There’ll Be No Flood and No “Noah’s Ark”
Greg Giles has posted a message which predicts “a period in your near future where again your planet will receive rising water levels which again will result in the flooding of some of the populated areas of your world.” He continues:
“We do not wish to alarm and we certainly do not wish to frighten. What we wish to do is inform you. This is one of the main reasons we are here. A great deal of our mission concerns sharing information with you that we feel will assist you greatly on your personal, as well as collective journey, as a team of family, friends and neighbors, and you all are each other’s neighbors no matter how far your home is from one of your brothers or sisters.
“We would like to begin to roll out portions of our plan that will enable millions of your people who choose to trust us and who choose to work with us and who choose to temporarily remove themselves from these areas we consider areas that will receive these rising water levels.
“There will be plenty of time and plenty of room for everyone to board our arks that we will supply you, just as we supplied Noah and the others that followed his lead and trusted that relocating temporarily from their homesteads was the most prudent way to proceed on their journey. We are not asking anything of you that was not asked of Noah and his family, his friends and his followers. What we asked of them back thousands of years of your time ago is what we shall ask of you at this time of your present day.
“We ask you to remain calm, to remain always poised, to remain centered and balanced, to remain within the vibration of love, of peace, of hope, of charity, of mercy, of kindness, of sharing, of forgiveness, and bestow upon your brothers and bestow upon your sisters these wonderful and beautiful and warm aspects of the vibration of love.” (1)
I dearly do not wish to criticize another lightworker, but I can’t avoid saying, to prevent people from going into a fear reaction, that I’m not aware that anything of this sort will happen and I am aware of many statements from credible sources in the Company of Heaven that say it will not.
Let me offer you some of those statements.
SaLuSa: “It is true that the Earth must be cleansed and that physical changes will take place, but they will not be of the scale to destroy large areas. We monitor such changes and we use our technologies to lessen the impact upon you. If you are disturbed by recent happenings, bear in mind that the dark Ones have been behind most occurrences. We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities.” (2)
SaLuSa: “We of the Galactic Federation are closely monitoring activity on Earth, as Mother Earth needs to pursue her own cleansing program. She is very much like you in the sense that she also has to shed that which cannot go through to the higher dimensions. However do not focus on the worse scenario, as you may otherwise be instrumental in bringing it about. All changes will occur with as little harm to you as possible, and we can warn you of where the most danger exists. We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible. There are minor changes occurring on the Earth’s surface all of the time, and these are quite natural and usually present little danger.” (3)
Matthew Ward: “Material purported to be a message from a high light being actually may have been written in government or corporate offices to further their agenda by sprinkling lies amidst familiar spiritual data. In other instances, some receivers, or channels, are unaware that they are reaching base entities that claim to be a well known, respected light source, and they give disinformation that their receivers pass on. Some messages—such as mammoth changes in seas and landmasses will require your evacuation by ETs and when you return to the planet, you’ll have to live underground—are pure nonsense.” (4)
Matthew: “There will be other events with serious impact upon populations. But none, or their sum, will cause billions of deaths nor will entire coastlines be drastically altered by mammoth earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or flooding. As a reminder, the ET technology that is alleviating the impact of these happenings by leveling out their effects is not reducing the degree of negativity released.” (5)
We here at the 2012 Scenario have tried to be as supportive of Greg’s work as we possibly can be, but the posting of messages such as this one promises to excite too much fear and chaos on the planet, needlessly.
It may be said that Greg is not really speaking of an actual Noah’s Ark but the use of such an unfortunate reference and picture (1) gives those who wish to criticize the 2012 movement an easy means of discrediting it and (2) will probably raise specters for many of a major, catastrophic global flood and incite a tremendous amount of anxiety and concern.
I have to say that I question the wisdom of the alleged Galactic-Federation sources who’d use such an image and invite such a discussion. It certainly would not be a move I’d expect from SaLuSa, Matthew, the Arcturian Group, etc.
