How to Heal Past Life Programming

Isis Ra's picture

**We always recommend using discernment when reading outside sources**

Have you ever been told that you were part of the cause for the fall in Atlantis? Do you feel that you may have played the role of the dark in a past life? If you are are one if these people, you may have negative pastlife experiences that need to be healed. Coupled with today’s mind control programming and deep encoded past life experiences, the result is fear of falling into traps that will cause the same pattern of repeating mistakes.

Programming is carried in DNA

We are in the final stages of clearing and hidden guilt is one of the most prevalent energies that we have left to overcome. It keeps you from being able to forgive and love yourself wholly. Programming in today’s society is designed to make you feel like you are never good enough and that you cannot make decisions on your own. Programming in past lives is also encoded in your DNA and is coming forth at this time to be cleared. Gifted psychics can actually tune into your field to tap into these pictures and energies. Recognition and letting go through transmutation are the keys of clearing past life encoding.

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