Eclipse in Leo August 21 2017

lauriergg's picture

Said the new moon to the sun,

“Shine truth on the hidden until you don’t.

What deep secrets do you hold?”


Roots run deep under the moon’s shadow

of collective unconscious.

Trust is fleeting and dodges darkness in our world.

We forget that to harm another is to

harm oneself.


The storm awakens many

with dusty reprieves and foggy promises.

In the midst of life decisions of

true value, must I wait again on the rocky shore

vaguely connected?

For my heart is truly a lonely hunter.

Hiding and ready to pounce, it

preys on any quiet love to soothe it.


I still myself.

Between breaths, balance deep inside

begs patience.

For intentions to ripen

and maturity to take hold, it may take time.

There is risk in

harvesting too soon

because the intoxication of duality is too great.


Transformation comes

when everyone is talking

and I can’t hear myself think.  

Thoughts written down fly from my grip.

The wind throws caution and laughs as it blows open

 secret tales of right and wrong.  Stories best left

uncovered.  I am exposed and wear

my heart on my sleeve.


Humility is forced to flee.

Strong and centered for action,

I am invincible until I am not.

Somehow my expanding heart lets go.

I breathe, drink water, ground and

follow my graceful intentions

 by living with connection.


Age is a culmination of my beauty. It is all

my paths woven into a rich diversity of experience.

Either I am a creator or I am not. Although,

my heart whispers that I must be a patient creator.

So I allow this life to flow through me.

As shadow disappears and the circular sun shines,

I breathe out and start again.




