Blossom Goodchild - February 9, 2014

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By: Blossom Goodchild, 02/09/2014

Yep … it’s me again!

PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH. So much news and I am not sure what order to put it in!

So, I tried again today to channel (9th Feb … see below) … yet this time … ‘I’ stopped it … ABRUPTLY! For there were two sentences that ‘unnerved me’. The first being:

‘interferes with the master plan’ and although I was prepared to accept that as the case … the FEELING I got didn’t sit well. Plus, on reading back , noticing 'they' didn't use a capitol for 'master', yet I did and the FOL would have certainly made me press the caps button! Only small, yet another give away. Then, as you will see at the end, I KNEW straight away I was not communicating with the FEDERATION OF LIGHT.

However I choose to send this out because I think it is a good example of how the ‘darker ones’ are very clever at disguising themselves. Truths amongst untruths so to speak … and yet they slipped up big time and the last sentence was like a dagger in the heart. Always be discerning regarding all that you read. I do hope you consider it appropriate for me to put this up. It also keeps you up to date. I cannot say if it began with The FOL and the ‘darker energy ‘slipped in later, or if indeed I was being ‘duped’ from the start ..

Here it is.


Feb 9th.

Hello there my friends. We were not able to complete our chat on Thursday, so I thought I would try again today. Yet fully accept that ‘All is as should be’. So … anyone home?… and if so , are we ready to rock and roll?

We are awaiting your call and it is now received. Welcome to you dearest Blossom and indeed to all who choose to enjoy our conversations. For it is of much joy to us to be able to connect in this way and for us to learn from you as you in turn receive from us.

How would YOU like to conduct this conversation today?

We would very much enjoy to converse in a fashion that brings upliftment to all. We have made communications with many regarding the current topic and we feel that due to the ongoing spreading of THE INVOCATION on your computers, that for now … we shall simply keep tabs as the days move along. Like you, we FEEL it is ‘beyond our reasoning’ to say yes or no. A decision of much delicacy that ‘interferes with the master plan’ … cannot be made by us. And we are in much agreement that it should be taken to the Highest Purest knowledge in order for a correct decision to be made.

Struth …. ‘Interferes with the Master plan’. That’s pretty huge! All I can say is that I KNOW when I am guided to do something … yet I still check and double check, and without question … for me … whether I wanted to or not … I KNEW it had to be done. So I did it. Therefore, I can only assume that the Master Plan … is in need of an ‘insert’ … on behalf of those who feel it would benefit the whole. Can we not look upon it as a bit of a dress rehearsal for the Event? A sort of ‘Here’s one we prepared earlier’ type thing!

How we Love your engaging light hearted banter Blossom. Indeed … like you… let us now await a decision from THE HIGHEST …

That really suits me fine. There is no judgement upon this matter either way. Yet, for me, there is total acceptance … that if … for want of a better word, shall we say … THE CREATOR deems it suitable for the continuing benefit of our planet ... then it shall be done . If not … we will still march onwards. We simply cannot and will not give up … even though some souls are choosing to leave right now from sheer exhaustion.

We would say that this ‘controversial spanner in the mix’…

Actually, I think the expression is ‘in the works’ … ‘spanner in the works’.

Yet we FEEL the need to say ‘mix’ …

Well then please continue …

This controversial spanner in the mix has certainly alerted those not of EARTH who are striving also for YOUR Highest achievements … to the fact that although we SEE and Extract your Light

HOLD ON ONE MOMENT!!!! …. Extract our Light …?


At this point I stopped and asked White Cloud what was going on. I immediately got a vision of him flying down to me in a Superman cloak (Funny) and fighting off all these energies (?) around me. I closed down … Got up … and lit the white sage !!

So once again I have no channelling to offer. All very interesting … I have two more opportunities before I have to stop to go on tour (See further down ) Just keeping you in the picture.




Thank You :)

Paul S's picture

I have given thanks to Blossom for this invocation. Now, i feel thanks needs to given to Silver and the GFP for allowing this beautiful message of hope and inspiration to be viewed to all who come here as well. Blessings & love.