Landing of the first star people :)

strongwings's picture

It happened in my dream last night.


first i have seen a second sun shining in the sky .. than i have seen someone landed down on earth by a big parachute (Dont ask why parachute.. i liked it)

i ran over there to see.. an ET star brother was sitting at where he landed, surrounded by wondering people.

i walked fastly to meet him. i stood by him. i said:

are you okay?

 he said :yes

i said * do you need any help?

he said* oh yes


and we people helped him to take his parachute of from his shoulders.

than i shaked his hand hard

than i hugged him hard.

him and i were very emotional.

i whispered* " we have been waiting for this moment too long"




in the morning as soon as i opened my eyes i told to my wife:

Yuuka, star people allready began landing//

and she said* HUH???????????????


Thank you!

Rene Duran's picture

Thank you for sharing your experience so wonderful.