Greetings, Suns of the Sun.
Upon the Land of Boundless Splendor
and Infinite Light we can reside now.
Because the “New Earth” is here, beloved.
It is here, right now.
Just shift your consciousness a little bit
and step onto the New Reality
called “New Earth, New Life.”
It is Now, thou Being of Light.
Do not accept appearances as the only Reality.
Choose and choose again.
You are Free and it is Now.
So, no more suffering
and no more poverty consciousness.
From this true place and its space of Being
shall we assist those who are still lagging
for a spell.
You know this already.
You have stepped into the New Light.
Let this be your decree:
"I Am a beloved Being of Light."
Then, when your consciousness accepts this Reality,
you just shift your consciousness and you say,
"I Am the being of Light."
Wanna hear a short story?
2 nights ago I heard a voice in my head, asking who was first:
God or Light?
After some hesitation, I answered: Light.
Then, almost immediately, I realized my mistake and it was too late.
The voice said nothing and i awakened...
It was 4 am.
I punish myself since...
Do not repeat my mistake, people.
True, But...
Thanks , And know that the words; Life, Light, Love and God are all the same "word"
Though it is known within all races of beings throughout interstellar space that there certainly is the Super, SuperDuper PRIME CREATOR (emphasis intended) that is before all things comprehendable. Cheers to You.