I don’t think they’d risk planting such unfortunate thoughts in the minds of people. In fact they’ve been careful to avoid such images and discussions and I appreciate the sensitive and circumspect way they present issues to us so as not to arouse fear when no fear needs to be aroused.
Speaking as chief editor, and not necessarily for all the other editors on the site, I have to say with deep regret that I’ve asked that Greg’s channeled messages not be posted to the site until Greg lets go of this line of discussion. It has received no resonant response from any other credible galactic source and promises to produce unfortunate results.
I apologize to readers who don’t agree with this decision. It is one that we as editors have been discussing off and on since this line of discussion began some months ago though the final decision has been mine alone.
My apologies to Greg as well, against whom I have nothing personal. You can read his messages yourself at his site:
(1) Greg Giles, Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/18/12 ‘The Ark of Noah & 2012’, 19 June 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, July 4, 2011, at
(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 18, 2010.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 13, 2011, at
(5) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 17, 2005.
Good decision
I believe this is a very good move on the editors part. I personally have stopped following Greg Giles for this same reason.
I believe this has been as FatherMotherGod has put it, dis-informative.
Again, and I know most of here seem to resonate the same, some arent sure, channelling is an ART, not a science.
Dont think I havent invited the Draco over for dinner a time or two myself.Mostly, though, in the dreamworld, in my head, not thru a message, but I get the point.
It appears CDR Ashtar(Think of him what you will, but I believe the source is intact and legit so far chanelled very well.) also seems to verify this. He says that 'there will be no mass evacuations or sightings, [...] so dont expect it.' Not to say individually we may or may not be ready..for all I know half of us are returning to another space Nation.
Yeah, this one got to me too.Happens to the best of us. Im really ok with it, the message didnt resonate fear with me.
Dont get me wrong, though, after seeing last night's UTAH sighting and the craft here over Long Island last year...I wonder when my time will come...but en mass? No, I dont expect it.
We had relations with those on Alpha Centauri when they were temporarily evacuated, and there were craft standing by for that particular conflict.Was that the right way to handle it? It worked at the time.
But as Greg puts it, you cant force Grandma out of the house during a hurricane if she wont go. You have to hope she'll ride out the storm, and if not..well..she chose her path.
So it is with the CABAL today if you interpreted the DECREE correctly.
As far as SaLuSa(pronounciation??) and the other furry friends go, I can almost sense the tone of the person being channeled thru the text.Yes, thats how space humor is...witty..dry sometimes with a side of cactus. But offensive, no, not in the least.
You have to keep in mind the dark ones use (Psionic??) magic quite a bit to dismay,confuse, instill fear, and disrupt. From what I know of the Draco and others, they are quite cunning,and very powerful so is the CIA,NSA, and the Air Force.
Apologies if you got the wrong message. Love and Peaceful light always.
Dis Info or point of view
So much information is put forth via the internet, remember that the internet was a military invention, so it makes sense that many forms of intel gathering sites: facebook, etc will be used to gather information on the public. How many people are true channels? How many people actually know the truth? The truth is within all of us. 7 billion people all have the truth as they see it from their point of view, from the heart or from the mind? The only way to know the truth is to look within yourself. If you do not agree with what is said - simply do not readt it. Too many people have been caught up in the drama of this great change, did anyone say it was going to be a walk in the park? No, so when your done walking try to see it from the viewpoint of the people posting the info - thay are being of service by sharing the information for if we are all one we know already as a collective, awake or not, we are all one human race with a role to play in this grand experiment called life. Namaste
remember FEAR means false evidence appearing real. We are buying into this will we perish or won;t we, and forgetting we are creating our own reality. I understand where the editor is coming from, how powerful is meditation? we have proved that en masse we can produce wonderful waves of love , healing and light, so turn that on it;s head. If we are focusing on the doom and gloom we get a self fulfilling prophecy. No I am not suggesting we turn a blind eye to what is going on and we need to be vigilant and informed, but what I am saying is come on people, we created this mess as a whole consciousness on this planet and we can fix it as a whole, we just need to be singing from the same music sheet. And re-member we can;t rely on any species from another planet , star system or whatever to "save us" as there are boundaries they can't cross due to our great gift of free will. Blessings to you all. x
Thank you for posting this
Thank you for posting this because for a while recently I also have felt OFF when reading or listening to those messages. I also will not stop reading them but will always try to always use disernment, but for me your posting has been a verification that our 'hearts' do know.
No matter what, we are in this together and some messages align with some people on some days and of course some with other people on other days!
Love to us ALL ;o)
Im not sure what the debate is here? Salusa and Mathew compared to Greg??? The words may be different but what is being said is the same. I enjoy Salusa, kind hearted and motherly choosing the words softly, Greg... tells it in a bit more to the point, matter of fact way... listen to Adonis St.Germaine... you want honesty.. eek.. anyhoo. I have been fighting for truth with integrity for a very long time... Im going to say milleniums of time. If the truth hurts then so be it. If some people perish thats not a bad thing. If there is a flood is some areas like Salusa said, they will warn us... Greg seems to have done just that... warned us already... he need not be removed, its a great OPINION from another and Im enjoying the differences emmensly..
as we are the same so we are different as it is above so below...
Red Flag
I did read this message from Mr. Giles, and i Red Flagged it immediately, I am always grateful to anyone who will give me a ride to a safe place, Please bear in mind that i dont EVER fear, I am always at peace, and in the Love/Light, But another thing that i am NOT, is stupid, I do live from my heart, and sometimes we need to use common sence, In Mr. Giles Message, His channel says that they will take us to safety once we GET ON THEIR SHIPS, and if we dont want to work with them it is ok, but they never disclosed where the safe zone was, its like GET ON OR ELSE, " said the spider to the fly," i actually laughed at this message. I think that Greg Giles means well, and has good intentions, and IS of the light, BUT he is getting messages from a source that doesnt mean well.
It was a metifour. They don't
It was a metifour. They don't want to take us on ships to save us.
As always, discernment is key.....take whatever resonates, discard what doesn't.....I like to see things in a 360 degree perspective and while I get put off by Greg Gile's messages sometimes, that doesn't mean I will readily cast him and his messages out of my universe......if I don't like what someone says, I just move on to the next message/channeling......Namaste
well said!
Exaggeration maybe ?
I think there can be flooding but probably not in very large zones, maybe populated though and needing evacuation.
However, that's true we never had a clue on WHERE would go the evacuees. My guess is on on mother ships but then why not tell us ?
Anyway, my intuition will always be here to tell me if I can rely on someone or not so I don't worry, nor have I felt fear reading this last channeled message.
I still would appreciate an explanation from Greg.
Maybe Greg was right?
URGENT ALERTS: A 2012 doom scenario... or end the dark cabal... Clif High and remote viewers verses insider Drake and Cobra
According to an emergency update by Drake on June 17, the military and miltia and citizens of the planet must get the world elitists, or dark powers that be, to surrender right away to avoid worldwide cataclysim. We need an envirnment which allows ETs to use their technology to heal and fix the planet, but that won't happen while the crooksters are in power.
Drake backs up his views by info from Cobra on June 13. And in his first interview, Cobra confirms the work Drake is doing.
On the othe hand, Clif High with the web bot project puts out an urgent message that remote viewers who have seen coastal flooding occurring before June 2013. Clif also says watching for "mass arrests" per Drake is bogus. In his latest "wujo" session on June 16 he collaberates web bot language with predictions from Courtney Brown's remote viewing experiment.
He says "Now we know" the timing of web bot indicators, combing it with remote veiwers who see a major chaos due to ocean water displacement. Not a tsunami but more like from an asteroid or meteorite impact prior to June 2013. Clif says his data points to February 2013 timeframe or more likely April 2013, and states this is why TBTB are not doing all the can to fix the global economy or the global hazards of Fukushima radiation.
I suppose this could also the reason for the doomsday bunker under Denver International Airport and why governement organizations including NSA and CIA made moves to Colorado and Utah.
Who is right in this controversy?
I as reader of The Galactic Free Press, from my point of view, find discrepancy in some statements.
Nobody is awaken 100% and could fail very awful, as We've seen in recents times.
The Galactic Federation of the Light, would be One who might solve
this situation for the good of humanity.
All my respect to Steve and Greg, but this very important, and must be discerned wisely.
I would like to request to The Galactic Federation of Light to clarify, if They
Channeled information with all those details or not.
Thank you.
My Friend, you donot know
My Friend, you donot know what you ask when you ask for the Galactic Federation of Light to answer this subject.LOL..The GFL is a conglomeration of star systems and beings from all over the creation, all under the command of Ashtar (supposedly). Its like asking the tv to tell YOU what YOU want to watch..LOL.and therein lies the answer! the answer is inside of YOU!. So when you ask them what is the truth in the matter, they then ask you.. well what do YOU want to be the truth?. YOU are the captain of the ship! Now understand, I AM only a friend in the matter and according to your own words, noone is 100% correct .(I beg to differ however)..:)..I say you are 100% correct ALL THE TIME!! the things you see as your setback and downfalls and mistakes ..well you know the rest!..:) I suggest, now only as a less than 100% soul..that you check out SPEAKER1 A'sha Deane. Project Camelot.
Remember, like you have said MY Friend."nobody is awaken 100% and could fail very awful.. '
my question is to you then ..does that include the GFL?..better to fail on your own accord than the TV.
YOUR words are very slippery
YOUR words are very slippery Rene
Who is he that says he is right and has the right perspective??
I for one am quite disappointed. I don't think any one knows at this point how much the sea levels are going to rise and where this will occur.
I listened to Mark Kimmel who channels/communicates with the Andromeda Council who have described a scenario where the West Coast of the USA becomes the South Coast.
My point is is that the situation is in flux and it seems dependant on the people of earth doing certain things and manifesting certaion thoughts.
I have always found Greg Giles communications very informative and to the point, which can be much more beneficial at times than flowerey language.
To censor Greg because you (Steve) feel that he is stoking fears is a bit presumtuous (sp)
I have always liked this site because it didn't censor the truth. Please do not start now.
Unless you are certain without a doubt that he is misguided and in error in his channelings you should reinstate him immediatly.
We (those who come to this site) are lightworkers in search of the truth, not looking for just "hearts and flowers" but true attunement. Sometimes it is hard to be the messanger of difficult news and I applaud him for his courage.
Do not disparage your brother because you don't agree with him. Look into your own heart and see where this is comming from. Blessings and Peace dearest family of light and let us all support each other with truth and grace, compassion and understanding.
Time and again, the
Time and again, the predictions and guesswork of GFR has proved wrong and now this controversy..... Cobra also said in his interview that the channeled messages are distorted and couldn't be trusted. In this situation, it is very diffucult to decide whom to believe. Well, it is like the story of a elephant. One will describe the elephant the way he has seen it. Sure enough, there is no one who could tell 2+3=5 in a definite sense. Still, assumptions and flights of fancy go on and on like spaceships hovering in the sky......Anyway, best luck.
Let the flood come, I won't mind, but not of water, but of love.
how can i trust all of this
how can i trust all of this messages, if stuff like this happens? what credibility can i have on a supposed to be UNIVERSAL-SIZE news? you guys should be more professional... after all you bended the time and space etc.....
Many parts of this msg.
Many parts of this msg. resonate, like honor of free will to make choice. What does not resonate is suggestion that to have the desired change in consciousness we are going to leave, go somewhere else, up there, out there, like It is not here. IMNSHO, out there is and always be here in the now, INside of all, awaiting the choice to open the door that is/has always been withIN us. As long as we stay focused on “heaven” being out there somewhere else, we are supporting the continuation of the Grand Illusion
and prolonging our personal agony. Sorry Greg and sources, until you support the changes as already being within, waiting for US to choose to go there, I AM one who will ride the voyage right her on the good ol’ Mother.
Enjoy the cruise, will see you when you return to finish the work you came here to do. Luv Ya All. Will I am