When you stop listening to all the prophesied “soon” s out there on all the places you can now find them, that come and go, and come and go and deliver nothing again and again, then you can have your cake and eat it too. So far it’s been all about “later” for many of you.
For the alleged ETs and Beings of Higher Societies that seem not to know our vernacular, timelines of 3D etc, please allow me to break it down for you. We go by Webster down here.
Webster: “SOON” Obsolete: at once: immediately: without undue time lapse: before long <soon after sunrise> Synonyms, directly, momentarily, presently, shortly and you all have a good idea of the related words. Soon is a few days or weeks maybe folks, not years.
Don’t allow any teaching to keep you complacent in any type of status quo. Don’t ever wait for. Don’t ever allow your thoughts to ponder what it is that you cannot have, do not want or don’t have. This is your source of power, place them and replace them again and again on ONLY that which you DO WANT.
Soon, very soon, imminent, shortly, “They” are even saying NOW. But still no NESARA (financial disbursements and improvement for all), no major disclosure, no mass arrest (containment now, mass arrest for the murders was too harsh a term for “Them”), no hi-tech toys, no free energy devises, no big event and no ascension/enlightenment again this year.
Promises to us now by many an “alleged channel” over the weeks, months, years and even decades. No results. But why the promises from “Those” that we would like to believe that we can trust more so than the ones that have kept us from all the above for each and every life time we have been here since at least our Atlantis visits 13,000 years ago? Hope? Let me ask you what this does for you? There is something of much greater power at your disposal. “Command Ye Me.”
Let me ask you folks, can you do anything about those that continue these false promises? It has been printed on large scale areas of land in fields mostly.
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES."
Mind you, I am of no religious order or any other group, I AM THAT I AM and I AM on My Own.
You have access to all the inert gifts of Spirit that you desire, to activate the psychic powers of the Soul you are, to be a fully functioning Sacred Soul Force, here is what you need do.
Remember Who You Are!
How to: You have to claim your gifts to remember that you have them. You are these gifts; they are part of your Being; they are your nature.
Now if you would like to have your gifts “soon” and experience them “soon,” listen closely to this story as this is for the one with eyes upon the screen.
Let us bring title to such story, let us call it
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
Once upon a time there was a little rascal and friends just a be bopping through the woods as they did every day without a care in their world, while the world or village he left behind was being taken over by the “cabal.”
The take over was a success and during it the leader of this Kingdom was assassinated. This leader happened to be father to the little rascal. One day little guy was walking down his path and the skies opened wide and a voice came out of the Heavens, “SIMBA,,,,,,Remember Who You Are!!!”
And now you know the rest of the story. Mufasa in The Lion King gave a direct message to boy-son.
Don’t you wish you could get it so direct as some of us have?
“Be still and know I AM GOD,” that’s direct and it’s written.
And get to where you don’t hesitate when reciting this all powerful truth of the essence of Who You really Are. You are a Consciousness that took on a vessel/body for an experience away from “Home.”
You possessed this from Universal Intelligence, Divine Mind, Source Field Energy, Prime or Supreme Creator, Alpha Omega, All That Is. And You are the GOD that uses this Vast Expanse unlimited eternal Nourishment Supply.
God is closer to you than your own skin.
As this is You.
There was a book written back in 1998 titled from a cartoon,
“Remember Who You Are, The Awakening”
If you haven’t done so, get this book and read it NOW and your “soon” will become soon when you regain conscious membership to your Kingdom. You are the One that awaits Your re-arrival.
***~May Your Light Shine ever bright~***
PS: I want to say to the wonderful ones that have kept this site active for years now, thank you. Of the sites that I visit yours, The Galactic Free Press is by far the most efficient and authentic of them all.
The refreshing snap of Truth
I think you are on to something here. There is too much doubletalk, too much speaking with a mouth filled with oatmeal, too many are being lulled to sleep by we know not whom, too few to be trusted - as sane, or simply bought and paid for.
I find truth refreshing, like splashing cold water on your face when you are sleepy. We have become sleepy.
Hat's off. Well done. God Speed.
Much Love,
A fellow seeker on the trail...
Oh My Me!
The tears are streaming down my face! You are the Light and the Way! You are my brother and my savior as I am yours. We remind each other that we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven together this day! My gratitude and love for you are as boundless as the consciousness we share, my brother.
In Lak'ech.
hi david
we love you so, and you are so cute
love you was
The Blue Corrona of LIGHT
If that's You in the picture Andre, you are way beyond cute, you are LIGHT!!! Thank you
David Porter
Author of the series