In Your Eyes

JCaTT22's picture




Let me look inside your eyes. Let me look deep inside your soul. Let me see the true you. No, not the “you” that everyone thinks you are. I mean the real you. You know, the you that makes your heart shine, the you that makes your smile brighten up the room. Let me see the you that knows of no fears, see no struggles. Let me see the true you, the one that see’s opportunity in every moment, no matter how simple or hard the task may be. Let me see the you that respects all other life forms, from the Elemental Kingdom, to the Plant Kingdom, to all in the Animal Kingdom, and yes, the Spiritual Kingdom, as well.


Let me look inside your eyes, no matter how dark you may believe it may be deep within. For there is a Divine spark of Light within us all waiting to flourish. Let me look in your eyes, and I ask that you too look back. Look deep in my eyes, look deep in my soul. Now tell me what is it you see? Is it you, yourself, that you see? Through the entrance of my soul, you see the reflection of yourself. For you and I, we are one, I am you, as you are I. We intermingle; your action causes my reaction; we are at cause of effect to each other. Thus, everything you portray onto me is you reflecting yourself. Look deep within my eyes; see the love in my soul.


This love is I, this love is you, this love is we, this love is One. If I am love then you are love, no matter how dark of a night it may hide in there is still Love. Look deep in my eyes, let my love ignite your love. This love is not the love of having control over a loved one, or the love of earning a new car. This love is to accept everything as it is, free of judgment, to allow one to express them self freely. Remember, “if you love something set it free”. True love is not to build a cage around one another and hold them to our own beliefs and actions, it is to accept everyone for who They truly are, and not who we want them to be. Leave here knowing, we are all One. If we are all One, then we must accept everyone for who they are. If we do not do so then we are only not accepting a part of ourselves. Thus before we can truly love another, we must truly love and accept ourselves. The love and sense of true self-worth is the key to all, but that is another topic. Until next time.



Thank you for sharing this.

E Dawn's picture

Thank you for sharing this.  How odd the only thing I remember last night from my dream was seeing this pair of choclote brown eyes and just staring deeply into them.  :)