, your life on Earth is not the whole story. Life does not stay one way or another. Life on Earth does not stay the same. The road you travel on may be rough, and yet roads do get paved.
The pity is that you count too much on some things. Life is deeply serious to you. Perhaps you are penniless at the moment, and, so, your heart is war-torn. You are fighting with yourself, beloveds. That which you hold onto does not have to be held onto. There is high tide, and there is low tide. You do not have to have the world success you so worked for. Your value is not based on your world success nor is your value based on what you might call failure. Your sense of failure is always incorrect regardless of the numbers.
You do not know the good you do. You do not know the ground you travel. Your love of live is not dependent upon what you think. Life is not iron-clad, one way or another.
Let not your beautiful heart be dragged down. Whatever drags your beautiful heart down, it doesn't have to. You may see what befalls as tragedy. Remember, world life is relative. Tragedy compared to what? What's the matter? Whatever hopes of yours have been dashed, someone else would be overjoyed to have what you see as the matter. There is nothing the matter that has to consume you and destroy your happiness. There is life beyond the curtain of the stage you are on. This is the first act. There is a second and a third, a fourth and a fifth. Be not attached. You don't have to despair.
Keep your dreams handy. You don't have to let go of them any more than you have to keep up with them. Have your dreams, don't give up, and, also, don't have to have the fruition of them. There is more to life than overt success in the world. Even if your house should be taken away by a flood, you are mightier than a flood. All that you hold as essential to your happiness is not essential to your happiness. Savor life.
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Beautifully Said.
Thank You. - I choose Love!