Rough~Hewn Depiction of the Galactics May Not be the Most Useful
ANMilitia site:
I’ve just been listening to Drake’s “vital update”on Blogtalk Radio, which can be found here.–june-16-2012
and reading Cobra’s column on his site, which can be found below this column. If you go to around the 30-minute mark of Drake’s discussion, you’ll hear him discuss the “ET” factor in upcoming events.
The way Drake puts events is that, unless we clean up our act, Gaia will cause catastrophic Earth changes that will flood the world. Meanwhile the ETs will take primarily the bad guys aboard their ships and save those who can be saved and cycle those who can’t be saved through the Sun, at which point they’ll return to primordial nothingness.
No, there will not be a catastrophe that will swamp the Earth. Perhaps three or four of the topmost, most resistant members of the cabal may find themselves sent back to first dimensionality to start again. Everyone else will receive the same care and attention from the unconditionally-loving galactics that we will. Or so I’ve heard.
It’s gratifying to hear “ET” being discussed by Drake but I’m not as sure that such a drastic and dramatic representation of things is going to reassure the mass of the population who know nothing about these scenarios. Drake has a rough-and-ready, down-home manner which some talk-show radio hosts have who position themselves to be the voice of truth.
I appreciate all the good he does, and have no wish to begin an argument. But I’m still not sure that describing things in so inexact and rough a manner is the best way to go about informing others. More like it may scare the heck out of them.
I’ve said it doesn’t work for us to attack each other and I have no intention of attacking anyone. But I would like to urge Drake to consider that “ET,” or the galactics, have gone to lengths to deliver their message to us through very precise and well-considered communications from Sirians like SaLuSa, Arcturians like the Arcturian Group and Suzan Carroll’s informants, various Pleiadian informants, the whole range of galactic communications. They’ve avoided a kind of rough-hewn, down-home version such as Drake is currently offering.
I’m glad to hear the Earth allies putting out the word on the galactics’ role in events at last. Yes, we’re drawing together. But the whistleblowers and insiders need to understand that, just as the War-of-the-World, Independence-Day version that the cabal’s mainstream media puts out will only scare the population and make work for those who’ll later need to quiet people down, so the allies’ version of the truth, if it follows Drake’s lines, will only make work as well. Unfortunately – because I know he means well.
Ah me. Hopefully we’ll pass through this initial period of rendering the story in a John-Wayne kind of manner and give more attention soon to the need to present matters much more carefully and thoughtfully.
I get that the task of inducing the cabal to surrender requires us to be strong and deliberate. But we need to remember that the general populace too is listening. Again, as with so much else, it’s a tightrope walk and calls for a high degree of consciousness.
Here is Cobra’s further article on the subject, which undoes some of the dramatic parts of Drake’s own interview.
Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event
Cobra, 2012 Portal, June 17, 2012
You might want to listen to the latest Drake’s interview, especially from 35 to 42 minute mark:–june-16-2012
Thank you for posting this
Thank you for posting this article to diffuse some of the negative energy attached to Drake's announcement. I listened to his interview live yesterday and felt that there was an excessive amount of information that could be instilling fear into those who are not centered in their hearts at this time. I appreciate Drake and honor him for the role he has taken in these times, so I mean no disrespect to him what so ever. I just truly believe that we can accomplish much more by inspiring people to engage through LOVE rather than terrifying them into action (panic).
Be in LOVE and be in PEACE!
Blessings to you all!
The Good Military? Did you mean like the ones calling themselves The Alliance Military, those of the light, that would do anything to protect innocent civilians in all this mess, but are truely the Federations' JEDI warriors?
Something like that?
Or do you mean what is left of the military here in 3D? Because from what i gather there are three groups:
1) Those that care about and want onboard
2) Those that dont or that think we all are nuts.
3) Those caught in the middle or undecided.
..and Im talking all the way to the top here..not just E1s.
Im out of power and time(getting late) again..will touch more on this.
I know that Drake means well, he is a true patriot, but he is frustrated with the stalling military doing nothing, maybe his military contacts are part of the cabal, and they wanted to make Drake look like a fool, but their plan back fired, Drake has given hope to the awakened, and has awakened the sleepers, He has started a freedom movement that can not be stopped, And with the Galactic Free Press love parties, WE are unstopable, the cabal is finished, love will rule the planet, the light just keeps getting brighter by the day.
This is an importat part of
This is an importat part of what's going on right now. The terms of surrender: