~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Ellion Responds to the Post~
Glee is what I felt when I read your words my brother! I wasn't quite sure what the word meant exactly, so I look it up and it means...
1. Jubilant delight; joy.
2. Music A part song scored for three or more usually male and unaccompanied voices that was popular in the 18th century.
That describes it well for me, as your words were also the expression of my heart inprint. The future scenario you wrote is exact! Revenge is primitive, let's just move on now... :)
It seems like many people are looking for a particular coming "event" to culminate the struggles of the human experience, and indeed that is the case when one seeks outward manifestation. The event that is sought is realizing one's place in this grand drama. But..
Consider the words that I write ,ere and now, I could type and paint a very dark forboding if I choose to. I have plenty of material to build a case on, as I promoted that expectationt for many decades! Or, I could choose to draw a different picture where light abounds and darkness is no longer visible. Actually, that is the one I have chosen, and therefore can easily agree with what you have written. Getting to that point was NOT easy!!
Each and every one of us have the same choice but why then are so many eyes unable to see? Its gotta be timing right? Light destroys darkness by its sheer nature, a metaphor often used to describe love and fear, vision and blindness and so many others.
The cry that "Love is the answer" has echoed down though the centuries, from Jesus to Bhudda, to Ghandi, MLK and presently by those of us now saying it and supported by all those before us. Prior to our generation the timing was not ready, but now arises the precession of the material heavens, and it controls the direction of the Universe. Has it not been written that the powers of the heavens would be shaken?
Heaven represents control. It, itself speaks the same message that we do, and is now ready to express that to us all. Messengers are important but they have no control, for they too abide in this complex arrangement only simplified by Unconditional Love, the great equalizer.
It is when the messengers apply the message that they become in sync and alive with it.
Thank you Predrag and many blessings!!
Love and Peace,
Light and Dark
a small but important point i think, light does not destroy dark, it transmutes it by raising its frequency. in reality all is light, love the dark in non judgement and unconditionally so that you can free it and ascend as a complete being.