It’s the perfect time of year to reflect on everything learned and experienced in 2014, and to set new beautiful goals and inspiring intentions for the next twelve months (and beyond).
If you’re looking for ideas, here are 21 habits of happy people you can adopt in 2015. Discover how they can transform your soul and life.
1. Forgive more.
The Buddha once said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Remember that everyone is fighting their own battle, and everyone is trying their best. Learn to forgive other people and set yourself free.
2. Meditate.
Meditation has been shown to improve your sleep, memory, focus, health and stress-levels. It also boosts your creativity and compassion. Start with two minutes a day and build yourself up to longer sittings.
when thyne eye be made single,your whole body shall be of light.
the original aramic prayer .. christ? old pics of many...figures? buddha christ mohamid etc etc etc depicted with a halo? around thier head?.nada....the third eye? activated is a orb? plus your soul? spirit orbs....

view the orbs in 3d sorta? sacred geometry? in some of my pics definte merkaba in them....after the demise of our body....the energy...of pure light....the seat of our consicousness is the third eye? your soul....we never die..is whats meant by. you see the commandments are for keeping your light? vibration high???when one enters the demensions (heavens?)which are defined/separated by vibration, sound and colour? higher realms... hence the heavens you ascend? if you murder? your light is deminished...and the lower realms await you.......had a doctor friend ,tell storys of people dieing on thier death beds over the years he seen many come back screaming and crying of where they were headed...this comes from a medical doctor. ?personally wittnesing... karma is real........my house has many mansions? heaven? and dungeons. hell... the orb thing is just of my opine....and experience of...... (click on pic?) for a better view.
photoed without a flash used? pure energy of sphereical geometry