What does ease in life mean to you? It could be lots of money though I haven’t noticed that having lots of money necessarily brings more ease to those who have it. Then they have to work hard at keeping it or doubling it.
Ease could well be not working so hard at life and not spending yourself all over the place. You do not have to be the best person in the world or the most loved. Conserve your energy.
I do not speak of being lazy. I speak of your not having to please everyone in order to win their approval. This is a lot of work. It is never done. You don’t really get anywhere. If you were a car, it’s like you get a temporary fill-up, yet you have a leak in your tank. You may spend too much energy for too little.
You are here on Earth to give love, this is true. It is not love to over-spend yourself, however. Come to the point where you love yourself, and you will give lots of love without over-spending. Likely you have been over-extending yourself. Life is to live yet not to use up all your energy on what doesn’t really matter and then not have enough energy left over for your needs. This is working your fingers to the bone for a pittance.
There is no virtue in getting wound up and worn out. I never said to cut yourself short. Better to give all your food away than all your energy. You don’t have to hunt for yourself and your value. You are already found. I found you in My heart and in My thoughts long before you came to Earth. I did not find you wanting. Why, then, do you find yourself wanting?
There is nothing you have to prove. You can’t prove your worthiness anyway. If you have to have evidence today of your value to the Universe, then you will require more evidence tomorrow.
You may have an addiction to approval from others. What happens with addictions? You need more and more of the substance until it runs your life. With this addiction of working so hard for approval, you get nowhere. You get a little of what you want every day at great expense to you. You cheat yourself.
Hey, sit down. Put your feet up. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone. You are not to go around as a beggar. It is you who needs to take yourself on credit, beloveds. I believe in you. I know what I created. I do not haggle over your worth. I tell you flat out that you are vital as you are to the Universe. I tell you to spread Me and golden light. This does not take effort. You are not lifting a ton, beloveds. Why do you work so hard at being loved?
Start from the premise that you don’t need to impress anyone or win anyone over. Know that I love you, and My love for you is not a question of being pleased. My love for you is established.
You are gold, and My love for you is enough to last you. You do not have to go around knocking on every door, asking for a hand-out of approval. You are already verified. When you chase after approval, you are chasing the wind. You are flying a kite. You work too hard at it. No need to work on it at all. Do good work, and that is enough. If someone comes to your door, that is wonderful. Let the world come to you. You do not need to do somersaults to gain notice and approval. You do not need to get out of breath and declare yourself someone who tries his hardest and gives 100% all the time.
It has been said to rest on the seventh day. I am telling you to let go of this heavy work of winning approval seven days a week.
Be respectful and don’t try so hard to earn respect. Love and like others, and don’t try so hard. I see this impossible task you set for yourself, and I ask you to take a break from working so hard and to just be. Just be. You are a Being. Free yourself from having to work so hard at winning affection. It’s okay to be an ordinary mortal. You don’t have to be extraordinary. You don’t have to be at the top of the class. Just be.
Thank you for your love of Heavenletters, for reading them, and for your receiving and sharing God’s Love.
In every way, you boost Heavenletters, dear friends.
A wonderful holiday for you and the Happiest New Year ever. May 2015 be the year that all our dreams come true.
Thank you for making Earth beautiful.
Love and blessings,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heavenletter Team
“This is My land, and I proclaimed it for all.
Be a citizen of love, and open the doors of
your heart and of the world.”
Bells Are Ringing
Heavenletter #3683 Published on: December 25, 2010
Have fun with this video, Bells Are Ringing, created by Nélia Alves de Oliveira, Portuguese translator. http://youtu.be/atV6LZSK8yY
The Speech of the Unknown
The following is taken from Washington and His Generals: or, Legends of the Revolution by George Lippard, published in 1847. The signers of the Declaration of Independence sat in Independence Hall at Philadelphia, contemplating losing their heads or being hanged. Their courage wavered. The document sat there unsigned. An extraordinary catalyst was needed to move them to action. An unknown man rose and gave an electrifying speech. He disappeared soon after.... By signing the Declaration, all were guilty of high treason under British law. The penalty for high treason was to be hanged by the neck until unconscious, then cut down and revived, then disemboweled and cut into quarters. The head and quarters were at the disposal of the crown.?
O many years have gone since that hour–the Speaker, his brethren, all, have crumbled into dust, but it would require an angel's pen to picture the magic of that Speaker's look, the deep, terrible emphasis of his voice, the prophet-like beckoning of his hand, the magnetic flame which shooting from his eyes, soon fired every heart throughout the hall!
The work was done. A wild murmur thrills through the hall.–Sign? Hah? There is no doubt now. Look! How they rush forward–stout-hearted John Hancock has scarcely time to sign his bold name, before the pen is grasped by another–another and another! Look how the names blaze on the Parchment–Adams and Lee and Jefferson and Carroll, and now, Roger Sherman the Shoemaker.
And here comes good old Stephen Hopkins–yes, trembling with palsy, he totters forward–quivering from head to foot, with his shaking hands he seizes the pen, he scratches his patriot-name.
Then comes Benjamin Franklin the Printer....
The Original Declaration of Independence (larger view)
And now the Parchment is signed; and now let word go forth to the People in the streets–to the homes of America–to the camp of Mister Washington, and the Palace of George the Idiot-King–let word go out to all the earth–
And, old man in the steeple, now bare your arm, and grasp the Iron Tongue, and let the bell speak out the great truth:
[13-second applause]
Hark! Hark to the toll of that Bell!
Is there not a deep poetry in that sound, a poetry more sublime than Shakespeare or Milton?
Is there not a music in the sound, that reminds you of those awful tones which broke from angel-lips, when news of the child Jesus burst on the shepherds of Bethlehem?
For that Bell now speaks out to the world, that–
[10-second applause]
Are we not bought with a price?
This reading is taken from the book Washington and His Generals: or, Legends of the Revolution by George Lippard, published in 1847.
Manly P. Hall, in his book "The Secret Destiny of America" chapter 17, wrote: