"They are HIDING a massive UFO base in Antarctica"

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The new director of AARO is an interesting choice. Dr Jon T. Kosloski is the new Director of the AARO office. He's a former NSA scientist. The NSA has for decades been involved in tracking UFO/NHI activity according to a credible USAF whistleblower Dan Sherman. Also, the NSA runs an office managing interstellar trade out of Antarctica. Will we see more disclosure or more impediments to getting the truth?



Linda Moulton Howe - Secrets of Antarctica and The Extraterrestr

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Linda Moulton Howe - Secrets of Antarctica and The Extraterrestrial Presence


Premiered Jun 29, 2021
541,400 views • Premiered Jun 29, 2021

Linda Moulton Howe in Manchester, UK: Awakening Expo Anniversary Release Special! Researcher, Author and Investigative Journalist Linda Moulton Howe reveals a startling incident involving military personnel and an extraterrestrial underground facility based in Antarctica.
