AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012

Lia's picture

AAM Confirms: The “Containment” Started Last Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 July 2
Posted by Steve Beckow
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI~ Steve through AA Michael is sharing that Micah, One of Our Earth Allies, is not a credible source although from Our Information he is credible and is right on with the information we have been recieving. There is also menation of the evacuations not occurring, although it does not matter as when this time arrives everyone will be well informed of the changes Love The Earth Allies

OK, we’ve finished the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel and it’s historic.


What I’m going to try to do here is to give you as much detail as I can remember; then I will go back into the recording and draw out some additional details.  I’m speaking from memory and it won’t be as satisfactory as quoting AAM so I ask you not to take my own recall as a true and accurate version of what he said, but as breaking news.


Geoff West will offer a special edition of Cosmic Vision News after An Hour with an Angel and give a wrap-up of this incredible day’s news. Both shows can be heard here, starting 5:00 p.m. Pacific time today:




First of all the events which we’ve referred to as the “mass arrests” are underway and started last Monday, June 25, 2012.

Archangel Michael (1) prefers not to refer to them as “mass arrests,” because that wording is not of love, but as “containments” and “removals” so we’ll change our vocabulary starting now.


The containments take several forms. The leading Illuminati are actually being placed in energetic containers that prevent them from doing any harmful actions. They can do benevolent actions, but not anything else. Eventually they’ll be removed, either to a place of trial or else to another placement.


The containments take in negative heads of state, financial leaders, and military brass. No, as we’ve been saying for as long as I can remember, President Obama is not a negative leader but an esteemed lightworker and will at some point be announcing moves towards world peace.


People who continue to buy into the characterizations of President Obama as a darkworker should stop. They are mistaken. Indeed the President will be an integral part of all that is to come, right up to leading his nation into the Golden Age.


Yes, what Cobra calls “Stardust” could be used. AAM called it “Jophi” dust (after Archangel Jophiel) and Tralana dust (after a planet that I’m not familiar with). But there is no need to use it because the energy containers suffice. The dark figures will not be permitted to exit these containers until they have completely reformed their characters.


He suggested that we watch people we regard as top Illuminati figures if we want to see what they look like under restraint.

Eventually “containment” will lead to “removals.”


The new financial changes, he said, are already underway.

He cautioned us to be simply passive but alert observers, and not to take any kind of retributive action.


He said that the Colorado wildfires and the eastern storms were designed to clear negative energy. They were not cabal-induced although they do result from our creation of negativity and are designed to remove it. One Colorado wildfire was started accidentally by a human, as will be discovered eventually.


In regards to rumors, there will be no pole shift or three days of darkness, no matter who is saying so to the contrary. There may be a minor amount of flooding, but there will not be any significant seismic activity followed by coastal flooding. There will be no need to remove significant sections of Earth’s population to Inner Earth or the ships.  He was very emphatic about these statements, repeating one of them three times.


He said that there are no Archons around the Earth and any clones of theirs that existed were neutralized many years ago. Micah’s message is simply not credible.


He said that there have not been negative aliens around the Earth for ten years.


He congratulated us on our restraint and perseverence. He predicted new technology being given to us at an early date. The financial changes being underway will see an equitable distribution of resources and money. He didn’t give a date for when the system would become publicly visible. Neither Linda nor I want to traffic in dates and he recognized Linda’s resistance to him stating a date. But it’s coming.



(1) To those who believe that I’m not speaking with Archangel Michael, I got it. But just understand that I believe I am. To those who think that talk of “energetic containers” and such is fantasy, I can’t help you. Time will demonstrate whether they’re real or not. But perhaps suspend disbelief for the moment or you won’t be able to participate in this most significant of unfoldments as far as these discussions represent “participation.”



Thank You for these clarifications!

inthislifenow's picture

Thank You Steve for this update and also, Thank You for your willingness and your committment to assisting ALL of us by providing these updates. Blessing's to you brother!

Im staying positive

cassandra's picture

I do believe Linda is channeling AAM and ialso believe that the green lig is happen for Drake but maybe not the big fireworks as aspected by us . God is so unsuspenting the angelic kingdom arent show offs.


Guest's picture

Could the containments be made visual as well?  Perhaps holographically?  For those who know what is going on, we would know this is really happening, and what it means.  For those who are asleep it would serve to wake a lot of people.  If the cabal members containments where filled with purple polka dots for example, people would wonder what is going on and ask questions.  They would wonder how it is possible and what it means.  It is quite harmless, but introducing new ideas (idea of "cabal",  and impending arrests),  in a humourous ways.  It would also serve as a lead to disclosure, as people would never have seen such a thing, when they find out where it came from...there would be some proof in front of them.

