Apparently I have a blog

nerdalicious's picture


I am new here and just participated in my first love party. It was very exciting to see other happy people let their hair down. In my case I let my goggles do the talking. Steampunk: get your nerd on! I had a great time with some very wonderful people. It was nice to meet you all!






Desert Gypsy's picture

Welcome! We're happy bouncing in joy that you found us!

welcome home love!! im so

cocolove77's picture

welcome home love!! im so happy you enjoyed your cocreation with us<3

I <3 u as I


nerdalicious's picture

It was really fun to meet everyone last night! I have a post I need to transcribe (hopefully) tonight. I still have this lingering past life thing nagging me. I felt multiple connections that I can't put words to. There was a lot going on that I couldn't figure out.


Wow did FatherGod lite me up! That guy is a real hoot! So much so that I couldn't help but see it spread to all my co-workers today! I couldn't contain it, so I just broadcasted it! Its a contageous energy to say the least.