“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many, and various, and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.” – John C. Calhoun, the 7th Vice President of the United States (source)
There are a number of important issues that need constant attention and reiteration when it comes to creating awareness, and one of them is government secrecy, which is happening on multiple levels, so I apologize if you’ve already come across this information from us. It really makes no sense to say that we live in a democracy when, as former Canadian defence minister puts it, “The veil of secrecy has to be lifted, and it has to be lifted now … trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief know nothing about.” (source)
And what about the Flat Earth?????
Another big ONE is the Earth globe hoax. A tremendous amount of evidence indicates that the Earth is ACTUALLY FLATH. Do your research! This along with the crucifixion of Jesus are among the biggest lies in history. Both with the sole purpose of deciet and acquiesce of all life.
Let's break free!
Much Love,
-Earth Liberation Movement
If the Earth was flat it
If the Earth was flat it would be so easy to prove conclusively. We have planes and lasers and all sorts of equipment that makes it quite easy. All the Flat Earthers have is various theories that often conflict with each other, and some of which aren't even meant to be taken seriously.
Give me a coherent Flat Earth theory that explains time zones, tides, gravity, the fact that the southern hemisphere gets a different view of the stars than the northern hemisphere, all the kinds of things that make perfect sense with a sphere.
Water will, It will always find its flatness no matter what, it will Never curve! We can spend hours debating however, to be quick I will resume the model wich I am working on.
So will, how come you are able to see the Sun for 12 hours a day if Mother Earth is a sphere? That is an impossibility. Sunrise starts lets say at 0 degrees. You are, let's say, at 90 degrees and sunset is at 180 degrees. That places the sun at opposites sides of the globe between sunset and sunrise and yet, we can clearly see the sunrise and sunset completly in an interval of 12 hours. How can that be? Our vision will never allow such argument. Ever!
Tides are best explained with a moon much closer to Earth, as it will actually effect a pull on oceans.
View of the stars from the southern hemisphere must be proved with honest people. Lets find out the placement of the stars but more important, let's find out if people can see Polaris star from the southern hemisphere, that will be evidence of a flat Earth.
I don't know for sure wether is Flat or a globe will, I certainlly don't trust NASA at all or any government agency and strong evidence indicates that we might not live on a globe. The globe model and NASA have huge inconsistencies and at this point I can bravely argue that I claim that the Earth is neither a globe or flat, to me is a square!!!! laugh a little will you?
Much Love,
-Earth Liberation Movement
The whole Flat Earth Society
The whole Flat Earth Society was a lot funnier to me before I met people who take it seriously.
Do you believe in gravity?
And what's stopping us from reaching the edge?
On the Flat Earth Society...
The Flat Earth Society is actually a group dedicated to mock Flath Earthers. I used to laugh, just like many other people, and had a very difficult time accepting it as fact. To me conspiracy theories had gone too far. It wasn't until I gave it a second chance when someone hit the spot. Then I began to question everything, and by now, Every single thing that we have been told. I did my reasearch and pretty much awoke to the idea of it in fact being a conspiracy to hide the truth again.
I don't believe in gravity as it is proposed by science. Pythagora's was the first mason and Newton was another mason who continued his work. To me the only genius in human history has been Tesla and he was no mason. I do believe in polarity (magnetism if you will) because that can be proven physically and spiritually.
Finally the Antarctic Treaty is keeping us from reaching the edge, if there is even one, and from sustaining bonafide research to understand the reality of where we live on. To me Nothing in books, academia, school, government, etc. is real or even makes sense anymore, no matter how much I enjoyed college in my time. The fascinating thing about this movement is that we are sort of babies with nothing certain and a plethora of wonders to uncover. The scientific method has been raped over and over again along with the US constitution by the same people who are clinging on the masonic lies and ruthless acts of the people who have full control over nearly every single being on Earth.
Much Love,
-Earth Liberation Movement