11:11 Another Opportunity In Our Ascension Process

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 7, 2015

This recalibration of Humanity’s DNA has been instrumental in preparing each and every person on Earth for the influx of Light we will receive on November 11th, 11:11. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation from the physical into the Divine. Every year on November 11th millions of Lightworkers around the World focus on the Divine Potential of 11:11 and magnetize this Light into the physical plane of Earth on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this Planet. This year will be the first time we will have the opportunity to experience this Light with our newly recalibrated DNA and unimpeded by the manipulation of our fragmented and fear-based human egos.

More>>  http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f8cf9b9e133dde3f2413aadfc&id=74edfd...

The Arcturians- The 11:11 Portal, Dropping of the Veils, Walk-In Souls.-November 7, 2015.

The 11:11 energies will bring cohesiveness to all selves and will fully usher in the dropping of the Veils.
Each soul will be able to “see” what their frequency,(consciousness), ALLOWS them to see.
It is a stair step process.
Everything is not seen at once as consciousness has to expand to be able to comprehend each aspect of the greater self.

This will be a different process for ALL.

More>>  https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2015/11/07/the-arcturians-the-1111-...


The 11:11 and New Moon Openings



The 11:11 is already open, and there is an enormous worldwide conference of Lightworkers now in progress to maintain and to accelerate the ascension of the planet into its new state of cosmic/universal life.


This 11:11 conference is upgrading the Lightbodies of many who are serving in the unified campaign to uplift the planet and to become ascended masters of creation.


And as the New Moon of Scorpio approaches there are many shifts in the planet’s entire system taking place which will enable the new ascended planetary system to become a more unified and spiritual organism of destiny.




Rose Colored Ascension Energies Pervade Gaia!

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11/11 is coming up in a few days and things will intensify, but I think the ocean of my previous vision has solidified into the physical world we now find ourselves in. The basic hologram is completed but the fine details still need to be filled in. This confirms my belief that Gaia’s ascension and our own ascension will happen in an almost seamless way with no ripping apart of the fabric of physical reality so to speak. Instead, the fabric of the astral planes has been ripped apart and is being put back together.


11:11 Update

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11:11 Update



The 11:11 synchronization of all aspects of planetary/universal ascension is being completed now.  This includes the various ascending dimensions of planetary life and consciousness such as the Atlantean, Lemurian, Egyptian, Vedic, Oriental, Arabic, African, Australian, South American, Native North American, Inter-Stellar, Inter-Galactic, Inter-Dimensional, Inter-Universal, and Spiritual.


And it is including the all new Avatar Dimensions which are creating the new Planetary/Universal Destiny.


It is now becoming possible for Lightworkers to begin to create with their ascended light forces, and to maintain their new levels of Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.


Focusing on this unique 11:11 maximizes its effects for all.


New Moon of Scorpio

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New Moon of Scorpio

This New Moon of Scorpio is the beginning of the unified ascended life of Earth’s ascending population and Her physical living creation and civilization.

It is also a new dimension of ascended and unifying universal existence within the diminishing framework of the past as the New Earth is becoming the prevailing reality.

The Avatar Universal Dimensions are increasingly available to the new Planetary/Universal Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.

And the planet’s new Being is now in the life of all ascending servers.


New Moon In Scorpio: Terrestrial Transmutation

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by Astrologer Salvador Russo

On November 11th we will cross into a New Moon in Scorpio, a new cosmic season as the Sun and Moon form conjunction at 19° Scorpio, a supernatural degree of our zodiac where the elements of earth and water fuse to restore and revive souls from disease, pain, poverty, and death. On 11/11, with the New Moon in Scorpio, the cosmos will bathe and baptize us with new life that we may enter 2016 with sure footing, higher power, and purer souls. The transmutations of our lives begin just days ahead as the Sun and Moon marry in the house of resurrection!

I predict the following events and themes to manifest from the New Moon in Scorpio until the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd, 2016:
