Planetary Kundalini Activation

AdiGaia's picture


Planetary Kundalini

AdiGaia's picture

Planetary Kundalini



The planetary kundalini is now available to assist the ascension of many people who are ready for the creation powers of the planetary kundalini to move through them.


This happens without any effort to bring it into one’s own system of creation and ascension powers to facilitate the ongoing development and realization of the wonders of creation.


The planetary kundalini is the living force which sustains all life throughout the planet.


She is the life and the power of creation which evolves her many lifeforms and planetary structures into more advanced expressions of the infinite beauty of existence.


To allow the planetary kundalini to come into one’s ascension system, just ask for this to occur.


Creating with the Planetary Kundalini

AdiGaia's picture




Creating with the Planetary Kundalini



The Planetary Kundalini is primarily focused in the Andes and Lake Titicaca area.


Since the Tonga volcano explosion in 2022, it has been increasingly powerful and available, especially in the Americas as the Andes and the Sierras and the Rockies are the planetary spinal system.


Now it is available for human creations that are in accordance with the ascending planetary/galactic/universal destiny.


Planetary Kundalini