David Porter's picture

Let the momentum behind his purpose be now served on the proper plates.


This has the power of 9/11, the difference is that the cabal didn't see this one coming, where on 9/11 it has become obvious to many now that the cabal knew what was coming due to the fact that we now know they constructed it long before they pulled the planted triggers for implosion to HIDE the evidence and divert our attention.


They planned that one out well in advance, not this one though, this one caught them off guard. "Whoops, we better make another building fall, stadium crawl, fed building holding their record burn, school, theatre, church where ever the humans are, something of large enough scale to

You see they know just how powerful "ATTENTION" is as they have obviously leaned how to use it for them selves and "on" our selves, for their ends and against ours. And where is the mass human attention drawn daily? "They" have the media to do the job, do they not?


Let the momentum of this permeate these ones (cabal/Illuminate/elite) and expose them for what they truly are for "every eye to see." The Light is now turned on and to the "Peoples" favour this time. Let us flash this light on them so we can all see.


There is great design and Cosmic purpose of the "New Ones" that are with us now. Our youth are the ones with the technical knowledge to do this very job and the cabal just attempted to make an example of, "don't mess with us we're the ones running things around here" out of one of these young up and coming "STARS" (Aaron Swartz) of our time that came to Earth on mission to expose them, and did he not serve his contract well??? 


Their goal in this most obvious to show us that if we attempt to expose them they will confine, remove or kill us as has always been the case with the brave ones like Lincoln, Kennedy, Tesla, M. King etc. etc. etc. This list is much longer than what most would even consider as valid. But do keep in mind "WHO" controls ALL inventions for "patent."


Aaron Swartz, is but one with this nature of the consciousness, resistance to evil, courage and technical skills to once and for all DISMANTLE these dark-hats and their black-ops status quo. Although this was not his intent, he just wanted our lines of honest straight forward communications to be open for all and to remain that way.


If everyone world-wide will NOW join together in prayers and the needed action by the people, for the people and of the people, we can and will place a well over due and final end to the cabal and all in their foot-steps like them resurrecting this once beautiful thriving Planet of such Divine Love for Her children.


Let us be up and doing and take action NOW as we the people of Gaia are the ones and only one that have say so over our affairs of this planet, lest we give or allow other entities to take it from us, which of course is the sad case with us so far. If you want disclosure, you must step up to the plate with all your body, mind, Heart and the very Soul that your are to make it happen.


Have you ever seen a better opportunity staring you in the face for discloser? It is time for DISCLOSURE TO HAPPEN NOW!!! Human team, YOU are being called forward to the front lines right now. Remove your outer-wear and revel to the cabal your truth. Show your-Self to them in real time. Show the world now what you are made of and from "Whence" you truly come. Be the Spiritual Warriors that you came here to be!


Our deck is full now, let's not fold this time. Aaron played his cards and the cabal showed us their hand in the matter, now let us show them what seven billions hands together in unity looks like, THE TRUMPT CARD, CHECK MATE, END GAME!!!




d'tewa's picture

     By right, disclosure is already happening.  This story is making things very sticky for the Global Elite.  You should read the comments of the people who are relating to this story.  This is getting very interesting, indeed.  We haven't heard the end of this yet.

Love and Light.


Love and Light, d'tewa