Astro Connections Blog December 1 2013
SaLuSa 3.12.2013
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Concluded from Part 1
There’s something related to channeling that I want to mention, because it presents a distorted view of channeling to people who might not believe in its reality after witnessing this play out.
I notice that on various spiritual forums, a lot of people seem hung up on certain aspects of channeling and our evolution in general that don’t perhaps serve us as much as, for example, coming together and repairing this planet or making genuine, unfiltered contact with our guides.
Comet ISON is no longer, but its message stays with us. ISON behaved in a way that even the top NASA scientists couldn’t predict, and showed us that one never really knows what life has in store.
Impossible, magical miracles can and do occur, and people’s worst fears unfold daily around the world. We are truly alive, and live life to the fullest, when we realise that both ends of the spectrum are possible.
Due to its Nov 28 meeting with the Sun, ISON is forever associated with Thanksgiving yet it is also a reminder that thanksgiving and appreciation are two things to feel and focus on every day.
Hi my Friend,
As I connect with you today, I am feeling a great sense of Oneness rising up in the world. How blessed we are to be here now and to experience this journey together.
November was a profoundly transformative month for many. We were guided to dive deeper within ourselves than we have in a very long time.
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be with you today. We honour you for coming in and anchoring the energies of the group, and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will experience this transmission on your internet at a later time.
You have been thoroughly cleansed, wrung out, shifted, bathed, and infused. It has been a time like no other on your planet and you are still standing, still feeling excited to be part of this amazing process. Let us assure you that things are just starting to get very interesting and you are truly starting to move into the changes that you have been waiting for.
By: Lisa Bloomquist, 11/20/2013
Press TV - KA/HGH/SS, 12/01/13
By: Ethan A. Huff, 12/01/2013
The Guardian - 11/28/13, Nafeez Ahmed
Lobbyists for genetically-modified crops are influencing the media, according to French researcher...
euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages:
AlterNet - Alex Kane, 12/02/13
By: Aisha North, 12/03/2013 - 12/02/13, by Carl Gibson and Steve Horn
By:, 12/03/2013
God said:
Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/03/2013
By: Nick Wiltgen, 12/03/2013
December has arrived. And even though the winter season most of us are familiar with, "astronomical" winter, doesn't begin until the winter solstice on Dec. 21, we meteorologists have already started our winter season. Meteorological winter began Dec. 1 and runs through the last day of February.
You are on your own ‘right’ path. Other are on theirs. Neither is right or wrong, it is where you are at this moment. Respect all paths and know that they are chosen for a reason known only to the person walking them. ~ Creator
The Gazette - Dave Philipps, 12/01/13
Source: The Vigilant Citizen - 12/02/13
If there was an award for the less Christmas-y Christmas card in the History of the world, I believe that the 2013 Kardashian Christmas card would take the prize. Shot by elite fashion photographer David Lachapelle, the card is a rather grim and depressing summation of the entertainment world – an industry ruled by a shadowy elite that is turning popular culture into a toxic wasteland populated with vacuous celebs such as the Kardashians.
Reuters - 12/03/13, By Panarat Thepgumpanat
Source: Common Dreams - 12/01/13, by Common Dreams Staff
Clashes erupted in Ukraine's capital of Kiev on Sunday when over 100,000 people defied a government ban on protests and filled Independence Square, furious over the president's refusal to sign an agreement that would lead to EU integration.
GFP Note: We are sharing this for your awareness.
As always, please use your discernment.
And remember this is nothing to fear, ever.
The illusion, along with the cabal, is dissolving.
Love Wins!
Published on Dec 3, 2013
Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.
In this moment, you may not understand all of what you are learning. But, one day very soon, everything will click and all of thoseunintelligible things that seemed so distant will find a home as a part of you. This is the reason The Universe is always teaching and, in turn, learning from you. ~ Creator
We've followed the Sun, the radiant heart of our star system, out of the transformative depths of Scorpio. We're journeying now through the starfields of Sagittarius, where an eternal miracle of joy, blessing, and abundance is about to unfold in the Universe around you -- and within you.
Sagittarius is the part of the sky suffused with the vibrations of abundance, gratitude, generosity, and a deep knowing of the fundamental goodness of life. No surprise that it's home to two of the most sacred spots in the Cosmos-- the source energy of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and the fathlomless mysteries of the Great Attractor, which we are moving towards faster and faster.
Natural Society, By; Christina Sarich, 12/02/2013
[This NEW MOON is at 11-degrees Sag - a Master #. In addition, there is a supportive, harmonious TRINE [120-degrees} between the NEW MOON & URANUS aka Mr. Independence, Mr. Freedom, Mr. Wrecking-ball but also called The Great Awakener at its highest octave. The 90-degree SQUARE to CHIRON, The Wounded Healer, is a bit more rugged but represents helpful, intense RELEASE ENERGY of old wounds and pain. Good stuff! :) ~ES]
Artist Phil Hansen uses unique media (his torso, x-rays, a tricycle...) to create his version of meta-art, videos that document the creation process -- showing that art is action, not just result.
Dear friends, we meet you today in a period of integration and consolidation for you, a time for you to assimilate what you have gained thus far on your journeys. This will not be of great duration, and some of you may wish that it would last longer than it will. But there is still a long way to travel, even for the marvelous beings you are and continue to become.
Most of what we speak of now is still somewhat beyond your understanding. Still, we know that many of you are beginning to get the beginnings of such. You are seeing more of the light, more of who you are, more of where you are going.
Reality or Fantasy ?!
As always, your choice. After thousands of years of illusion and fantasy, the Truth is finally available to everybody. Now you can choose to ignore it and keep the illusion, that have kept Humanity in Fear Pain and Suffering for 13,000 years , going on, or you can start BEing Truth=Love, Living it every moment.
If You would Like to Join Your Earth Allies, This Room is Open on a 24 hour basis Link to the 5D Room Here :
If someone were to ask me how I am lately, I would have to say; “Unhinged”. Like an old barn door flapping in the wind, the hinges rusty and worn from trying to hold it together, I have finally let go. I had to let go in order to be present.
22 earthquakes
2.9 73km SW of Homer, Alaska 2013-12-02 13:49:48 UTC-05:00 34.7 km
4.5 31km WNW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina 2013-12-02 09:53:32 UTC-05:00 193.3 km
4.9 Easter Island region 2013-12-02 09:45:29 UTC-05:00 14.7 km
4.9 19km NNE of Nila Dua, Indonesia 2013-12-02 08:25:19 UTC-05:00 198.5 km
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I’m sure it’s become clear that I’ve been experiencing a potent transformation lately, and I imagine the same can be said for many of you. I think that we’re each experiencing a unique personal transformation, and that we might surprise ourselves with the direction we choose to take and the things we choose to orient our focus toward from here on out.
It’s been said that change is inevitable, and change can be a good thing if we embrace it while keeping our roots and “origins” if you will, in mind.
Author: Karen Doonan |
I love, honor, accept, respect and approve of you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world, or the way you feel that is right for you. It is important that you are the person you choose and desire to be and not someone that I or others think you should be.
I realize that I cannot know what is best for you though perhaps sometimes I think I do. I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle that you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, who you have chosen to learn it with or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need?
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I’m sure it’s become clear that I’ve been experiencing a potent transformation lately, and I imagine the same can be said for many of you. I think that we’re each experiencing a unique personal transformation, and that we might surprise ourselves with the direction we choose to take and the things we choose to orient our focus toward from here on out.
It’s been said that change is inevitable, and change can be a good thing if we embrace it while keeping our roots and “origins” if you will, in mind.
Author: Karen Doonan |
By: Dr. Mercola, 12/01/2013
By:, 12/01/2013
By:, 11/30/2013
An environmental committee at Massachusetts Statehouse has approved a bill, imposing a 10-year ban on fracking for natural gas. The move comes as a wave of earthquakes in Texas has raised new concerns over the controversial drilling technique.